Human Life Stages-2012
Human Life Stages-2012
Human Life Stages-2012
increase in size
changes in the mass of body tissue
taller and heavier
Sex differences:
factor Economic culture
Middle childhood:
- 2.5 years - 6 or 7 years
- the permanent teeth begin to appear
- face reduced, plump cheeks, nose looks short and wide
- trunk cylindrical shape, protruding abdomen and a rounded
- no bone or muscle protruding
Late childhood
- 7 years - early puberty (11 - female, 12 - male)
- crisis rapid linear growth
- legs -> skinny
- head size added a small
- bone structure of face -- clearly
- waist and sexual dimorphic began to clear
- The period of transition and critical
- Divided into 2: pre- puberty and puberty
Growth of height and weight
- Follow the generalist type
- Weight -- slowly at an early age and increase in age circum-puberty
- Height -- rapid at an early
Precocity female
Period during the circum-puberty,
where growth (height and weight) of female is greater than male
associated with the timing of puberty (female -- early 1-2 years)
Fig. 2. Distance for height and weight of children from birth to 19 years of age.
Fig.3. Typical individual velocity curves for height and weight in boys and girls
Fig. 4. Distance curves for sitting height , leg length, biacromial and bicristal
breadth in American children 2 to 18 years of age
Fig. 5. Distance curves for arm, calf, and head circumference in a mixed-
longitudinal sample of children from birth to 18 years of age
Fig. 6. Sitting height/stature and bicristal/biacromial ratios of American children
- Classification:
*Middle age: 40 65 years
*Old age : 65 75 years
*very old age : 75 85 years
*Oldest old age : over 85 year
Cause unknown (genetic) muscle regeneration and connective tissue
- To be influenced by environment (health, psychological, etc)
- On the face: missing teeth and jaws wear, creases on the tail of the eye,
fat under the skin thinning, gray hair, balding, hair loss,
blurry eyes
- In general: the body starts to bend, skin wrinkling and air-
spots, the skin above the muscle maneuverable,
ectomorph more skinny, endomorph more skinny / fat
- Forgetfulness, concentration, sexuality, and adaptation decreases
- Life ends -- died - slow process, not instantaneous.
Age dead of females --> higher than males
At least people died at the age of 11-12 years
Developed countries over 75 years
Underdeveloped countries less 60 years
Pithecanthropus -- 20 years
Neanderthals -- 30 years
Eveleth PB. And Tanner JM. 1990. World variation in human growth.
Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.