CSCE455/855 Distributed Operating Systems: Dr. Ying Lu

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CSCE455/855 Distributed Operating Systems


Dr. Ying Lu
CSCE455/855 Distributed Operating Systems

Giving credit where credit is due:

Most of the lecture notes are from the textbook
companion website
Some of the lecture notes are based on slides
created by Dr. Zahorjan at Univ. of Washington
and Dr. Konev at Univ. of Liverpool
I have modified them and added new slides
What is an Operating System?

The text:
an intermediary between the user of a computer
and the computer hardware
manages the computer hardware
an amazing aspect of operating systems is how
varied they are in accomplishing these tasks
mainframe operating systems personal
computer operating systems operating systems
for handheld computers
What is an Operating System?

An operating system (OS) is:

a software layer to abstract away and manage details
of hardware resources
a set of utilities to simplify application development



Course Aims
Provide an understanding of the technical
issues involved in the design of modern
distributed (operating) systems

Appreciate the main principles underlying

distributed systems: processes,
communication, naming, synchronization,
replication and consistency, fault tolerance,
and security
What is a distributed system?
What are the design goals?
What is distribution transparency?
Transparency in a Distributed System
Openness in Distributed Systems

An open distributed system

Offers services according to standard rules that describe
syntax and semantics of the services
Can interact with services from other open systems,
irrespective of the underlying environment

In computer networks, standard rules govern the format,
contents and meaning of messages sent and received
In distributed systems, services are specified through
interface description language (IDL)
So, what is Scalability?
How to make a system scale?
Centralized Solutions: Obstacles for
Achieving Size Scalability

Concept Example

Centralized services A single server for all users

Centralized data A single on-line telephone book

Centralized Doing routing based on complete
algorithms information

Examples of scalability limitations.

Characteristics of Decentralized

No machine has complete information about the system state

Machines make decisions based only on local information

Failure of one machine does not ruin the algorithm

Three is no implicit assumption that a global clock exists

Internet/World Wide Web
Cloud Computing

A cloud is an elastic
execution environment
of resources providing a
metered service at
multiple granularities.

On-demand resource
allocation: add and
subtract processors,
memory, storage.
Amazon Web Services

Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

Rent computing resources by the hour
Basic unit of accounting = instance-hour
Additional costs for bandwidth
Simple Storage Service (S3)
Persistent storage
Charge by the GB/month
Additional costs for bandwidth
Youll be using EC2 for a programming assignment!
What are ACID properties? What
do A, C, I, and D represent?
1.4 Internet

intranet %


satellite link

desktop computer:
network link:

Instructors Guide for Coulouris, Dollimore, Kindberg and Blair, Distributed Systems: Concepts
and Design Edn. 5
Pearson Education 2012
1.4.1 World-Wide-Web

1.4.2 Web Servers and Web

Web servers Internet

File system of Protocols


Instructors Guide for Coulouris, Dollimore, Kindberg and Blair, Distributed Systems: Concepts
and Design Edn. 5
Pearson Education 2012

To build our class roster

Send our TA Weiyue Xu (weiyue AT
an email with subject CSCE455/855 roster, your
photo (<2MB) and your name by this Saturday

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