Making Money
Making Money
Making Money
lesson two
making money
presentation slides
the career planning process
1. What activities have helped you expand your interests, abilities, and knowledge?
6. What are your weaknesses? What have you done to overcome your weaknesses?
Benefits cost your employer, on average, an extra 33% 50% of your pay.
These may include:
Federal Insurance Compensation Act (FICA), the official name for Social Security and Medicare taxes.
The Social Security tax rate is 6.2% on your gross income, but the amount is limited and you stop paying the tax after you reach a
certain income. This limit, known as the Social Security Wage Base, changes each year as economic conditions change.
Currently, the Medicare tax rate is 1.45% on all wages earned with no limit.
Your employer must also pay a separate 6.2% Social Security tax on your behalf and the 1.45% Medicare tax.
When you sign up for one of these plans, your savings contribution is automatically deducted
your paycheck before your taxes are calculated, which allows you substantial tax savings and will
show up as a line item on your pay stub reflecting an adjustment to your taxable income.
Net pay
Your net payoften called your take home payis the remaining amount you get to keep after
all deductions are removed from your gross (or total) pay.