3 Gravity Correction
3 Gravity Correction
3 Gravity Correction
3- Bouguer correction.
1- It is account for attraction of materials between the stations and the datum plane.
2- We have to consider that the stations are located on a plateau of horizontal extent
has uniform thickness and density.
3- B.C. is calculated by
B.C. = 0.04191 ph mgal
4- B.C is applied in the opposite sense to F.A.C. , it is subtracted when the stations
Are above the datum and vice versa.
Also notice that to apply the Bouguer Slab correction we need to know the
elevations of all of the observation points and the density of the slab used to
approximate the excess mass. In choosing a density, use an average density for
the rocks in the survey area. For a density of 2.67 gm=cm3, the Bouguer Slab
Correction is about 0:11 mgals=m.
2 3 7
1 6 8
5 9 10 Datum
Like Bouguer Slab Corrections, when computing Terrain Corrections we need to
assume an average density for the rocks exposed by the surrounding topography.
Usually, the same density is used for the Bouguer and the Terrain Corrections. Thus
far, it appears as though applying Terrain Corrections may be no more difficult than
applying the Bouguer Slab Corrections. Unfortunately, this is not the case.
5- Latitude correction.
1- It is caused by both rotation of the earth and its slight equatorial bulge.
2- It is calculated by:
L.C.= 0.812 Sin 2 mgal/km.
Bouguer gravity.
It is observed gravity after corrections.
B.G g B gobs g F g B gT g L
Some time free air anomaly is calculated:
g F g obs g F
Bouguer anomaly can be obtained by:
g B g B gtheori.