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National Education Philosophy

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To What Extent Guidance And

Counselling Assist In Realizing

National Education Philosophy
Presented by: Irene Tiong, Liau Toh Tieh, Phoebe Hon, Young Poh Ping
National Philosophy of Education
National Philosophy of Education which in Malay called Falsafah Pendidikan
Kebangsaan (FPK) combines the goals, policies and educational practices to
form a consistent, clear and logical entity.
The National Philosophy of Education (NPE) acts as a guide for all
educational activities in Malaysia. It sets the values and principles of the
Malaysian education system from the primary to the tertiary level.
Aims of National Philosophy of Education
To produce individuals who are knowledgeable and full of integrity who will
contribute as responsible citizens.
To rationally clarify the current educational practices as well as facilitate the
actions and trends of education in the future.
National Philosophy of Education
The essence of FPK is as follows:

Education in Malaysia is an on-going effort towards further developing the

potential of an individuals in a holistic and integrated manner, so as to produce
individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically
balanced and harmonic, based on the firm believed in and devotion to God.
Such an effort is designed to produce Malaysian citizens who are
knowledgeable and competent, who possess high moral standards and who are
responsible and capable of achieving a high level of personal well-being as well
as being able to contribute to the harmony and betterment of the family, the
society and nation at large
Education is an on-going effort
Education is a process of acquiring and transferring of
knowledge, skills and noble values.
The acquisition and transfer processes are on-going starting
Education is an on-
from early age till death.
going effort Early education is important in order to shape the personality of
young children from the are of 1 to 6 years.
Upon completion of schooling years, the individual continues to
enhance his knowledge, skills, character.
Continuous education will assist the individual to adapt to
various types of changes.
Development of individual potentials

Every individual has been blessed by God

with hidden talents, potentials and
Development of
individual Talents, potentials and ability should be
potentials tapped, nurtured, developed and
enhanced through social interaction with
others and the environment.
Education should offer individual
opportunities to develop their
Holistic and integrated development of the
Holistic and
integrated Enhancements and development should preferably encompass
four aspects, namely intellectual, spiritual, emotional and
development of the
Intellectual & spiritual element
Matured and stable emotions.
Intellectual element Possess and nurtures love.
A feeling of togetherness/unity.

Be aware of the importance of good health.

Physical element Develop technical, manipulative and social talents and skills.
Uses physical fitness skills for the benefit of society.
Emotional & physical element
Possesses three basic skills (3R) Reading, Writing and
Emotional element Arithmetic.
Always strives to acquire and develop true knowledge.
Possess creative, critical and reflective thinking skills.
Willing to share knowledge with others and the environment.

Thankful for Gods gifts.

Spiritual element Possess good character and upholds moral values.
Overview of learning disability
Approximately 4 million children and teenagers have a learning difficulty.
Learning difficulties, which are neurological challenges, affect the way the brain receives,
processes, stores, and analyzes information.
Because a learning difficulty often affects an individual's ability to develop reading, writing, and
math skills, a learning difficulty is typically recognized and diagnosed while an individual is in
Overview of learning disability
Learning difficulties indicate an individual's need for alternative learning methods.
They are not indicative of intelligence level and are not the same as intellectual
difficulties learning challenges that result from sensory handicaps or developmental
Counselling practices for
Learning Difficulties

Academic Occupational
Therapy Therapy
Therapy and Support for Learning Difficulties
An individual diagnosed with a learning disability may find the diagnosis difficult to cope
Parents may worry that a learning disability will prevent their child from succeeding in
school, but this is not necessarily the case.
Teachers, mental health professionals, and specialized professionals such as counsellors are
frequently able to work with students who have a learning difficulty or other academic
Roles of counsellors in collaboration with teachers

Identify particular areas of difficulty

Develop specialized learning plans and strategies, such as an IEP (individualized education
program), in order to adjust learning and education strategies to best fit that student's
strengths and accommodate for areas of weakness.
When a child's needs cannot be adequately addressed in the original
classroom, a child may be placed in a different classroomfor all or
part of the school dayto receive specialized instruction.
Coping with the challenges of a learning issue can be difficult.
Children may experience anger, frustration, anxiety, or stress as a result of the difficulty.
They may become frustrated when they receive low test scores; experience anger and
stress when it is difficult to understand an assignment, or become anxious at the
beginning of each new school year.
These emotional issues can often compound the issue and may worsen it, but speaking
about these and other emotional concerns to a counsellor or therapist can be helpful.
A therapist can also help individuals understand that although learning disabilities are
lifelong, many methods of help and support are available.
A child can also learn effective coping mechanisms to manage the difficulty and any
resulting emotional issues.
Occupational therapy can be helpful to children who experience difficulty with motor
skills, while educational therapists work with school-aged individuals to improve skills in
reading, writing, and math.

Speech therapists work with children who have language-based or reading comprehension
issues and can help them improve their ability to understand and communicate in social
Solution-focused counselling may be appropriate for older children and teens who are
aware of their difficulties

To support youth as they address a difficulty and help them determine what might be
working for them and what could be improved upon.

Children and adults may also do well in therapy groups or support groups, and play therapy
can help young children learn interaction skills, which may occasionally be lacking in the
presence of a learning difficulty.
Counselling can also be helpful when those with a learning difficulty feel shy, anxious, or
otherwise find it challenging to express themselves to others.

Because emotional distress can occur as a result, talking through these anxieties in
therapy may prove beneficial.
Case Example (Dyslexia in year three pupil):

Farook, 8, is brought to a counsellor who focuses on children who have

dyslexia. Diagnosed with the condition the year before, he is
currently having trouble keeping up in class. His teacher has reported
that he is not achieving at the same level as his classmates and that he
may need to be held back a year. His parents are worried his learning
difficulty might negatively affect his entire life and prevent opportunities
he might otherwise have access to.
The counsellor tells Farook's parents there are many different
techniques that can help children with dyslexia to achieve in the
classroom, and they begin to work together to identify what will work
best for Farook.
The counsellor also refers Farook and his parents to a support group
for parents of children with dyslexia. Meeting with other parents and
hearing how their children cope with the challenges of dyslexia help
Farook's parents gain more confidence about his future.

After a few meetings with the counsellor, Farook finds it less

challenging to keep up in the classroom, and his teacher also reports
Why do emotions and feeling important in counselling?

Fuel and motivate human behaviour

dont know what we are feeling and do know what it is we are feeling
simply act out the behaviour

may not be prepared for the can behave and act consciously,

IF we choosing behaviour that is consistent with how we feel and that will obtain
the outcomes we want.
If we know and understand our emotions, we get to know ourselves
much more deeply, which means we can better care for ourselves.

We can act in ways that are more

beneficial to us and become more able to
lead purposeful and positive lives in tune
with who we really are.
How talking about feelings in counselling helps?
Safe and free from judgment and blame.
Someone completely outside your life and outside any of
the situations which cause you pain.
Dont know your friends or your family and dont have
opinions about how you should be living your life.
Have experience dealing with many different problems
and are unlikely to be shocked by whatever you bring to
the sessions
Skilled and trained to listen with empathy and acceptance.
While a counsellor listens to how you feel, they also inquire further about how you feel more
deeply inside, in order to discover the underlying emotions.

Emotions are the closest indicators of what is really going on for you. They are key sources of
information about a persons well-being.

In addition, a counsellor's own feelings and emotions within counselling sessions inform them
on what is really going on for you and on how others may or may not respond to you.

This internal and external listening, responding and processing enables the counsellor to work
with you so that you gain the most from therapy
Sprirituality and counselling
"Just being sensitive to a possible role of religion in a client's life can
broaden your evaluation and provide different solutions,
Hathaway, W. (2004)
Takes into account cognitive and philosophic areas of thought as well as aspects
of emotions and behavior.
Some might describe spirituality as the attempt to understand one's nature.
Spirituality is also linked to one's path to internal awareness and happiness
Many cultures and belief systems hold that one's spirit is the essence of one's existence
Spirituality may also describe as the connection to each other and to themselves.
In therapy, a person's beliefs may cause
Sprirituality unnecessary distress or contradictions between
in counselling personal values or goals.
The therapist may put forth the effort to assist the
individual in the process of clarifying what is essential
for that individual to achieve optimal well-being.
An ethical therapist will not attempt to push personal
beliefs on a person in therapy or otherwise attempt to
change that individual's spiritual or religious beliefs.
This does not involve any particular teaching on the part of
Sprirituality the therapist, but rather, encouragement to inquire into
in counselling the individual's nature, conscious mind, unconscious mind,
A person's choices and the consequences of those choices
might also be discussed, and a therapist may ask people in
therapy who have expressed religious or spiritual
beliefs how those beliefs impact choices they have made
and what they believe a higher power might want from
Spirituality as a Coping Mechanism

Spiritual practices may offer social and emotional

support, help people purpose in life, provide comfort in
times of grief, and provide ethical and moral guidelines.
Individuals who gain strength from their spiritual faith
may find it difficult to achieve progress and healing in
therapy when unable to address and incorporate all
dimensions of who they are.
Spirituality as a Coping Mechanism
This type of therapy may also involve communing with nature, meditation, music, and other non-

traditional therapeutic practices, all of which may be employed in an effort to connect the body and

mind with the soul and explore the deepest part of one's self.

While spirituality is often categorized with religion, one's spirituality may have nothing to do with

religion but be simply an awareness of the universe and one's connection to it.

Often, individuals who describe themselves as spiritual state their desire to attain a feeling of

harmony with the universe and pursue spiritual therapy in an effort to achieve this goal.
Buczynski, R. (n.d.). Does Spirituality Belong in Therapy? Retrieved from

Habsah, I., & Aminuddin, H. (2009). Holistic education in Malaysia. European Journal of Social
Sciences, 9(2),231-236. Retrieved from http://www.eurojournals.com

Keow, C. (2008). Philosophy and education in Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur: Kumpulan Budiman
Sdn Bhd.

Lewy, A. (1977). Handbook of curriculum evaluation. United States: Unesco

Richards, P.S., & Bergin, A.E. (Eds.). (2003). Casebook for a spiritual strategy in counselling and
psychotherapy. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

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