Health 9 Community and Environmental Health
Health 9 Community and Environmental Health
Health 9 Community and Environmental Health
environmental health
A healthy community reflects
a sense of well being. It is the
foundation for achieving all
other goals and is essential for
a productive society.
Thus, it also helps in building
our countrys economy and
in equipping our students to
be healthier in order to learn
and succeed academically.
Activity 1:
List down the different
characteristics of your
ideal/dream and existing
community in the diagram. In
the space where the two circles
meet, write their similar
Dream community existing
1. Why is your community not an ideal
one? Explain.
An environment that
meets everyones basic
An environment that
promotes social harmony
An understanding of local
health and environment
A community that
participates in identifying
local solutions to local
A community whose
members have access to
varied experiences, means
of interaction and
Accessible and appropriate
health services and facilities
Health Physician
Health worker
Dietary Nutritionist
Barangay Nutrition
Barangay Health
Barangay Tanod
1. Who among the community health
team are not present in your
2. What will you do about their
3. How will you convince the members
of your community to take part in
community health services?
Activity 8. Miting
de Avance
(Group Activity)
Portray a scenario that usually
happens during an election
period. The scene is like a big
campaign event before an
election. Divide the class into 5
teams composing of 8
Each team will focus their campaign on
the preservation, promotion and
protection of community and
environmental health. Use a placard to
express your intention. Provide as
many placards as you can. Be creative.
Present your platforms to the class and
prepare for an Open Forum.
Rubrics: Relevance of the
Message 1234
Creativity 1234
Delivery 1234
Crowd Control 1 2 3 4
Activity 9.
If you were given a chance to
become Mother Earth for a day,
and you were asked to give a
30-minute talk to address your
sentiments to the people, what
would be the content of your
1. What are the problems of
Mother Earth?
2. How can Mother Earth address
her sentiments to the people?
3. How can she regain strength to
reshape her condition amidst the
threats she is suffering nowadays?
Different perennial problems happen to
the different regions of the country. They
vary according to factors like: economy,
politics, geography, culture and social
context. There are places which experience
community health problems like:
water-borne and communicable diseases
armed conflicts
natural disasters
highly urbanized zones
overpopulated areas
In this regard, the government has
created an office which would be in
charge of planning and implementing
rules and regulations to address the
above mentioned community health
problems. One of its programs is Solid
Waste Management Program that
helps lessen the amount of refuse in
our country. Lets take a deeper look at
its focus of concern.
Refuse are the dump,
food waste or discarded
Refuse Materials by kind, composition
and sources
serving of food, market wastes, wastes restaurants,
from handling, storage and sale of stores,
produce markets
Sewage treatment residue Solids from coarse screening Sewage treatment plants,
and from grit chambers; septic tanks
septic-tank sludge
Garbage refers to leftover
vegetables, animal, fish and other
food materials from the kitchen and
Rubbish are waste materials such
as bottles, broken glass, tin cans,
waste papers, discarded porcelain
wares, pieces of metal and other
wrapping materials.
Dead animals are lifeless
dogs, cats, rats, pigs, chicken
and other animals which die
from diseases or accidents.
Stable Manure includes
animal wastes from barns,
stables or the like.
Street Night soil consists of
human waste, normally wrapped
and thrown into sidewalks and
streets. It also includes human
waste from the pail system.
Yard Cuttings are those leaves,
branches, grass, and other similar
materials made during cleaning of
gardens and typhoon aftermaths.
Waste Disposal is the proper disposal of a
discarded or discharged material in accordance
with local environmental guidelines or laws.
Solid Waste Management refers to the
discipline associated with the:
control of generation
storage collection
transfer and transport
disposal of solid waste
The preceding definition of solid waste
states in accordance with the best
principles of:
public health
public attitude
According to RA No. 9003, there
are many ways to do Solid
Waste Management. A highly
recommended formula is to
adopt the 3Rs of Ecological
Waste Management: REDUCE,
In addition, let us refrain from doing
what has been prohibited under the
law. These include:
Littering, throwing, dumping of waste
materials in public places like roads,
sidewalks, canals, esteros, parks and
Open burning of solid waste;
Allowing the collection of non-
segregated or unsorted waste;
Squatting in open dumps and
Open dumping or burying of
biodegradable and non-
biodegradable materials in flood-
prone areas;
Unauthorized removal of
recyclable materials intended for
collection by authorized persons;
Mixing of source-separated
recyclable materials with other
solid wastes in any vehicle, box,
container or receptacle used in
solid waste collection or disposal;
Manufacture, distribution or use
of non-environmentally acceptable
packaging materials;
Establishment or operation
of open dumps; and
Importation of consumer
products packaged in non-
environmentally acceptable
A clean and safe environment is important
in achieving a healthy community.
Protecting the health of a community
involves protecting the environment from
health hazards. It is more costly for a
community to treat rather than prevent
disease. Children must be taught how
pollution affects peoples lives. You can
reach out to younger generations and help
them to be aware of the proper disposal of
waste to prevent pollution.
Natural Resources and Biodiversity
explain why the Philippines is a rich
country. Putting our home into the
rare list of nations which have both
a hotspot and mega diversity area
for over 6000 plant species and also
numerous animal species inhabited
this area.
However, despiteor perhaps
because of their richness and
massive importance to the
environment and humans as
well, the forests face continuing
destruction and possible
DEFORESTATION is the destruction of big areas of forests.
Losing our ForestsFAST
Source: FAO-FRA. (2010)
The Philippines is among the countries
with the fastest loss of forest cover around
the world.