Corporate Governance: Germany, Japan & US Corporations
Corporate Governance: Germany, Japan & US Corporations
Corporate Governance: Germany, Japan & US Corporations
The management board is made up of five
to fifteen full-time employees of the
company and is responsible for the
operations of the company.
The management board is appointed by
the supervisory board and reports to it
It shall govern the work of the
Management Board
Involves in the allocation of duties among
individual Management Board members,
Tasks and Responsibilities of
management board
The Management Board is responsible for
independently managing the enterprise by taking
into account the interests of the shareholders, its
employees and other stakeholders
It develops the enterprise's strategy, coordinates
it with the Supervisory Board and ensures its
It ensures that all provisions of law and the
enterprises internal policies are abided by and
works to achieve their compliance by group
companies (compliance).
It ensures appropriate risk management and risk
controlling in the enterprise.
Supervisory Board (Aufsichtsrat)
The supervisory board consists of from nine to
twenty two members
The Supervisory Board has to be composed in
such a way that its members as a group possess
the knowledge, ability and expert experience
required to properly complete its tasks
In its election recommendations to the General
Meeting, the Supervisory Board shall disclose the
personal and business relations of each individual
candidate with the enterprise, the executive
bodies of the company and with a shareholder
holding a material interest in the company.
Tasks and Responsibilities of
supervisory board
The task of the Supervisory Board is to advise
regularly and supervise the Management Board in the
management of the enterprise. It must be involved in
decisions of fundamental importance to the
It appoints and dismisses the members of the
Management Board.
For first time appointments the maximum possible
appointment period of five years should not be the
rule and an age limit for members of the Management
Board shall be specified.
The Supervisory Board shall issue Terms of Reference.
To the extent provided for in the Articles of Association
the shareholders exercise their rights before or during
at the General Meeting and, in this respect, vote.
In principle, each share carries one vote. There are no
shares with multiple voting rights, preferential voting
rights (golden shares) or maximum voting rights.
Rights of shareholders
Participation in Annual General meeting
Dcisions regarding supervisory board members,
selection of the auditors and use of the annual profit
Stockholders > 5% can set up topics during the general
General meeting and shareholders
A large company is to
- do away with corporate auditors
- instead establish the three committees for
nomination, compensation and audit, each
consisting of three directors and more with the
majority being outside persons
- introduce the new office of executing
officers separate from the board,
responsible for the execution of business
operations, distinguishing control and
But in practice
Only a limited number of companies have
shifted to the new system: 1.2 %
Under the conventional auditor system
more companies introducing a new non-
statutory corporate officers post,
- delegating some execution power to
such officers,
- slashing the number of directors
A third, mixed type with no statutory base
seems gaining force
Duo Core System
Insider Type Corporate Governance
Based on a long-term relation and mutual reliance.
Not taking opportunity principle mutually.
The bearer of corporate governance is limited.
Monitoring is taken on by a main bank.
Insufficient disclosure.
Stable management and stable employment.
Retrenchment of monitoring cost.
Internalize adjustment cost
Uncertain management system.
The system becomes invalid when the management is
Open Type Corporate
Governance System
Based on law, contracts, and self-responsibility.
A lot of bearers of corporate governance.
Various kinds of monitors.
Assuming the existence of the market, with free entry
and free withdrawal.
Sufficient disclosure.
Price mechanism works
Incentive mechanism works for managers.
Easy to promote business restructuring.
Burgeoning monitoring cost.
Generate free riders of monitoring.
Promote rent-seeking activities.
Insider type governance
does not work well in
With the recent Japan?
1) Indirect finance to direct finance by financial deregulation
deregulation of Japanese financial markets,
. Many large firms have replaced bank loans with direct borrowing
from capital markets, such as bonds and commercial paper.
Diversifying the means of financing weaken the function of main
banks. In this case, it is thought that not an insider type, but open
type governance comes to function.
2) Dynamics have changed between main bank and firm
High net worth Japanese firms appear to have freed themselves
from the corporate governance of banks.
Banks are becoming less powerful in corporate governance
matters in many firms, and at the same time are growing more
interested in high share values.
The ability of the Japanese CGS to use bank monitoring to reduce
the agency costs of debt have fallen and can be expected to
continue falling.
The Downsides of Keiretsu
The limited competition within the keiretsu may lead to an
inefficient company because a keiretsu company knows they
can easily access capital.
This could potentially allow a company to take on too much
debt and lead it into taking on overly risky strategies.
Information is shared among customers, suppliers and
employees leading to quicker investment decisions and
suppliers, employees and customers know the purposes and
goals of investments.
Keiretsu can't adjust to market changes quick enough.
The economic crisis in Japan forced companies to compete
for price and quality by using market-based systems instead
of keiretsu relational arrangements
Major horizontal banks' reported losses. Japanese companies
were forced to seek financing outside the keiretsu by
borrowing from thebondandcommercial papermarkets.
Comparison of governance
system in Germany & Japan
Similarities among CGS of
Germany and Japan
Corporate ownership is typically concentrated among
strategically oriented banks and other industrial firms,
rather than fragmented among individuals and
financially oriented institutional investors.
The market for corporate control is largely non-existent
Banks play the central external governance role in time
of financial distress
Employees exercise voice within corporate governance
through legal rights to codetermination in Germany or
extensive use of joint labor-management consultation in
Japan resulting in long employment tenures, infrequent
use of lay-offs and high investment
Internal promotions of top managers
Managerial compensation is much closer to that of
average employees schemes and lack strong
Germany Japan
Role of law
The two-tier board system The informal arrangements of
reflects strong legal intervention employee
to promote effective checks and Participation as well as the lack
balances between management of separation between
and shareholder monitoring and management
Constitutional model functions
Strong governance role Community model
Collective bargaining takes Ineffective governance role
place at a sectoral level between Unions are organized around
industrial union and employers enterprise,
associations. Rather than industry or
More focused on development occupational lines
of social skills than business coordination across
related knowledge Firms takes place on the basis
Germany Japan
Ownership Dispersed
Ownership Individual
Identity Pension and
mutual funds
Changes in Frequent
Goals of Share holder
Ownership value
Short term profits
Board Executives