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Incisive Enterprise Simulation Training

Yu Peng


June 21, 2011

Course Objective
To simulate your Verilog design using an Incisive simulator

Module 1: Fundamentals:
Briefly describe Incisive simulation
Set up your environment for Incisive simulation

Compile, elaborate, and simulate your design and testbench

Debug your design with the textual

Module 2: Advanced Topics:

Debug your design with the graphical interfaces
Utilize additional simulation-related utilities
Annotate SDF timing data to the HDL portions of your design

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 2

Course Prerequisites
What you need to already have:
A basic understanding of the design verification purpose and methods

A basic fluency in Verilog

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 3

Day 1 Day 2
Incisive simulation overview Debugging with the graphical interface

Setting up the simulation environment Introduction to simulator utilities

Compiling your design Optional topics:

Elaborating your design Annotating SDF timing

Simulating your design

Debugging with the textual interface

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 4

Getting Additional Help
Following slides suggest some sources for additional help with:
The Verilog language

The SystemVerilog language

The Cadence simulator

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 5

Getting Help with the Verilog Language
IEEE Std. 1364-2005 http://www.ieee.org
Advocacy group
Accellera http://www.accellera.org
EDA.org http://www.eda.org

News group
Verilog Publications
Donald E. Thomas and Philip Moorby. The Verilog Hardware Description
Language. Springer (http://www.springer.com), 2009.
Cadence Documentation
Verilog-XL Reference (http://sourcelink.cadence.com)

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation Training 6

Getting Help with the SystemVerilog Language
IEEE Std. 1800-2007 http://www.ieee.org
Advocacy group
Accellera http://www.accellera.org
EDA.org http://www.eda.org

News group
SystemVerilog Publications
Bergeron, J., Cerny, E. (et al.), Verification Methodology Manual for
SystemVerilog. Springer (http://www.springer.com), 2005.
Cadence Documentation
SystemVerilog Reference (http://sourcelink.cadence.com)

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation Training 7

Getting Help with the Simulator
Enter the -help command-line option when you invoke the tool
This displays brief help about available command-line options.
Enter the interactive help command
This displays brief help about available interactive commands.
The graphical interface has context-sensitive balloon help and a Help menu
With the Help menu, you can access User Guides, Product Notes, Known
Problems and Solutions, and Tutorials for the Cadence simulators and
simulation analysis environment.
You can alternatively start the Cadence Help online documentation system
standalone by entering cdnshelp in a terminal window.
If you have a Cadence software support service agreement you can also:
Browse the searchable knowledge database http://support.cadence.com
Contact the Customer Response Center
By email: china_crc@cadence.com
By phone: 800-820-2367

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation Training 8

Product Documentation
Your installation of the product automatically installs product documentation.
Use Cadence Help to access documents by product, manual or topic:
On the UNIX command line, enter: cdnshelp & OR

From the GUI, select the Help menu in windows and Help button on forms

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 9

Customer Support
If you have a Cadence software support
SourceLink Online service agreement, you can get help from
Customer Support SourceLink online customer support.
support.cadence.com The web site gives you access to application
Search the solution database and the notes, frequently asked questions (FAQ),
entire site. installation information, known problems and
Access all documentation.
Find answers 24x7.
solutions (KPNS), product manuals, product
notes, software rollup information, and
If you dont find a solution on the SourceLink site... solutions information.

Submit a service request online. Support
Online Form If your problem requires more
From the SourceLink web site, Service than customer support, then a
fill out the Service Request product change request (PCR)
Creation form.
Request is initiated.


June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 10

Introduction to Incisive Simulation

Chapter 1

June 21, 2011

Chapter Objective
To be able to describe Incisive simulation to your manager

Module topics:
Introduction to Incisive simulation
The Incisive verification platform
Interleaved Native Compiled-code Architecture (INCA)
Simulator support of SystemC, VHDL, Verilog, and SystemVerilog
The simulator library of derived design data
The simulator tool flow

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 12

The Incisive Enterprise Simulator XL

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 13

Incisive Functional Verification Flows

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 14

Native Compiled Code
The simulator compiles HDL source code directly into executable code.

Compared to an intermediate translation to C, this results in:

Reduced compilation time
Reduced execution time

Reduced memory requirements

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 15

Interleaved Native Compiled Code
Extensions to Native Compiled Code address the performance challenges of a
single-simulation strategy:
Multiple representations behavioral / RTL / gate / UDP
Multiple languages SystemC / VHDL / Verilog / SystemVerilog
Multiple paradigms Cycle / Event

Mixed signal Analog / Digital

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 16

How Native Compiled Code is Interleaved
Verilog VHDL X

Compile Compile Compile



customized time update code

Verilog k k: distributed event
VHDL k scheduling methods
Language-X k
Verilog k
Language-X k
June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 17
Verilog Language Support
The simulator supports these Verilog standards:
IEEE std. 1364-1995 Verilog Language Reference Manual
With some features subject to interpretation

IEEE std. 1364-2001 Verilog Language Reference Manual

With some features subject to restrictions

IEEE std. 1800-2005 Standard for SystemVerilog

With some features subject to restrictions

Plus proprietary system task/function extensions for design verification.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 18

Cadence System Task/Function Extensions
Load or unload a serial scan chain $broadside
Deposit a value to a Verilog net or register $deposit
Load ASCII stimulus vectors $loadStimFileX, $loadStrobeFileX,
Mirror the value of a VHDL signal or Verilog net $nc_mirror
Deposit a value to a VHDL signal or Verilog net $nc_deposit
Force a value on a VHDL signal or Verilog net $nc_force
Release a forced VHDL signal or Verilog net $nc_release
Transaction recording $sdi_set_recording, $sdi_create_fiber,
$sdi_transaction, (etc.)
Transition recording (to SHM) $shm_open, $shm_probe, $shm_close
Transition recording (to VCD) $recordfile, $recordvars, $signalscan, (etc.)

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 19

Library-Based Design Data Management
File Cell View Reference
Design Hierarchy
mychip.cpp mychip sc_module worklib.mychip:sc_module
cell1.v cell1 vlog worklib.cell1:vlog
cell1 cell1.vhd vhdl WORKLIB.CELL1:VHDL
cell2.v cell2 gate worklib.cell2:gate
cell2.vhd prim WORKLIB.CELL2:PRIM
Directory Hierarchy
|_ cds.lib Cadence libraries
|_ hdl.var HDL variables
|_ worklib/
|_ *.pak virtual filesystem
|_ mychip.cpp Modules/Entities: mychip cell1 cell2
| _|_ _|_
|_ cell1.v
| | | | |
|_ cell1.vhd
Views/Architectures: sc_module vhdl vlog prim gate
|_ cell2.v
|_ cell2.vhd

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 20

Running the Simulator
Running the simulator is separated into three major steps:
1. Compilation with ncsc, ncvhdl, or ncvlog
Checks syntax and semantics
Creates design data objects (SCD, AST, VST)
Creates SystemC and VHDL code objects (.o, COD)

2. Elaboration (expansion and linking) with ncelab

Constructs design hierarchy and connects signals
Creates signature object (SIG) and Verilog code object (COD)
Creates initial simulation snapshot object (SSS)

3. Simulation with ncsim

Executes simulation code

Note: Separation of steps allows iteration of only the required steps!

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 21

The Simulator Tool Flow
SystemC VHDL Verilog

optimizer optimizer optimizer

ncsc ncvhdl ncvlog

g++ ncvhdl_cg ncvhdl_cg

.so COD

ncelab SIG
Path Legend
primary SSS

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 22

Tool Invocation Options
You can choose from two ways to run the simulation:
Single-step invocation with irun
Simplifies multi-language simulation
Accepts e, SystemC, VHDL and Verilog sources

Multi-step invocation of compiler(s), elaborator and simulator

Complicates simulations that include SystemC or (especially) e

This training focuses on the multi-step mode only to promote your understanding.
You may elect to use the single-step mode for most of your work.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 23

You should now be able to describe Incisive simulation to your manager.

This chapter introduced Incisive simulation:

The Incisive verification platform
Interleaved Native Compiled-code Architecture (INCA)
Simulator support of SystemC, VHDL, Verilog, and SystemVerilog

The simulator library of derived design data

The simulator tool flow

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 24

Setting Up the Simulation

Chapter 2

June 21, 2011

Chapter Objective
To set up your simulation environment

Module topics :
Setting up the simulation environment
Create library directories
Create cds.lib and hdl.var files
Optionally create a setup.loc file
Use the nchelp, ncls, and ncrm utilities

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 26

Creating a cds.lib File
The optional Cadence Libraries (cds.lib) file:
Is an ASCII file (easily edited)

Tells the simulator which libraries may be used

Tells the simulator where the libraries are located

Maps logical library names to physical directory locations

INCLUDE $CDS_INST_DIR/tools/inca/files/cds.lib This example cds.lib file includes a

cds.lib file from the home directory
SOFTINCLUDE ${HOME}/cds.lib and defines two additional libraries. It
DEFINE aludesign ./design temporarily attaches a local directory
DEFINE ic_lib /usr1/libraries/lsi_library to the ic_lib library, into which the
simulator places derived ic_lib data.
ASSIGN ic_lib TMP ./tmp_lib

DEFINE library path Define library as the directory specified in path

UNDEFINE library Undefine library (useful if defined in an included file)
INCLUDE file Include file contents (file must be available)
SOFTINCLUDE file Include file contents (if file is available)
ASSIGN library attribute value Assign attribute and its value to library
UNASSIGN library attribute Unassign attribute from library

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 27

Creating an hdl.var File
The optional HDL Variables (hdl.var) file:
Is an ASCII file (easily edited)

Contains environment variables

Default configuration variables, such as WORK
File name to library name mapping, such as LIB_MAP
Default command line options, such as NCVLOGOPTS
File name variables, such as NCSIMRC

INCLUDE $CDS_INST_DIR/tools/inca/files/hdl.var This example hdl.var file includes the

hdl.var file in the home directory,
SOFTINCLUDE ${HOME}/hdl.var defines the work library to be my_lib,
DEFINE WORK my_lib and defines several valid Verilog
DEFINE VERILOG_SUFFIX ( .v, .vr, .vb, .vg ) source file suffixes.

DEFINE variable value Defines a variable and assigns a value to it

UNDEFINE variable Undefine variable (useful if defined in an included file)
INCLUDE file Include file contents (file must be available)
SOFTINCLUDE file Include file contents (if file is available)
HDL variables

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 28

Example hdl.var File
DEFINE NCSCOPTS -errormax 10 -messages -compiler g++
DEFINE NCVHDLOPTS -errormax 10 -messages -v93
DEFINE NCVLOGOPTS -errormax 10 -messages -v1995
DEFINE NCELABOPTS -errormax 10 messages
DEFINE NCSIMOPTS -errormax 10 -messages licqueue
DEFINE NCSIMRC ./my_ncsimrc
#DEFINE WORK worklib

#specify valid source file extensions

DEFINE VHDL_SUFFIX ( .vhd, .vhdl, .vh )
DEFINE VERILOG_SUFFIX ( .v, .vr, .vb, .vg )

#specify the source root directory


#for ncvhdl & ncvlog - libraries into which to compile sources

#for ncelab - library search order for Verilog instances
DEFINE LIB_MAP (myfile.v => mylib, ./cell_lib => techlib, + => worklib)

#for ncvlog - views into which to compile Verilog sources

#for ncelab - view search order for Verilog instances
DEFINE VIEW_MAP (.vb => behav, .vr => rtl, .vg => gate, + => module)

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 29

Creating a Library Map File
The IEEE Verilog Std. 1364-2001 section 13 defines the library map file:
An ASCII file (easily edited)

Maps each Verilog source path to a library name

Maps each cell instance to a library name

include ${HOME}/libmap.txt; This example library map file includes

library mylib myfile.v; a library map file from the home
library techlib cell_lib/; directory, maps three sets of Verilog
source to libraries, and defines a
library worklib .../; configuration called top_rtl that binds
config top_rtl; the cpu1 instance to the mylib.cpu
design worklib.top; configuration and instances of the
ADD cell to the techlib library.
default liblist worklib;
instance cpu1 use mylib.cpu:config;
cell ADD use techlib.ADD;

include pathname ; Include another library map file

library libname pathname [ { , pathname } ] Declare a library
config configname; ... endconfig State a configuration syntax

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 30

Creating a setup.loc File
The optional setup locations (setup.loc) file:
Is an ASCII file (easily edited)
Specifies an alternative search order for the cds.lib and hdl.var files

The default search order for the cds.lib and hdl.var and setup.loc files is:
1. Current directory
4. $HOME
7. <install_dir>/share

The simulator must find a valid cds.lib file and a valid hdl.var file in this search. The simulator
uses only the first cds.lib and hdl.var files found during the search, but you can use the
INCLUDE keyword to explicitly include additional files.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 31

Using the nchelp Utility
Use nchelp to:

Display libraries defined in a specific (or all loaded) cds.lib file(s)

Display variables defined in a specific (or all loaded) hdl.var file(s)
nchelp [-options] {-cdslib | -hdlvar} [file_name]
nchelp -cdslib ~/cds.lib
nchelp -hdlvar

Obtain a description of tool message codes

nchelp [-options] {-all | tool_name} message_code
nchelp ncvlog BADCLP
nchelp ncelab CUVWSP

You can alternatively just read the help message files in:

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 32

Example Using the nchelp Utility

%ncvlog top.v -cdslib nosuch.cds -nocopyright

ncvlog: *F,BADCLP: the -CDSLIB arguments path nosuch.cds does not
exist or is not readable. attempt to specify a cds.lib
nchelp ncvlog BADCLP file that is not found
ncvlog/BADCLP =
The path specified for the -CDSLIB argument is invalid.
Check that the specified path exists and is readable.

%ncelab top -nocopyright

drv u1 (out1); attempt to elaborate a design
containing a dangling output port
ncelab: *W,CUVWSP (./top.v,2|5): 1 output port was not connected:
ncelab: (./drv.v,1): out2
nchelp ncelab CUVWSP
ncelab/CUVWSP =
The indicated module instance does not specify a connection for
each output port in the module port list. The specified output
ports are left unconnected.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 33

Using the ncls Utility
Use ncls to list the derived objects stored in the library system.
ncls [-options] [lib.][cell][:view]
ncls project_lib.top:module or ncls top -library project_lib -view module
Just enter the arguments to list all objects of one or all views of a specified cell in
one or all libraries. Omitting the library and view lists all objects of the cell.
Object selection options:
-code (COD), -snapshot (SSS), -verilog (VST), -overlay (SIG), -systemc (SCD), -vhdl
Unit type selection options:
-architecture, -body, -configuration, -connect, -entity, -interface, -module, -package, -
program, -primitive

Information selection options:

-command, -dependents, -lockinfo, -messages, -no_std_ieee, -release, -source [-
absolute_path], -time

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 34

Example Using the ncls Utility

%ncls -all nocopyright

module worklib.drv:module (VST)
module worklib.drv:module (SIG) <0x5a85e48e>
module worklib.dut:module (VST)
module worklib.dut:module (SIG) <0x34683e01>
module worklib.top:module (VST)
module worklib.top:module (SIG) <0x01f0b280>
module worklib.tst:module (VST)
module worklib.tst:module (SIG) <0x638c9e1c>
module worklib.tst:module (COD) <0x638c9e1c>
snapshot worklib.top:module (SSS)

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 35

Using the ncrm Utility
Use ncrm to remove the derived objects stored in the library system.
ncrm [-options] [lib.]cell[:view]
ncrm project_lib.top:module

Just enter the arguments to remove one or all views of a specified cell from one or
all libraries. Omitting the library and view removes all versions of the cell.

Interesting options include:

-library <arg> Remove all elements of the specified library
-release <arg> Remove code (COD) objects of specified hotfix
-snapshot Remove only the snapshot (SSS) object

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 36

You should now be able to set up your simulation environment

This chapter discussed setting up the simulation environment:

Creating library directories
Creating the optional cds.lib and hdl.var files
Creating the optional setup.loc file

Using the nchelp, ncls, and ncrm utilities

You may need these for the following lab

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 37

About Lab 1
For this introductory lab you can choose among two options:
Short option Compile, elaborate, and simulate a 2-to-1 mux design
Choose this option if your time is constrained. In this lab you run a small Incisive
simulation to become familiar with the library structure and tool invocation. This lab
uses the textual interface to the simulator.

Longer option Do the simulator tutorial

Choose this option if your time is less constrained. In this lab you read and follow
the tutorial to compile, elaborate, simulate and debug a drink machine design. This
lab uses the graphical interface to the simulator.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 38

Compiling Verilog Components

Chapter 3

June 21, 2011

Chapter Objective
To compile Verilog components

Module topics:
Compiling your design
Specify the source HDL location
Specify the destination library
Maximize simulator performance

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 40

Introducing the Verilog Compiler
Compile your Verilog design units with the
ncvlog compiler: Verilog
Checks syntax and semantics
Generates design data (VST)
Produces ncvlog.log log file


ncelab SIG

Path Legend
SSS primary

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 41

Conditional Compilation
The Verilog parser recognizes two pre-defined macros:
To conditionally compile Verilog code to be run by any Cadence tool

To conditionally compile Verilog code to be run by the simulator only

Cadence-specific Verilog code...
`ifdef INCA
Incisive simulator-specific Verilog code...

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 42

Invoking the Verilog Compiler
Use ncvlog to compile your Verilog sources.

You can provide file name arguments

ncvlog [-options] filename(s)
ncvlog -messages 2bit_adder_test.v

You can provide a compilation command file instead of source files

ncvlog [-options] -cmdfile compilation_command_file
ncvlog -messages -cmdfile 2bit_adder_test.cmd

You can provide an individual design unit to recompile

ncvlog [-options] -unit [lib.]cell[:view]
ncvlog -messages -unit worklib.my_cell:my_view

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 43

Specifying Compiler Source
You can specify the compiler source with compiler options
By default
Compile all design units in files listed on the command line
ncvlog alu_test.v alu.v

-specificunit [lib.]cell[:view]
Specify a single design unit to compile
and optionally a library and view in which to store compiled units
ncvlog alu.v -specificunit design_lib.arith:rtl

-cmdfile filename
Provide a compilation command file
ncvlog -cmdfile 2bit_adder_test.cmd

-unit [lib.]cell[:view]
Specify a design unit to recompile (the original source must still be accessible)
ncvlog -unit design_lib.arith

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 44

Using a Compilation Command File
A compilation command file specifies:
The top-level design configuration, source file or unit
Define DESIGN_TOP top_rtl:configuration
You can override this with the -design_top option

A search path for locating the source files (automatically includes .)

Define SEARCH_PATH (./src_pads ./src_core ./src_test)

Optionally, a file of unit name to source file name mapping rules

Define RULES_FILE ./name_mapping_rules
Otherwise uses the default naming rules

Optionally, a value for the REDUMP_ON_UPDATE variable

Whether to also recompile unmodified source files (normally on)

Optionally, a string of compiler options

DEFINE VLOG_ARGS (-messages v1995)

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 45

Specifying Destination Library and View
This section individually discusses:
Defaulting the destination library and view

Specifying the library and view with variables

Specifying the library and view with compiler options

Specifying the library and view with compiler directives

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 46

Defaulting the Destination Library and View
If you do not specify the library, the compiler uses:
library worklib (If cds.lib file absent)
no default library (If cds.lib file present)

If you do not specify the view, the compiler uses:

view module (If it is a module)

view udp (If it is a UDP)

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 47

Using the LIB_MAP and VIEW_MAP Variables
You can specify the destination library and view with the LIB_MAP and VIEW_MAP
variables. You can define these variables in the hdl.var file:
Map files and directories to library names
Define LIB_MAP (mine.v => mylib, ./src => srclib, + => worklib)

Map file extensions to view names
Define VIEW_MAP (.vb => behav, .vr => rtl, .vg => gate, + => module)

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 48

Using a Library Map File
You can specify the destination library with an IEEE-standard library map file.
Provide the library map file to the compiler with the libmap option:
-libmap library_map_file library map file

Specify the library map file. library mlib top.v;

library lib1 sub1.v;
The library map file associates each source
library lib2 sub2.v;
path with a library. You must define the libraries config top;
in the cds.lib file. This option overrides the design top;
LIB_MAP variable. default liblist mlib lib1 lib2;
instance top.sub1 use lib1.sub;
ncvlog counter.v -libmap libmap.txt
instance top.sub2 use lib2.sub;

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 49

Using the WORK and VIEW Variables
You can specify the destination library and view with the WORK and VIEW variables.
You can define these variables in the hdl.var file:
Specify the library in which to store compiled objects.
This variable overrides the LIB_MAP variable and the -libmap option.
Define WORK worklib

Specify the view in which to store compiled objects.
This variable overrides the VIEW_MAP variable.
Define VIEW gate

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 50

Using the work and view Options
You can specify the destination library and view with compiler options:
-work library_name
Specify the library in which to store compiled objects.
This option overrides the WORK and LIB_MAP variables and the libmap option.
ncvlog counter.v -work design_lib

-view view_name
Specify the view in which to store compiled objects.
This option overrides the VIEW and VIEW_MAP variables.
ncvlog top.v -view behav

-specificunit [lib.]cell[:view]
Specify a single design unit to compile
and optionally a library and view in which to store the compiled objects.
This option overrides the work and view options.
ncvlog alu.v -specificunit design_lib.arith:rtl

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 51

Using the `worklib and `view Directives
You can specify the destination library and view with compiler directives:
`worklib (cancel with `noworklib)
Specifies the library in which to store compiled objects
Overrides all other methods of specifying the library

`view (cancel with `noview)

Specifies view in which to store compiled objects
Overrides all other methods of specifying the view

`worklib design_lib
`view rtl
module alu(...);
// definition...

The IEEE Std. 1364 does not reference the `worklib and `view compiler
directives. These are vendor directives specific to the Cadence simulator.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 52

Summarizing the Methods to Specify Library and View
From highest to lowest precedence, here are the methods again:
To specify the library To specify the view Where to specify
`worklib library `view view_name Compiler directive
-specificunit [lib.]cell[:view] -specificunit [lib.]cell[:view] Compiler option
-work library -view view_name Compiler option
Define WORK library Define VIEW view_name HDL variable
-libmap library_map_file not applicable Compiler option
Library library source(s) Library map file
Define LIB_MAP lib_map Define VIEW_MAP view_map HDL variable
No default Defaults to module or udp Default

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 53

Optimizing Performance
Suppress compilation of already up-to-date units.
This option can affect compiler performance positively or negatively.
ncvlog fifo.v -update

Enable support for all line debug operations.
This option negatively impacts subsequent simulation performance!
ncvlog fifo.v -linedebug

Suppress display of source code with error messages.
ncvlog fifo.v noline

The compiler by default runs with performance optimizations enabled!

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation Training 54

Miscellaneous Compiler Options
-define variable [=value]
Define a text macro and optionally assign to it a value
ncvlog -define debug_mode=1 top.v

Tag compiled modules as library cells
ncvlog -libcell cell_lib.v

Enable SystemVerilog constructs
ncvlog -sv top.v

Favor Verilog 1995 constructs
ncvlog -v1995 top.v

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation Training 55

Verilog Compiler HDL Variables
LIB_MAP Map of source files and directories to library names
Define LIB_MAP (mine.v => mylib, ./src => srclib, + =>
VIEW_MAP Map of source file extensions to view names
Define VIEW_MAP (.vb => behav, .vr => rtl, .vg => gate,
+ => module)
NCUSE5X Create the full Cadence 5.X standard library for interoperability
Define NCUSE5X
NCVLOGOPTS ncvlog compiler invocation options
Define NCVLOGOPTS -errormax 10 -messages
SRC_ROOT Source root directories
Define SRC_ROOT (~/mylib/src, $PROJECT/source)
VERILOG_SUFFIX Verilog source file extensions, initially (.v)
DEFINE VERILOG_SUFFIX ( .v, .vr, .vb, .vg )
VIEW View of compiled unit
Define VIEW gate
WORK Library of compiled unit
Define WORK worklib

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation Training 56

You should now be able to compile Verilog components.

This chapter discussed:

Specifying the source HDL location
Specifying the destination library
Maximizing subsequent simulator performance

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 57

About Lab 2
This lab is in two parts. Be sure to complete both parts, as you will use the
components in later labs. These labs focus on compilation aspects and explore
compiler options.
In the first lab, you compile, elaborate, and simulate a register design and its
In the second lab, you compile, elaborate, and simulate a counter design and its

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 58

Elaborating Your Design

Chapter 4

June 21, 2011

Chapter Objective
To elaborate the design

Module topics:
Elaborating your design
Specify the top-level design units to elaborate
Specify the design configuration
Specify the destination snapshot name
Maximize subsequent simulator performance

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 60

Introducing the Elaborator
Elaborate (expand and link) your design with the ncelab elaborator:
Constructs design hierarchy and connects signals

Creates signature object (SIG) and code object (COD)

Creates initial simulation snapshot object (SSS)

Produces ncelab.log log file



ncelab SIG
Path Legend
primary SSS

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 61

Invoking the Elaborator
Use ncelab to elaborate your design. The argument can be either a:
Compiled VHDL configuration or at least one compiled top level design unit
At most one SystemC top and at most one VHDL top
ncelab [options] [lib.]cell[:view] ...
ncelab -messages top

Verilog configuration in a library map file

ncelab [options] -libmap library_map_file configuration_name
ncelab -messages -libmap libmap top_config

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 62

Specifying Top-Level Design Units to Elaborate
This section individually discusses:
Defaulting the top-level specification

Specifying top-level design units with the WORK variable

Specifying top-level design units with the -work option

Explicitly specifying the top-level design units

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 63

Defaulting the Top-Level Specification
You can default the top-level unit specification:
ncelab [options] top_level_unit(s)
You can omit the library specification if each top-level cell exists in only one library.
You can omit the VHDL architecture specification to use that most recently analyzed.
You can omit the Verilog view specification if only one view exists in that library.
ncsc: ncelab top -loadsc libncsc
vhdl: ncelab top
vlog: ncelab top

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 64

Using the WORK Variable
You can restrict the search for top-level units with the WORK variable:
Define WORK work_library
Specify a library for the elaborator to search for the specified top-level cells.
All specified top-level cells must exist in that library.

INCLUDE $CDS_INST_DIR/tools/inca/files/cds.lib
Define WORK worklib

ncsc: ncelab top -loadsc libncsc

vhdl: ncelab top
vlog: ncelab top

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 65

Using the work Option
You can restrict the search for top-level units with the -work option.
-work work_library
Specify a library for the elaborator to search for the specified top-level cells.
All specified top-level cells must exist in that library.
This option overrides and works the same as the WORK variable:
ncsc: ncelab top -work worklib -loadsc libncsc
vhdl: ncelab top -work worklib
vlog: ncelab top -work worklib

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 66

Explicitly Specifying Top-Level Design Units
You can explicitly specify the top-level design units:
ncelab [options] [lib.]cell[:view] ...
Explicitly specify on the command line the library and/or view for the elaborator to search
for a top-level design unit.
ncsc: ncelab worklib.top:sc_module -loadsc libncsc
vhdl: ncelab worklib.top:vhdl
vlog: ncelab worklib.top:module

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 67

Summarizing the Methods to Specify Top-Level Units
From highest to lowest precedence, here are the methods again:

To specify the library To specify the view Where to specify

[lib.]cell[:view] [lib.]cell[:view] Elaborator argument
-work library VHDL: MRA Elaborator option
Verilog: Library has one view
Define WORK library VHDL: MRA HDL variable
Verilog: Library has one view
Search all defined libraries VHDL: MRA Default
Verilog: Libraries have one view
If the elaborator defaults to searching for top-level units through all defined libraries, each top-
level cell must exist in exactly one library and only one Verilog view may exist in that library.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 68

Specifying Verilog Subunits to Bind
This section individually discusses:
Defaulting the subunit binding

Specifying subunits with HDL variables

Specifying subunits with elaborator options

Specifying subunits with compiler directives
Specifying subunits with a library map file

The IEEE Std. 1364-2001 describes Verilog configurations. Other binding rules this
subsection describes are specific to the Cadence simulator.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 69

Defaulting the Binding
You can default the subunit binding:
ncelab [options] top_level_unit(s)
Do not specify the library or view in which to find subunits
ncelab top

The elaborator searches for the subunit in this order:

1. It searches the cds.lib libraries and module and udp views in order, starting
with the library and view in which it found the definition of the subunit parent,
and wrapping around to the beginning of the list if necessary.
2. It searches for any view in the library in which it found the definition of the
subunit parent, and if only one view exists, uses it.
3. It searches for any view in any library defined in the cds.lib file, and if only one
view exists, uses it.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 70

Using the LIB_MAP and VIEW_MAP Variables
You can specify the subunit search order with the LIB_MAP and VIEW_MAP
Specify libraries and the order to search them
Define LIB_MAP ( ./src => projlib, lib.v => techlib, + => worklib )

Specify views and the order to search them
Define VIEW_MAP ( .vr => rtl, .vg => gate, + => module )

The elaborator searches the LIB_MAP libraries and VIEW_MAP views in order,
starting with the library and view in which it found the definition of the subunit parent
and wrapping around to the beginning of the list if necessary.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 71

Using the libname and viewname Options
You can specify the subunit search order with elaborator options:
-libname library_name
Specify libraries and the order to search them. Overrides LIB_MAP.
ncelab top -libname techlib -libname worklib

-viewname view_name
Specify views and the order to search them. Overrides VIEW_MAP.
ncelab top -viewname gate -viewname module

You can specify a subunit binding with an elaborator option:

-binding [lib.]cell[:view]
Explicitly specify a library and/or view with which to resolve all references to a cell. This option
overrides -libname and -viewname options and the LIB_MAP and VIEW_MAP variables.
ncelab top -binding foo:rtl

The version 9.2 documentation does not describe the -viewname option. These training
materials describe this undocumented option for historical purposes. Although the elaborator
still accepts this option, your use of it unnecessarily complicates the subunit resolution process.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 72

Using the `uselib Directive
You can specify a subunit binding with a compiler directive:
`uselib lib = (cancel with `nouselib or empty `uselib)
Specifies the library in which to resolve references
Overrides all other options and variables
`uselib view = (cancel with `nouselib or empty `uselib)
Specifies the view in which to resolve references
Overrides all other options and variables

module cpu ();

`uselib lib = design_lib
`uselib view = rtl
alu alu1 (dataout,datain,op);
. . .

The IEEE Std. 1364 does not reference the `uselib compiler directive.
This directive is specific to the Cadence simulator.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 73

Using a Library Map File
You can specify the design configuration with a library map file. Provide the library
map file to the elaborator with the -libmap option.
-libmap library_map_file library map file

Specify the library map file. The library library mlib top.v;
library lib1 sub1.v;
map file specifies configurations for
library lib2 sub2.v;
each design unit to elaborate. You must config top;
define the libraries in the cds.lib file. The design top;
library map file overrides all other default liblist mlib lib1 lib2;
methods to specify the library in which instance top.sub1 use lib1.sub;
to find subunit definitions. instance top.sub2 use lib2.sub;
ncelab top -libmap libmap.txt

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 74

Summarizing the Methods to Specify the Subunits
From highest to lowest precedence, here are the methods again:

To specify library order To specify view order Where to specify

config ... endconfig not applicable Library map file
`uselib lib = library `uselib view = view_name Compiler directive
-binding [lib.]cell[:view] -binding [lib.]cell[:view] Elaborator option
-libname library -viewname view_name Elaborator option
Define LIB_MAP lib_map Define VIEW_MAP view_map HDL variable
Search in cds.lib order Search for module, then udp Default
Search parent library Search for any view Default
Search all cds.lib libraries Search for any view Default
The version 9.2 documentation does not describe the -viewname option. These training
materials describe this undocumented option for historical purposes. Although the elaborator
still accepts this option, your use of it unnecessarily complicates the subunit resolution process.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 75

Specifying the Snapshot Name
You can specify the snapshot name with an elaborator option:
By default
Store the simulation snapshot in the lib.cell:view of the VHDL top-level design unit, or if
none, then in the lib.cell:view of the first of the top-level design units listed on the
command line.
ncelab top

-snapshot [lib.]cell[:view]
Explicitly specify a library, cell, or view in which to store a snapshot.
ncelab top -access RWC -snapshot debug

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 76

Miscellaneous Elaborator Options
This section individually discusses some elaborator options associated with:
Providing debug access to HDL objects

Optimizing simulator performance

Annotating SDF timing data

Controlling simulation timing
Using enhanced Verilog timing features

Dynamically registering Verilog PLI/VPI applications

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 77

Providing Debug Access to HDL Objects
Option Description

-access [+] [-] access Set the default global design object access control:
R read, W write/read, C connectivity/read
-ncinitialize [Verilog] Retain RW access to variables for initialization
-show_forces [Verilog] Enable simulator to show Verilog code forces.
Requires access.
-afile filename Provide a file of design object access controls that override
the default global design object access controls

-genafile filename Generate an access control file while running simulation

ncelab top -genafile my_afile
ncsim top
ncelab top -afile my_afile
Example access file

BASENAME top.DUT // set the base to the top.DUT level of hierarchy

PATH *.*.* +R //set read access to three levels below top.DUT
PATH ... REG +R //set read access to reg data types at top.DUT and below
CELLLIB worklib.bigmem +RWC // add full access to cell worklib.bigmem

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 78

Optimizing Simulator Performance
The simulator runs in performance mode out of the box.
Most switches that enable non-default features negatively impact performance.
The following switches disable features and thus positively impact performance.
Turn off output
Common: -neverwarn, -nocopyright, -nolog, -no_sdfa_header, -nostdout, -
no_tchk_msg, -nowarn, -sdf_no_warnings
VHDL: -no_vpd_msg
Verilog: -plinooptwarn, -plinowarn

Turn off or relax timing features

Common: -notimingchecks, -sdf_precision
VHDL: -noipd, -no_tchk_xgen, -no_vpd_xgen, -vhdl_time_precision
Verilog: -delay_mode, -disable_enht, -noautosdf, -noneg_tchk, -nonotifier, nospecify

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 79

Controlling Simulation Timing
Option Description
-{max, min, typ}delays Select specified timing set
-no_tchk_msg Disable timing check warning messages
-notimingchecks Disable timing checks
-ntc_warn Enable convergence warnings for negative timing checks
Table does not include annotation or language-specific options.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 80

Controlling Simulation Timing: Verilog
Option Description
-delay_mode mode Delay mode {zero, unit, path, distributed}
-disable_enht Disable enhanced timing features that reschedule
module output transitions
-extend_tcheck_data_limit Extend negative timing check limits to permit
-extend_tcheck_reference_limit convergence
-nospecify Disable specify timing (and SDF annotation)
-seq_udp_delay delay Specify delay for all sequential UDPs and zero all
other delays
-tfile filename Provide a timing file to disable timing in specified
Verilog portions of the design
ncelab top -tfile my_tfile

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 81

Annotating SDF Timing Data
Option Description
-intermod_path Enable multi-source interconnect delays
-no_sdfa_header Suppress display of SDF header information
-sdf_cmd_file filename Provide an SDF command file
-sdf_no_warnings Suppress display of SDF annotator warnings
-sdf_precision precision Specify maximum precision for SDF data
-sdf_verbose Display detailed SDF annotator activity
Incomplete table See the SDF Annotation chapter.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 82

Dynamically Registering Verilog PLI/VPI Applications
You register Verilog PLI applications while invoking the elaborator because all PLI
applications contain a call within the Verilog source code.
You register Verilog VPI user-defined system tasks/functions while invoking the
elaborator because they contain a call within the Verilog source code. You can
optionally register VPI callbacks while invoking the simulator because they do not
contain a call within the Verilog source code.
You register all VHDL user applications while invoking the simulator.

Option Description
-loadpli1 library:boot_function Dynamically register a PLI application
-loadvpi library:boot_function Dynamically register a VPI application
See the Applications Programming chapter.

ncelab top -loadpli1 vendor.so:boot_routine

ncelab top -loadvpi vendor.so:boot_routine

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 83

Miscellaneous Elaborator Options
-partialdesign, -nobinding cell
Permit creation of a not simulatable snapshot of a partial design, useful for examining an
incomplete design hierarchy
ncelab top -partialdesign -nobinding sub
simvision -snapshot top

-gpg obj=>val, -generic obj=>val, -defparam obj=val

Initialize generics/parameters globally and/or specifically
ncelab vhdltop \
-gpg "obj1=>2" \
-generic ":vhdlinst1:obj1=>3" \
-defparam :vloginst1.obj1=4

-sparsearray size
Implement as a sparse array any one-dimensional array of reg vector, integer, or time
having the specified number of elements or more
ncelab top -sparsearray 1024

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation Training 84

Elaborator HDL Variables
LIB_MAP Ordered library search list for Verilog design subunit reference resolution
Define LIB_MAP (mine.v => mylib, ./src => srclib, + => worklib)
VIEW_MAP Ordered view search list for Verilog design subunit reference resolution
Define VIEW_MAP (.vb => behav, .vr => rtl, .vg => gate, + =>
NCELABOPTS ncelab elaborator invocation options
Define NCELABOPTS -errormax 10 -messages
WORK Define a work library in which to find top-level design units
Define WORK worklib

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation Training 85

You should now be able to elaborate the design.

This chapter discussed:

Specifying the top-level design units to elaborate
Specifying the design configuration
Specifying the destination snapshot name

Maximizing subsequent simulator performance

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 86

About Lab 3
This lab focuses on elaboration aspects and explores elaborator options.
Complete all three parts, as you will use the components in later labs.

In the first lab, you In the second lab, you In the third lab, you
compile, elaborate, and compile, elaborate, and compile, elaborate, and
simulate an ALU design simulate a memory design simulate a scalable
and its testbench and its testbench multiplexor design and its
8 8 aw w w
accum data a b
read mem
opcode alu s smx
3 write data
aluout zero y

8 dw w

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 87

Simulating Your Design

Chapter 5

June 21, 2011

Chapter Objective
To simulate the design

Module topics:
Simulating your design
Specify the simulation snapshot
Specify the simulation run mode
Automatically update your design
Maximize simulator performance

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 89

Introducing the Simulator
Simulate your design with the ncsim simulator:
Loads simulation snapshot (SSS) library object

Loads native-compiled code (COD) library objects

Optionally loads design data objects (AST, SCD, VST)

Optionally reads command and script files
Produces ncsim.log log file and ncsim.key key file

.so SSS
Path Legend
primary user
transparent interface

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 90

Invoking the Simulator
Use ncsim to simulate your design:
ncsim [options] [lib.]cell[:view] snapshot
ncsim -gui -run cpu_test (SSS object)

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 91

Specifying the Simulation Snapshot
You can search for the snapshot through all the cds.lib libraries
You can omit the library and view specification only if the libraries contain
exactly one representation of the snapshot to simulate.
ncsim [options] cell
ncsim cpu_test
With an HDL variable you can restrict the snapshot search to just one library
Specify a library for the simulator to search for the snapshot.
It must contain exactly one representation of the snapshot.
Define WORK work_library Set HDL variable WORK
ncsim cpu_test (perhaps in hdl.var)

You can explicitly specify the snapshot library and/or view

Explicitly specify on the command line the library and/or view for the simulator
to search for the snapshot.
ncsim [options] [lib.]cell[:view]
ncsim worklib.cpu_test:debug
June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation Training 92
Summarizing the Methods to Specify the Snapshot
From highest to lowest precedence, here are the methods again:

To specify the library To specify the view Where to specify

[lib.]cell[:view] [lib.]cell[:view] Command line
Define WORK library Library must have one view HDL variable
Search all defined libraries Libraries must have one view Default
If the simulator defaults to searching for the snapshot through all defined libraries, only one
library may contain the snapshot.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 93

Specifying the Simulation Run Mode
To run the simulator interactively To run the simulator non-interactively
-gui Default mode
Invoke the simulator with the SimVision Simulate in non-interactive mode
graphical interface ncsim [-run] cpu_test
ncsim -gui cpu_test

Invoke the simulator with the Tcl
Override a -tcl option
command-line interface
(perhaps in NCSIMOPTS variable)
ncsim -tcl cpu_test
ncsim -batch cpu_test
Start simulation immediately without
waiting for command input
ncsim -gui -run cpu_test Explicitly exit simulation upon executing
a Verilog $stop system task or upon
ncsim -tcl -run cpu_test simulation completion
ncsim cpu_test \
-input my_script.tcl exit

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 94

Summarizing the Methods to Specify the Run Mode
Use these simulator options to specify the run mode:

Noninteractive Interactive (GUI) Interactive (Tcl)

Load & Stop -gui -tcl
Load & Run Default mode -gui -run -tcl -run
The following cause entry into interactive mode:
Invocation with the -gui or -tcl option

Control-c keyboard interrupt

Executing a Verilog $stop system task
The Tcl script does not run simulation to completion
The -batch option overrides the -tcl option.
The -run option causes an interactive simulation to first run to suspension
(Control-c interrupt or $stop executed) or completion (no more events to process or
$finish executed) before returning to the ncsim> prompt.
The -exit option causes a completed or suspended simulation to exit (unless
suspended by the Control-c interrupt).
June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 95
Miscellaneous Simulator Options
This section individually discusses some simulator options associated with:
Initializing Verilog variables

Simulating with incremental update

Reading command scripts

Handling license queuing
Dynamically loading user applications

Optimizing simulator performance

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 96

Initializing Verilog Variables
Option Description
-ncinitialize value Initialize persistent integral Verilog variables.
value is one of { 0, 1, Z, X, rand:[int], rand_2state:[int] }
Only variables with read/write access are initialized.
For random initialization you can provide a 32-bit integer seed (default is 0), e.g.
ncvlog test.v
ncelab test -ncinitialize
ncsim test -ncinitialize rand:42 -tcl
ncsim> value %b my_int

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 97

Simulating with Incremental Update
Option Description
-update Update (compile and elaborate) out-of-date HDL design
-nosource Do not update (compile) source. Use -nosource with -
update to re-elaborate a design (with potentially out-of-date
compiled units).
-uptodate_messages Include in the status report those modules that are already
up to date. Use -uptodate_messages only with -update.
-cmdfile filename If you compiled VHDL using a compilation command file
then you need to provide it when updating the design

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 98

Reading Command Scripts
Option Description
-input file_name Input Tcl commands from a file
-input @"tcl_command" Input Tcl commands from a string
ncsim -input setup.tcl cpu_test
ncsim cpu_test -input @"stop -line 22 cpu_test"

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 99

Handling License Queuing
Option Description
-licqueue Use license queue mechanism
-nolicpromote Do not promote licenses
-uselicense string Specify license promotion order
-nolicsuspend Do not release licenses when simulation suspends

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 100

Dynamically Registering Verilog PLI/VPI Applications
You register Verilog PLI applications while invoking the elaborator because all PLI
applications contain a call within the Verilog source code.
You register Verilog VPI user-defined system tasks/functions while invoking the
elaborator because they contain a call within the Verilog source code. You can
optionally register VPI callbacks while invoking the simulator because they do not
contain a call within the Verilog source code.
You register all VHDL user applications while invoking the simulator.

Option Description
-loadcfc library:boot_function Dynamically register a CFC application
-loadfmi library:boot_function Dynamically register a FMI application
-loadvhpi library:boot_function Dynamically register a VHPI application
-loadvpi library:boot_function Dynamically register a VPI application
See the Applications Programming chapter.

ncsim top -loadvhpi vendor.so:boot_routine

ncsim top -loadvpi vendor.so:boot_routine
June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 101
Optimizing Simulator Performance
The simulator runs in performance mode out of the box.
Most switches that enable non-default features negatively impact performance.
The following switches disable features and thus positively impact performance.
-epulse_no_msg [Verilog] Suppress e-pulse error message
-neverwarn Suppress all warning messages
-nocifcheck [VHDL] Suppress VHDL design access function constraint check
-nocopyright Suppress copyright banner
-nokey Suppress keyfile
-nolog Suppress logfile
-nontcglitch [Verilog] Suppress negative timing check glitch messages
-nostdout Suppress standard output
-nowarn <arg> Suppress specific warning message
-plinooptwarn [Verilog] Suppress PLI messages caused by no access
-plinowarn [Verilog] Suppress all PLI warning and error messages
-redmem Use reduced memory image size

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 102

Profiling the Simulation
The profiler identifies the modules and statements in your source description that
use the most CPU time during simulation.
Once you have this information you can investigate rewriting these constructs.
Use -profile to enable profiling (-sprofile to enable profiling and VHDL
statement counts) # Comment
Add -profthread if you have a threaded C application dut:lib.cell:view
Add -dut_prof file to separate DUT from testbench

The profiler samples the simulation 100 times per CPU second, recording what
code line or simulator function is currently executing
The -profile or -sprofile option writes three tables to ncprof.out
Detailed full profile ranking
Profile ranking by module
Profile ranking by sample type

The -sprofile option writes a per-statement execution count to


June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 103

Example Profiler Output

ncsim: 09.20-p007: (c) Copyright 1995-2009 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.

SunOS acae240 5.10 Generic_118833-33 sun4u sparc Sun_Microsystems

SUNW,Sun-Blade-2500, 2 CPUs, 1600 MHz, 4096 Meg RAM, 100 hits/sec, (mikep)
Memory Usage - 37.8M program + 4.9M data + 1.0M profile = 43.7M total
CPU Usage - 0.0s system + 1.0s user = 1.1s total (100.0% cpu)

Stream Counts (96 hits total)
%hits #hits #inst name
45.8 44 [ ] Method SSS_KM_CL2TA (method)
15.6 15 [ 1] Always stmt (file: ./top.vlog, line: 29 in worklib.top [module])
7.3 7 [ ] Method SSS_KM_FINDRFT (method)
6.2 6 [ 1] Always stmt (file: ./top.vlog, line: 9 in worklib.top [module])
5.6 5 [ 1] Logic primitive 'nand' (zero delay) (method)
Most Active Modules (behavioral)
%hits #hits #inst name
33.3 32 [ 1] worklib.top:vlog (file: ./top.vlog line: 3)

Stream Type Summary Counts (96 hits total)
%hits #hits #inst name
56.2 54 [ ] Standard methods (mostly fanout propagation)
21.9 21 [ 2] Always statements
9.4 9 [ ] Logic primitives
8.3 8 [ 4] Non-blocking assignments
3.1 3 [ 1] Continuous assignments
1.0 1 [ ] Outside engine

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 104

Simulator HDL Variables
NCSIMOPTS ncsim simulator invocation options
Define NCSIMOPTS -errormax 10 -messages
NCSIMRC Command file to automatically execute upon invocation
Define NCSIMRC my_ncsimrc
WORK Define a work library in which to find top-level design units
Define WORK worklib

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation Training 105

You should now be able to simulate the design.

This chapter discussed:

Specifying the simulation snapshot
Specifying the simulation run mode
Automatically updating your design

Maximizing simulator performance

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 106

About Lab 4
This lab focuses on simulation aspects and explores simulation options.
For this lab you compile, elaborate, and simulate a controller design and testbench.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
sel rd ALUOP
opcode rd
zero inc_pc inc_pc SKZ JMP
ctl halt halt HALT
clk ld_pc
data_e ld_pc JMP
rstn ld_ac
data_e STO
ld_ac ALUOP

rd STO


June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 107

Debugging with the Command Line
Chapter 6

June 21, 2011

Chapter Objective
To use the command line interface to interact with the simulator

Module topics:
Debugging with the textual interface
Enter the interactive simulation mode
Examine and traverse the design
and much more!

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 109

What is Tcl?
The Tool Command Language, a textual user interface to software tools

Your command-line interface to the simulator

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation Training 110

What Can I Do with Tcl?
You can execute Tcl commands interactively or from a script to:
Examine and traverse the design (find, scope, describe, drivers)

Read and write simulation objects (value, force, deposit)

Monitor signals (strobe)

Set breakpoints and run the simulation (stop, run)
Capture waveform data (database, probe)

Use the command history list (history)

Execute commands from a script (input, pause, source)

Save, reset, and restart the simulation (save, reset, restart)

Exit the simulator (finish, exit)

and more...

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 111

Entering the Interactive Mode
Enter the interactive mode by interrupting the simulation:
Invoke ncsim with the -tcl command line option

Enter a Control-c asynchronous interrupt

Execute the Verilog $stop system task

Activate a breakpoint

When you interrupt the simulator, it enters interactive mode and prompts you:

While the simulation is suspended, all signals retain their current state.
You can enter interactive commands at the prompt, and then resume simulation.
Until you complete the current command, Tcl instead prompts with: >

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 112

Command Overview: Standard Tcl Commands
You can use any standard Tcl commands in your debug session:
append error gets linsert puts source *
array eval glob list pwd split
break exec global llength read string
case exit * history * lrange regexp switch
catch expr if lreplace regsub tell
cd file incr lsearch rename trace
close flush info lsort return unset
concat for join open scan uplevel
continue foreach lappend pid seek upvar
eof format lindex proc set while

You can get help with the standard Tcl commands from SourceForge
(http://tcl.sourceforge.net/) and the Tcl Developer Xchange (http://www.tcl.tk/).
The Incisive Simulator Tcl Command Reference online document and the Tcl help command
partially document the standard Tcl commands marked here with an asterisk (*).

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 113

Command Overview: Tcl Command Extensions
The simulator offers several additional Tcl commands:

alias database fmibkpt pause run strobe

analog deposit force power save task
assertion describe heap probe scope tcheck
attribute drivers help process simvision time
call dumpsaif input profile sn value
check dumptcf loopvar release stack version
constraint find memory reset status where
coverage finish omi restart stop

For brief help on debugging commands, enter help or help command from the interactive
mode. For a detailed description, refer to the Incisive Simulator Tcl Command Reference
online document.

Also see reference appendix

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 114

Example Design
Many commands on following pages refer to this simple design:
The clock, d-flipflop and multiplexor are built with primitives
The d7 reset input is not driven (connected to rtsn instead of rstn)
The d2 and d3 output q both drive the register q[2] signal
The register q[3] signal is not driven
c1 r1

dffr d7 ( q[7], , n[7], clk, rtsn ) ; m0 m4 d0 d4

dffr d6 ( q[6], , n[6], clk, rstn ) ;
dffr d5 ( q[5], , n[5], clk, rstn ) ; m1 m5 d1 d5
dffr d4 ( q[4], , n[4], clk, rstn ) ;
dffr d3 ( q[2], , n[3], clk, rstn ) ; m2 m6 d2 d6
dffr d2 ( q[2], , n[2], clk, rstn ) ;
dffr d1 ( q[1], , n[1], clk, rstn ) ; m3 m7 d3 d7
dffr d0 ( q[0], , n[0], clk, rstn ) ;

d7 : entity work.dffr(vhdl) port map ( q(7), open, n(7), clk, rtsn ) ;

d6 : entity work.dffr(vhdl) port map ( q(6), open, n(6), clk, rstn ) ;
d5 : entity work.dffr(vhdl) port map ( q(5), open, n(5), clk, rstn ) ;
d4 : entity work.dffr(vhdl) port map ( q(4), open, n(4), clk, rstn ) ;
d3 : entity work.dffr(vhdl) port map ( q(2), open, n(3), clk, rstn ) ;
d2 : entity work.dffr(vhdl) port map ( q(2), open, n(2), clk, rstn ) ;
d1 : entity work.dffr(vhdl) port map ( q(1), open, n(1), clk, rstn ) ;
d0 : entity work.dffr(vhdl) port map ( q(0), open, n(0), clk, rstn ) ;

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 115

Finding HDL Design Objects
find Find design objects
find [options] regular_expression(s)
ncsim> probe -shm [find -scope rgs_test.r1.d0 -ports *]

You can provide multiple object names, and you can wildcard the object names:
ncsim> find carry
ncsim> find carry out
ncsim> find ca*
ncsim> find *

Also see reference appendix

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 116

Setting and Getting the Debug Scope
scope Display the current debug scope name
scope -history List recently visited scopes in order of visitation
scope -set Set the debug scope
ncsim> scope rgs_test.r1
scope -show Display information about the current debug scope
Instances at current debug scope, Current debug scope, Top-level units
ncsim> scope show
Directory of scopes at current scope level:
module (rgs), instance (r1)
module (clock), instance (c1)
task (expect)

Current scope is (rgs_test)

Highest level modules:
scope -tops Display top-level design unit names Also see reference appendix

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation Training 117

Getting the Simulation Location
where Display the current simulation location
If executing a process
Displays line number, file and scope of breakpoint, and current debug scope

If updating a signal
Displays time of breakpoint, and current debug scope

ncsim> where
Line 32, file "./rgs_test.v", scope (rgs_test)
Scope is (rgs_test.r1)

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 118

Listing HDL Design Source
scope -list List the debug (or specified) scope HDL source
scope -list [start [end]] [scope]
You can use - for start and/or end line number.

ncsim> scope -list rgs_test.c1

1: `timescale 1 ns / 1 ns
3: module clock
4: #(
5: parameter integer PERIOD = 20,
6: parameter integer COUNT = 9
7: )
8: (
9: output clk
10: ) ;
12: reg start = 0;
13: initial start = #(PERIOD/2) 1;
14: initial start = #(PERIOD*9) 0;
16: nand #(PERIOD/2) ( clk, clk, start ) ;
18: endmodule

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 119

Listing the Design Objects
scope -describe Describe objects in debug (or specified) scope
scope -describe \
[-names] [-sort {name | kind | declaration}] [scope_name]

describe Describe specified objects

describe object [object ...] [-verbose]
describe -power [-verbose]
ncsim> describe vlog_bus[3]
n(3).......signal : std_logic = '1'
ncsim> describe vhdl_bus(3)
n[3]......net (wire/tri) logic = St1

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation Training 120

Traversing the Design
Debug commands accept hierarchical pathname arguments.
The following command sets all list the same code:

scope -set rgs_test.r1.d7 c1 r1
scope -list m0 m4 d0 d4

m1 m5 d1 d5

scope -set rgs_test.r1 m2 m6 d2 d6

m3 m7 d3 d7
scope -list d7

scope -set rgs_test

scope -list r1.d7

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 121

Listing the Drivers of an HDL Signal
scope -drivers Display information about the drivers of HDL object(s)
scope -drivers [scope]

drivers -active List active drivers

drivers -active

drivers -show List all contributors to the value of each object

drivers [-show] object_name [object_name ...] \
[-effective] [-future] [-novalue] [-verbose]

See example on following page...

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation Training 122

Example Listing HDL Drivers
entity rgs is
port (
q : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
data : in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
clk : in std_logic;
enb : in std_logic;
rstn : in std_logic );
end rgs; ncsim> drivers :r1:rstn
:r1:rstn...port : in std_logic = '0'
'0' <- (:TEST) [File: rgs_test.vhd, Line: 25]

module rgs (
output [7:0] q ,
input [7:0] data,
input clk ,
input enb ,
input rstn );

ncsim> drivers rgs_test.r1.rstn

rgs_test.r1.rstn...input net (wire/tri) logic = St0
St0 <- (rgs_test.r1) input port 5, bit 0 (./rgs_test.v:13)

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation Training 123

Getting Signal Values
value Display the value of simulation object(s)
value [format_specifier] [pot_flow_specifier] object(s)
Formats default to value of *_format variable
set vhdl_format format (one of %b %d %h %o %v %x)
set vlog_format format (one of %b %c %d %e %f %g %h %o %s %t %v %x)
ncsim> value %b q
8'bxxxxzxxx VLOG output

format Format a string (standard Tcl command)

format format_string [argument(s)]
ncsim> puts "[time] [format "q=%s data=%s" [value %b q] [value %h data]]"
20 NS q=UUUUUUUU data=FF VHDL output
20 NS q=8'bxxxxzxxx data=8'hff VLOG output

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 124

Forcing Signal Values
force Force an object to a value or show active forces
force object_name [=] value [after time_spec [value after
time_spec ...]] [release [keepvalue] time_spec] [repeat
time_spec [cancel time_spec]]
force -show [-quiet]
ncsim> force rgs_test.r1.rtsn = 1'b0
ncsim> force show
rgs_test.r1.rtsn <- 1'h0 ... from TCL
ncsim> force -show quiet

You can also use scope -drivers to list all drivers, including currently active
forces, on signals at the current HDL scope.

release Release force set on object(s)

release [-keepvalue] object(s)
ncsim> release rgs_test.r1.rtsn -keepvalue

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation Training 125

Depositing Signal Values
deposit Deposit a value on a port, signal, or variable
deposit object_name [=] value [after time_spec [value after
time_spec ...]] [{relative | absolute}] [cancel 0] [-
constraint_mode constraint_name [=] {0 | 1}] [generic] [-
inertial] [rand_mode object_name [=] {0 | 1}] [release] [-
repeat period [cancel period]] [transport]
ncsim> value %b rgs_test.r1.rtsn
ncsim> deposit rgs_test.r1.rtsn 0
ncsim> !-2
value %b rgs_test.r1.rtsn

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 126

Set Signal Values from Testbench Code: Verilog
Standard Verilog provides testbench access to out of scope design signals:
assign (deassign) Continuously assign an expression to a variable
assign variable_lvalue = expression
deassign variable_lvalue
assign rgs_test.fail = 0 ;
deassign rgs_test.fail ;
force (release) Continuously force an expression to a variable or net
force {net_lvalue | variable_lvalue} = expression
release {net_lvalue | variable_lvalue}
force rgs_test.r1.rtsn = rgs_test.r1.rstn ;
release rgs_test.r1.rtsn ;

Cadence Verilog also provides the $deposit system task:

$deposit Deposit a non-persistent logic value onto a net or variable
$deposit ( variable, value ) ;
$deposit ( rgs_test.r1.rtsn, 0 ) ;

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 127

Set Signal Values from Testbench Code: Verilog (continued)
For consistency, Cadence also provides Verilog counterparts of the VHDL utilities:
$nc_mirror Mirror a Verilog wire or VHDL signal
$nc_mirror ( "destination", "source" [,"verbose"] ) ;
$nc_mirror ( "top.dest", "top.I1:src", "verbose" ) ;

$nc_deposit Deposit a value onto a Verilog net or VHDL signal

$nc_deposit ( "source", "value" [,[time]" [,"[delay_type]" [,"verbose"]]]] );
$nc_deposit ( "top.I1:src", "11010101", "10 ns", "inertial", "verbose" ) ;

$nc_force Force a value onto a Verilog net or VHDL signal

$nc_force ( "source", "value" [,"[after_time]" [,"[rel_time]" [,"[repeat_time]"
[,"[cancel_time]" [,"verbose"]]]]] ) ;
$nc_force ( "top.I1:src", "11010101", "", "", "", "", "verbose" ) ;

$nc_release Release a force

$nc_release ( "source" [,"[keepvalue]" [,"verbose"]] ) ;
$nc_release ( "top.I1:src", "keepvalue", "verbose" ) ;

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 128

Monitoring Signal Value Changes with probe
probe -screen Probe object changes to the screen
Use the probe -screen command to probe objects (not scopes) to the screen. The
objects can include Verilog memories, memory ranges, and memory elements.
probe screen [format string] [redirect filename [append]]
ncsim> probe -screen -format "%T %b %b %b %b" rstn load data q
Created probe 1
ncsim> run 40
Time: 10 NS 1'b1 1'b1 8'b11111111 8'bx000zx00
Time: 20 NS 1'b1 1'b1 8'b11111111 8'bx111z111
Time: 30 NS 1'b1 1'b1 8'b00000000 8'bx111z111
Time: 40 NS 1'b1 1'b1 8'b00000000 8'b0000z000

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 129

Monitoring Signal Value Changes with strobe
strobe Strobe object values to the screen
You can have at most one strobe set at any given time.
strobe {condition | object | time} spec formatobject_list
[redirect filename [append]]
strobe delete
strobe help
ncsim> strobe -condition {[value clk] == 1'b1} {load %b} data
Setting up strobe condition - [value clk] == 1'b1
ncsim> run 20
Time |load |data |
110 NS |1'b1 |8'h0f |
Ran until 120 NS + 0

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 130

Manipulating Simulation Databases
Use the database command to open, close, disable, or enable an SHM, VCD, or EVCD
database, or to show information about it.
This command defaults the options you most commonly use. For example, the database
waves command opens the waves SHM database into the waves.shm directory and makes it
the default SHM database if it is the first SHM database opened.
database [open] name [shm] [default] [compress] [into dirname] [-
maxsize bytes] [event] [incfiles n] [incsize size] [statement]
database [open] name vcd [default] [compress | gzip] [into filename]
[maxsize bytes] [timescale timescale] [vcdmap map]
database [open] name evcd [direction] [default] [compress | gzip] [-
into filename] [maxsize bytes] [timescale timescale]
database {close | disable | enable | show} glob_style_pattern
database {change | setdefault} database [database ...]
ncsim> database open waves shm default compress event into waves.shm
maxsize 4194304 statement
ncsim> database open waves evcd default into verilog.evcd maxsize
1048576 timescale ns
Also see reference appendix

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 131

Manipulating Simulation Probes
Use the probe command to create, disable, enable, or delete a signal probe, or to
show information about it. You can probe SystemC signals only to SHM.
This command defaults the options you most commonly use. For example, the
probe shm ports command probes ports of the current scope to the default SHM
database, creating it if necessary. You need to specify the database name (or type)
only if you have more than one open. The simulator will open default ncsim.shm,
ncsim.vcd, or ncsim.evcd databases in the current directory if you probe to a
database type that does not yet exist.
probe [-create] [zillions_of_options] objects_and/or_scopes
probe {-delete | -disable | -enable} [glob_style_pattern ...]
probe -save [filename]
probe -show [-database database] [glob_style_pattern ...]
ncsim> probe -create -name p1 -all -depth to_cells -waveform shm
ncsim> probe -create -name p2 -ports -depth all -evcd simple
ncsim> probe -screen -redirect probe.log -format "%b %h" clk cnt

Also see reference appendix

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 132

Probe Signals from Testbench Code: Verilog SHM
Cadence provides Verilog testbench capture of signal waveform data.
The Simulation History Manager (SHM) is a proprietary database format.
You can manipulate an SHM database with these Verilog system tasks:
$shm_open ( ["filename"] ) ; Open database. Optionally provide name.
Database name defaults to waves.shm
$shm_probe ( [signals] ) ; Probe signals. Optionally specify signals.
Signals default to ports at current scope.
$shm_close ; Close the database.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 133

Cadence Verilog $shm_open Parameters
$shm_open ("db_name", is_sequence_time, db_size,
is_compression, incsize, incfiles);

db_name Database name defaults to waves.shm

is_sequence_time Save multi-transition data (0,1) defaults to 0 (not)
database_size Database size (bytes) defaults to unlimited
is_compression Database compression (0,1) defaults to 0 (none)
incsize Incremental database file size (MB) defaults to unlimited
incfiles Incremental database file number defaults to unlimited

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 134

Cadence Verilog $shm_probe Parameters
$shm_probe [ ( { scope | spec } [ ,scope | ,spec ] ... ) ] ;
Arguments are scope / spec pairs and you can omit the scope or the spec or both!
The scope argument defaults to the debug scope

The spec argument defaults to probing ports

spec what is probed

default Ports of the specified scope
"S" Ports of the specified scope and below, excluding library cells
"C" Ports of the specified scope and below, including library cells
"A" Add the "A" character to probe all signals in the specified scopes
"F" Add the "F" character to probe objects in Verilog functions in the specified scopes
"M" Add the "M" character to probe memories in the specified scopes
"T" Add the "T" character to probe objects in Verilog tasks in the specified scopes

$shm_probe("S",top.alu, "AC");
June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 135
Probe Signals from Testbench Code: Verilog VCD
The Verilog language provides testbench capture of signal waveform data.
A Value Change Dump (VCD) file contains ASCII header information, variable definitions, and
value change data.
You can manipulate a VCD database with these Verilog system tasks:

$dumpfile ( "filename" ) Open database. Optionally provide name.

Standard default name is dump.vcd
Cadence default name is verilog.dump
$dumplimit ( size ) Stop recording after size bytes
$dumpvars ( ... ) Select signals for recording (see next page)
$dumpoff Stop recording
$dumpon Start recording again
$dumpall Checkpoint the values of all recorded signals
$dumpflush Flush database to disk
$dumpfile(); // verilog.dump
$dumpvars(); // current scope and down

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 136

Verilog VCD Signal Selection with $dumpvars
You can optionally provide $dumpvars with a levels argument and a list of scopes and
variables. The levels argument applies to the subsequent scopes.
$dumpvars [(levels [,list_of_scopes_or_variables])]
You can provide no arguments, just the levels argument, or all arguments:

Task Call Depth / Scope

$dumpvars all / all
$dumpvars ( 1 ) 1 / current
$dumpvars ( 1, top.u1 ) 1 / top.u1
$dumpvars ( 2, top.u2 ) 2 / top.u2
$dumpvars ( 0, top.u3, top.u1.r0.q ) all / top.u3, top.u1.r0.q


June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 137

Probe Ports from Testbench Code: Verilog EVCD
The Verilog language provides extended testbench capture of port data.
An Extended Value Change Dump (EVCD) file contains ASCII header information, port
definitions, and change data for port direction, strength, and value.
You can manipulate an EVCD database with these Verilog system tasks:

$dumpports ( scopes, filename ) Open database. Optionally provide scopes and name.
Standard default name is dumpports.evcd
$dumpportslimit ( size, filename ) Stop recording after size bytes
$dumpportsoff ( filename ) Stop recording
$dumpportson ( filename ) Start recording again
$dumpportsall ( filename ) Checkpoint the values of all recorded signals
$dumpportsflush ( filename ) Flush database to disk

$dumpports(top.dut); // DUT scope to dumpports.evcd

See the slightly different Cadence $dumpports implementation on the next page.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 138

Probe Ports from Testbench Code: Cadence EVCD
Cadence offers versions of only the $dumpports and $dumpports_close tasks.
You can omit all or any arguments, but must use sufficient commas to correctly position any
subsequent arguments.

$dumpports ( scopes, Open database. Optionally provide arguments:

filename, ID, flag ) Default scope is current (must not be top-level unit).
Standard default name is dumpports.evcd
Cadence default name is verilog.evcd
ID is a returned integer file identifier (no default).
Default flag is 0.
flag bit 1: Keep losing value
flag bit 2: Generate IEEE output
flag bit 3: Compress with compress
flag bit 3: Dump direction in node info
flag bit 5: Compress with gzip
$dumpports_close ( ID ) Close the database

$dumpports(top.dut); // DUT scope to verilog.evcd

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 139

The SimVision Design Browser Window
Open a SimVision Design Browser window by invoking simvision.
In the Design Browser window, select and send objects to a Waveform display.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 140

The SimVision Waveform Window
Or start with a SimVision Waveform window by invoking simvision -waves.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 141

Setting Breakpoints
stop Create, disable, enable, delete, or show breakpoints
Use the stop command to create, disable, enable, delete, or show breakpoints of various
kinds during your interactive session. Enter run to resume simulation.
stop [-create] [options]
stop -show [{stop_name | pattern} ...]
stop {-delete | -disable | -enable} {stop_name | pattern} ...

ncsim> stop -object rstn -execute {force r1.rtsn = #rstn}

Created stop 1
ncsim> run
20 NS + 0 (stop 1: rgs_test.rstn = 0)
./rgs_test.v:32 {rstn, load, data} = 10b0_1_11111111;
ncsim> value r1.rtsn
ncsim> run
40 NS + 0 (stop 1: rgs_test.rstn = 1)
./rgs_test.v:33 {rstn, load, data} = 10b1_0_11111111;
ncsim> value r1.rtsn
ncsim> stop -disable 1 Also see reference appendix

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 142

Managing Assertions
assertion Enable and disable assertions and control assertion logging
Use the assertion command to control various PSL and SystemVerilog assertion-
based verification features and VHDL assert messages.
assertion {off | on} [psl | vhdl] [options]
assertion logging [psl | vhdl] [options]
assertion simstop [options]
assertion summary [options]
assertion strict {on | off}
ncsim> assertion -off all
ncsim> assertion -logging -all -redirect assert.log
ncsim> assertion summary -final -redirect assert.log
ncsim> assertion -simstop -severity failure :DUT -depth all
ncsim> assertion strict on

Also see reference appendix

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 143

Running the Simulation
run Run the simulator
Use the run command to start simulation or resume a previously halted simulation.
run adjacent One HDL statement, staying in current process
run -clean To a clean point where you can save
run -delta [cycle_spec] To next or specified number of cycle(s)
run -next One HDL statement, stepping over calls
run -phase To next phase of delta cycle
run -process Until current process suspends
run rand_solve Solve current randomize() call, return status
run -return Until current subprogram returns
run -step One HDL statement, stepping into calls
run -sync To next analog/digital sync point
run [-timepoint] [time_spec] To or for some time
[-absolute | -relative]

ncsim> run 20 ns
Ran until 60 NS + 0
ncsim> run step
Stepped to 60 NS + 0

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 144

Getting the Simulation Time
time Display simulation time
Use the time command to get current simulation time scaled as you specify, and to
operate on time variables.
time Display time using display_unit units
time auto Display time using units that make it integer
time module Display time using current debug scope time scale
time [10 | 100]unit Display time using specified units
-delta Include delta cycle count
-nounit Omit time unit
-operation op arg [arg] Return results of an operation
set display_unit display_unit Set default display unit
(auto, module, [10 | 100]unit)
ncsim> time delta
10 NS + 0

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 145

Using the Command History List
history Manage command history
Use the history command to modify the number of commands the history mechanism will
keep, to redo a specific previous command, and to substitute for parts of a previous
command before re-executing it. The history command is a standard Tcl command.
history keep n Set history size
history redo {n | string} Redo a command (or use !n)
history substitute old_str new_str n Redo modified command
ncsim> history
1 database -open waves -into waves.shm
2 probe -create -name peek -shm r1 -all -depth all waveform
3 probe -screen -format "%b %b %b %b" rstn load data q
4 run -timepoint 10
5 stop -object rstn -if {#rstn == 0} -delbreak 1
6 run
7 force rgs_test.r1.rtsn 0
8 stop -object rstn -if {#rstn == 1} -delbreak 1
9 run
10 force rgs_test.r1.rtsn 1
11 history
ncsim> history redo 8
Created stop 3

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 146

Executing a Command Script
input input a Tcl script file
Use input or the simulator -input command line option to execute a script file.
The simulator executes the command script upon entering the interactive mode.
Assuming the command script contains:
puts [format "Executed script at %s" [time -nounit]]

If you invoke the simulator with the input option:

The simulator enters interactive mode and echoes and executes the script:
ncsim top -input "script.tcl"
ncsim> puts [format "Executed script at %s" [time -nounit]]
Executed script at 0

If you input the command script with input and continue the simulation:
At the next interactive prompt the simulator echoes and executes the script:
ncsim> input script.tcl; run 10
Ran until 10 NS + 0
ncsim> puts [format "Executed script at %s" [time -nounit]]
Executed script at 10

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 147

Pausing a Command Script
pause Pause an input script
Use the pause command to pause, resume, and abort input scripts.
pause Pause an input script (not available at keyboard)
pause abort [n | all] Abort previous, stacked, or all paused scripts
pause -resume Resume most recently paused script
pause -status List file name and line number of paused scripts
Assume the scripts Example interactive session
# tcl1 ncsim> input tcl1
puts "enter 1" ncsim> puts "enter 1"
pause enter 1
puts "exit 1" ncsim> pause
ncsim (pause 1)> input tcl2
# tcl2 ncsim (pause 1)> puts "enter 2"
puts "enter 2" enter 2
pause ncsim (pause 1)> pause
puts "exit 2" ncsim (pause 2)> pause status
Macro 'tcl2' paused at line '3' (Current Macro)
Macro 'tcl1' paused at line '3'
ncsim (pause 2)> pause abort
ncsim (pause 1)> pause resume
ncsim> puts "exit 1"
exit 1
ncsim> exit
June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 148
Checkpointing a Simulation
save Save a snapshot of the current simulation state
save [-simulation] snapshot_name [-overwrite]
ncsim> stop -object rstn -if {#rstn == 1} -delbreak 1
Created stop 1
ncsim> run
40 NS + 0 (stop 1: rgs_test.rstn = 1)
./rgs_test.v:64 {rstn, load, data} = 10'b1_0_11111111; @(negedge clk)
ncsim> save -simulation rst_snap
Saved snapshot worklib.rst_snap:v
ncsim> stop -time 100000 ns -execute {save new_snap -overwrite} continue
Created stop 2

restart Restart simulation with a specified saved snapshot

restart {snapshot_name | -show}
ncsim> restart new_snap

reset Reset the simulation to its initial time-zero state

ncsim> reset

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation Training 149

Exiting the Simulation
exit Exit the Tcl shell process
The exit command is a standard Tcl command extended for the simulator.
ncsim> exit

Entering Control-d twice consecutively from the interactive prompt also exits
the Tcl shell process.

finish Finish the simulation session

Use the finish command to finish the simulation session and (1) optionally
display simulation time and (2) optionally include resource usage. The simulator
then automatically exits the Tcl shell.
finish [0 | 1 | 2]
ncsim> finish

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation Training 150

Miscellaneous Common Simulator Commands
alias Set, unset, or show a Tcl command alias
The alias command is a standard Tcl command.
alias [-set] alias_name alias_definition
alias -unset alias_name
alias [alias_name]
ncsim> alias -set go {run 10 ns; value sum}

call Call a CFC function or user-defined system task or system function

call [-predefined | -systf] name [arg(s)]
ncsim> call {$myprinter} {"set value to "} 8hc

help Display help about simulator Tcl commands, functions, or variables

The help command is a standard Tcl command extended for the simulator.
help [-brief] [command | all [command_options]]
help {-functions | -variables} [name(s)]
ncsim> help -brief all -enable

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation Training 151

Miscellaneous Common Simulator Commands (continued)
process Identify processes currently executing or scheduled to execute
process [-current]
process {-all | -next | -eot} max_count
ncsim> process -all 10

profile Control profiling

profile [-clear] [-dump [-overwrite] [filename]] [-off | -on]
ncsim> profile

status Display resource (CPU time and memory) usage and simulation time
ncsim> status

version Display the version of the simulator

ncsim> version

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation Training 152

Miscellaneous Verilog Simulator Commands: task
task Invoke a Verilog task
task [-schedule] task_name(s)

ncsim> deposit top.task1.input1 1

ncsim> stop -object top.task1.output1
Created stop 1
ncsim> task top.task1
ncsim> run
1 NS + 1 (stop 1: top.task1.output1 = 1)
./test.v:3 begin output1<=#1 input1;end
ncsim> value top.task1.output1

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 153

You should now be able to use the command line interface to interact with the

This chapter examined debugging with the textual interface:

Examining and traversing the design
Reading and writing simulation objects
Monitoring signals
Setting breakpoints and running the simulation
Capturing waveform data
Using the command history list
Executing commands from a script
Saving, resetting, and restarting the simulation
Exiting the simulator
and more...

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 154

About Lab 5
This lab focuses on the simulator textual command interface.
For this lab you compile, elaborate, simulate and debug a trivial RISC.

ld_ac accumulator instruction ld_ir
rstn (rgs) register clk
ac_out (rgs) rstn
data sel
[7:5] ir_out [4:0]
opcode (operand)
ld_pc program pc_out (smx)
inc_pc counter
alu_out (cnt)
zero rstn

rd addr
wr memory
ld_ir (mem) data
controller ld_ac
(ctl) inc_pc
June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 155
Debugging with the Graphical Interface

Chapter 7

June 21, 2011

Chapter Objective
To use the graphical interface to interact with the simulator

Module topics and where we are now:

Debugging with the graphical interface
SimVision Use Models
SimVision Windows
Some Other SimVision Utilities
SomVision for Low Power

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 157

Simvision Use Models
Interactive Verification Environment
Invokes simulator engine with access to all components of Simvision

% ncsim gui [-options] snapshot

Simulator &&
Post-Processing Environment Simvision
Access all component of Simvision without simulator

% simvision simulation_database [-options] \

snapshot snapshot_name


Simulator && Simvision

Simvision Database

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 158

SimVision Windows
The Cadence simulation analysis environment (SimVision) contains several primary
windows and additional graphical tools, for example:

Console Register

Properties Expression Calculator

Design Browser

Source Browser Assertion Browser


Schematic Tracer Simulation Cycle Debug

Memory Viewer Simcompare Manager

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 159

Console Window
Use the Console window to interact with the simulator
and the SimVision simulation analysis environment.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 160

Properties Window
Use the Properties window to examine and
set properties.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 161

Design Search Sidebar
Use the Design Search sidebar to search for design objects.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 162

Trace Signals Sidebar
Use the Trace Signals sidebar to trace signal flow.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 163

Comparison Results Sidebar
Use the Comparison Results sidebar to show comparison results.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 164

Design Browser Window
Use a Design Browser window to browse the design hierarchy and objects.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 165

Source Browser Window
Use a Source Browser window to browse your source code.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 166

Waveform Window
Use a Waveform window to display probed signal value change data.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 167

Schematic Tracer Window
Use a Schematic Tracer window to display signals as a schematic.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 168

Memory Viewer Window
Use the Memory Viewer window to view the contents of a memory.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 169

Some Other SimVision Utilities
Other training courses further describe these windows:


Expression Calculator

Assertion Browser

Simulation Cycle Debug

Simcompare Manager

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 170

Register Windows
Use a Register window to display data in a customizable register format.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 171

Expression Calculator Windows
Use an Expression Calculator window to create and edit expressions of signals.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 172

Simulation Cycle Debug Tool
Use the Simulation Cycle Debug tool to step through simulation cycles, stopping
at each time point, delta cycle, simulation phase, or scheduled process.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 173

SimCompare Manager Tool
Use the SimCompare Manager tool to compare two simulation databases.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 174

Browse Design Power Domains

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 175

Browse CPF Source

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 176

Display Probed Power Domain Information

PD group
- shutoff expr
-- expr signals
- isolation group
-- isolation expr
--- expr signals
-- isolation port(s)
- retention group
-- save expr
--- expr signals
-- restore expr
--- expr signals
-- retention element(s)
note cross-hatched outputs!

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 177

Trace Isolation and Shutoff Drivers

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 178

Browse Power-Related Assertions

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 179

You should now be able to use the graphical interface to interact with the simulator

This chapter examined debugging with the graphical interface:

SimVision Use Models
SimVision Windows
Some Other Simvision Utilities

SimVision for Low Power

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 180

About Lab 6
This lab focuses on the simulator graphical interface.
The lab has three parts. Do as many parts as you have time for:
1. Briefly explore the CPU design you have been working on
In this lab you briefly explore the Console, Design Browser, Source Browser, Register
and Waveform windows. You do not debug the design.

2. Explore and debug another memory design

In this lab you use the Console, Design Browser, Source Browser and Waveform
windows to debug the testbench of another memory design.

3. Explore in depth the waveform display window

In this longer lab you practice using the features of the Waveform window.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 181

Introduction to Simulator Utilities

Chapter 8

June 21, 2011

Chapter Objective
To able to use the simulator utilities

Module topics:
Introduction to simulator utilitie

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 183

cds_plat, cds_root, ncroot : Miscellaneous Utilities
Use cds_plat in your scripts to get the platform {ibmrs, lnx86, sun4v, etc.}.

Use cds_root in your scripts to get the installation root of an executable.

%cds_root -version
$CDS: version 07.02 09/14/2007 08:45 (cat71sun) $
%cds_root ncsim

Use ncroot in your scripts to get the installation root of cds_root itself.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 184

checkSysConf : Check System Configuration
Use checkSysConf to check for required operating system patches.
checkSysConf [-chrv]
checkSysConf RELEASE [-d directory] [-ilq] [-p patch]
checkSysConf IUS9.2
checkSysConf IUS9.2 -p 119059

Interesting options include:

-c Check data files for possible conflicts
-d Specify directory for patch data
-h Display brief help
-i Suppress informational output
-l Display the platform/OS/release datafile
-p Display Cadence products require this patch
-q Run quietly; output only PASS / FAIL
-r Display releases supported by data directory
-v Display tool version

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 185

hal: HDL Analysis Technology
Use hal to analyze your design (also works for SystemC).
hal [options] source(s)
hal [options] [lib.]cell[:view]

HAL checks the design for consistency, reusability, portability, semantic correctness,
synthesizability, testability, and more.

Interesting options include:

-bb_list <file> Provide file of black-box design units to exclude
-[no]check <category/check> Specify non-default list of categories / checks
-check_palladium Do acceleration policy checks
-clock_list <file> Provide file of clock inputs (for clock and DFT tests)
-lintpragma Enable check control via embedded pragmas
-ncb_sortby <keyval> Send log file to NCBrowse utility
-read_tlf <library.tlf> Read synthesis libraries (need for some categories)
-read_lib <library.lib> Read synthesis libraries (need for some categories)
-top <instance_path> Specify a sub-hierarchy to analyze

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 186

ncbrowse: Browse Log Files
Use ncbrowse to browse log files.
ncbrowse [options] [logFileName(s)]
ncbrowse hal.log -report -
+W,INCSEL (./latches_tb.v, 58|8): 'a' missing from sensitivity list

Interesting options include:

-environment <arg> Specify ncbrowse settings file
-filter <arg> Filter by {category, file, logfile, severity, tag, tool}=value
-format <arg> Format by {%F %G %L %M %S %s %T}
-nodefaultenv Not to use default ncbrowse settings
-report <arg> Specify report name (suppresses GUI)
-rulefile <arg> Specify a message category definitions file
-sortby <arg> Sort by {category, file, logfile, severity, tag, tool}
-order <arg> Order by {alpha, count} (use with sortby)

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 187

The NCBrowse GUI
You can alternatively do your browsing using the GUI.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 188

ncdc: Decompile a Snapshot
Use ncdc to decompile a snapshot.
ncdc [options] [lib.]cell[:view]
ncdc worklib.top -output top -split -pragma

The utility by default writes decompiled output to stdout.

Interesting options include:

-information List files referenced by decompiled code
-mangle Mangle identifiers
-map <filename> Write file mapping mangled names to original names
-nosdf Do not write SDF files
-origfiles Reconstruct original files and write script to compile/elaborate design
-output <filename>Specify output file
-pragma Preserve pragmas
-sdf <path:path> Map original SDF pathnames to current pathnames
-split Split VHDL and Verilog into separate files

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 189

ncgentb: Generate a Testbench from EVCD
Use ncgentb to create a testbench from an EVCD file.
ncgentb -input filename -dut [lib.]cell[:view] [options] \
ncgentb dff_test.dff_i -input ncsim.evcd -dut dff -into vhdl

Interesting options include:

-concurrent Generate concurrent assignments
-dut <arg> Specify required DUT unit name
-into <arg> Specify testbench language {verilog vhdl}
-input <arg> Specify required EVCD file name
-overwrite Overwrite existing testbench
-script <arg> Generate script to simulate testbench
-testbench <arg> Output file (ncsim_tb.v, ncsim_tb.vhd)

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 190

nchelp: Help with cds.lib, hdl.var and Message Codes
Use nchelp to:

Display libraries defined in a specific (or all loaded) cds.lib file(s)

Display variables defined in a specific (or all loaded) hdl.var file(s)
nchelp [options] {-cdslib | -hdlvar} [file_name]
nchelp -cdslib ~/cds.lib
nchelp -hdlvar

Obtain a description of tool message codes

nchelp [options] {-all | tool_name} message_code
nchelp ncvlog BADCLP
nchelp ncelab CUVWSP
You can alternatively just read the help message files in:

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 191

Example Using the nchelp Utility

%ncvlog top.v -cdslib nosuch.cds -nocopyright

ncvlog: *F,BADCLP: the -CDSLIB arguments path nosuch.cds does not
exist or is not readable. attempt to specify a cds.lib
nchelp ncvlog BADCLP file that is not found
ncvlog/BADCLP =
The path specified for the -CDSLIB argument is invalid.
Check that the specified path exists and is readable.

%ncelab top -nocopyright

drv u1 (out1); attempt to elaborate a design
containing a dangling output port
ncelab: *W,CUVWSP (./top.v,2|5): 1 output port was not connected:
ncelab: (./drv.v,1): out2
nchelp ncelab CUVWSP
ncelab/CUVWSP =
The indicated module instance does not specify a connection for
each output port in the module port list. The specified output
ports are left unconnected.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 192

ncls: List Library Objects
Use ncls to list the derived objects stored in the library system.
ncls [options] [lib.][cell][:view]
ncls project_lib.top:module
ncls top -library project_lib -view module
Just enter the arguments to list all objects of one or all views of a specified cell in
one or all libraries. Omitting the library and view lists all objects of the cell.
Object selection options:
-code (COD), -snapshot (SSS), -verilog (VST), -overlay (SIG), -systemc (SCD), -vhdl
Unit type selection options:
-architecture, -body, -configuration, -connect, -entity, -interface, -module, -package, -
program, -primitive

Information selection options:

-command, -dependents, -lockinfo, -messages, -no_std_ieee, -release, -source [-
absolute_path], -time

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 193

Example Using the ncls Utility

%ncls -all nocopyright

module worklib.drv:module (VST)
module worklib.drv:module (SIG) <0x5a85e48e>
module worklib.dut:module (VST)
module worklib.dut:module (SIG) <0x34683e01>
module worklib.top:module (VST)
module worklib.top:module (SIG) <0x01f0b280>
module worklib.tst:module (VST)
module worklib.tst:module (SIG) <0x638c9e1c>
module worklib.tst:module (COD) <0x638c9e1c>
snapshot worklib.top:module (SSS)

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 194

ncpack: Pack a Library
Use ncpack to pack or unpack a reference library or change its attributes.
ncpack [options] library_name

You can tag it as addonly, database (simulator default), or readonly

Interesting options include:

-addonly Set access to add-only
-database Set access to read/write
-readonly Set access to read-only
-tmpdir <arg> Specify temporary directory
-unlock Unlock the library
-unpack Unpack the library

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 195

ncprotect: Protect your Intellectual Property
Use ncprotect to protect all or portions of your HDL source code.
ncprotect [options] filename(s)
ncprotect source.vhd -autoprotect -extension pro -language vhdl
Use the -autoprotect option or place code to protect between the
pragma protect begin and pragma protect end pragmas.
You can specify the key owner, algorithm, and whether public or private, using a
parameters file or additional pragmas. Refer to the simulator documentation.

Interesting options include:

-autoprotect Protect everything in the input file(s)
-extension <arg> Specify the output file extension {p}
-language <arg> Specify the input file language {vlog vhdl}
-overwrite Overwrite existing output files
-parameters <arg> Specify a parameters file

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 196

ncrm: Remove Library Objects
Use ncrm to remove the derived objects stored in the library system.
ncrm [options] [lib.]cell[:view]
ncrm project_lib.top:module

Just enter the arguments to remove one or all views of a specified cell from one or
all libraries. Omitting the library and view removes all versions of the cell.

Interesting options include:

-library <arg> Remove all elements of the specified library
-release <arg> Remove code (COD) objects of specified hotfix
-snapshot Remove only the snapshot (SSS) object

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 197

ncsdfc: Compile SDF
Use ncsdfc to compile and decompile SDF files.
ncsdfc [options] filename

The ncsdfc utility by default writes the filename.X compiled SDF file and the
filename.sdfd decompiled file.

Interesting options include:

-decompile Decompile an existing SDF file
-output <arg> Specify output file name
-update Recompile only if out-of-date
-worstcase_rounding Truncate min delays, round up max delays

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 198

ncshell: Generate a Foreign Model Shell
Use ncshell to generate a shell for importation of foreign models
ncshell -import language -into language [options] [lib.]cell[:view]

Interesting options include:

Option Description Option Description

-all Shell for all known SWIFT -import <arg> {fmi, swift, systemc, verilog,
verilog ams, vhdl}
-ams Verilog-AMS model import -into <arg> {systemc, vhdl, verilog}
-analopts <arg> Analyzer options -list <arg> File listing HDL src
-analyze <arg> Analyze HDL src -nocompile Do not compile shell
-backward Leapfrog/VXL shell -noescape No escaped VHDL ids
-comp <arg> Component file name -package <arg> Specify package name
-fmient FMI entity -shell <arg> Specify shell name
-fmilib FMI library -scopts <arg> Specify ncsc options
-generic Include generics -ulogic Use unresolved logic
-view <arg> Verilog view

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 199

ncsuffix: Get the Library Version
You can use the ncsuffix utility in two ways:

To find the library file suffix that the installed tools use, e.g.
You can use ncsuffix in a shell command to filter file names:
ncsuffix {-all -ast -cod -pak -sig -sss -vst} [options]
% set suffix = ncsuffix -nocopyright -pak
% echo $suffix
% ls worklib/*.$suffix

To find the tool version that created the library

ncsuffix -release [options] library_name(s)
% ncsuffix -nocopyright -release worklib
library worklib is compiled with the following versions

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 200

ncupdate: Update the Library
Use ncupdate to update design units, snapshots, or libraries.
ncupdate [options] [lib.]cell[:view]

Interesting options include:

-cmdfile <arg> Specify VHDL compile command file
-exclfile <arg> Specify file of libraries to exclude from update
-exclude <arg> Specify a library to exclude from update
-force Force update of already up-to-date objects
-library Update entire library
-norecompile Do not recompile
-nosource Do not check timestamps
-overwrite Overwrite an already existing script
-script <arg> Write script to do update (does not run it)
-show Show update script
-unit Update unit only (not snapshot)

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 201

nmp: Map Between Namespaces
Use nmp to obtain information about, and map names between, namespaces.
nmp -version
nmp {getSpaceNames | getAllSpaceNames}
nmp isLegalName spaceName identifier
nmp mapName fromSpaceName toSpaceName identifier

This example determines whether the proposed name is a legal Verilog name.
nmp isLegalName Verilog '$myName'

This example maps an escaped VHDL name to the Verilog namespace.

nmp mapName VHDL Verilog '\$myName\'

This example maps an escaped Verilog library name to the file system namespace.
nmp mapName Verilog Filesys '\cpu-lib '

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 202

shellgen: Generate an OMI Shell
Use shellgen to generate a VHDL or Verilog shell of an OMI-compliant model.
shellgen -b bootstrap_file [options]

Interesting options include:

-b <arg> Specify vendor-provided model manager bootstrap file
-l <arg> Constrain shell generation to the specified library
-m <arg> Constrain shell generation to the specified model
-nomm_objext Generate mm_object attribute value without extension
-nomm_path Generate mm_object attribute value as empty string
-o <arg> Specify the shell file name
-pli, -verilog, -vhdl Specify the shell file type
-r Overwrite an existing shell file if necessary
-unresolved Use unresolved port types in VHDL shells
+manager_opt[=val] Pass the model manager its own vendor-defined options

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 203

simcompare: Compare Waveform Databases
Use simcompare to compare waveform databases.
simcompare [options] [[ref_database] test_database]
simcompare -report report.log ref.trn test.trn

Interesting options include:

-checkstrength Also compare signal strength
-input file Input commands from file and exit when done
-maxerrors n Limit maximum reported errors per comparison
-report file Report to file instead of stdout
-restore file Restore comparison state
-save file Save comparison state
-sequencetime Also compare zero-delay transitions
-tcl Enter interactive mode
-totalerrors n Limit maximum total reported errors

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 204

Simcompare Commands
Command Description
translate [-force] dbname_in [dbname_out] Translate VCD to SST2
database name pathname [-shift time] Define a database
golden pathname Define golden database
test pathname Define test database
threshold name d1(a1) [...dN(aN)] Define an analog-to-digital values map
threshold ttl St0(<0.8) StX(0.8=2.0) St1(>2.0)
sequencetime [on | off] To include zero-delay transitions
statemap name \ Define a reference-to-test state map
testState1 testState2 [...testStateN] \
refState1:1 {1|0} [...{1|0}] \
refState2:{1|0} 1 [...{1|0}] \ ...
[refStateN:{1|0} {1|0} ... 1]
statemap ignoreX 01ZX 0:1000 1:0100 Z:0010 X:1111

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 205

Simcompare Commands (continued)
Command Description
clkdef name clkexpr [options] Define a comparison clock
compare [golden [test] [options]] Define an absolute comparison
clkcompare [clkexpr valexpr] [options] Define a clocked comparison
stability clkexpr valexpr [options] Define a stability check
report [comparisons] [options] Generate a full or summary report
save filename Save comparison state to a file
restore filename Restore comparison state from a file

Following pages more fully describe the comparison and check commands.

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 206

Simcompare Command Options: Common
Common Option Description
-append Append to report
-bitblast Bit blast buses for comparison
-[no]checkstrength Override invocation option and command
-detail [full | summary] Override default detail for command
-start time Start check
-end time End check
-maxerrors n Override invocation option and command
-name string Name the definition
-output file Redirect output to file
-[no]sequencetime Override invocation option and command
-[no]stdout Suppress or force stdout
-when expr Condition the check

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 207

Performing an Absolute Comparison
The compare command does an absolute comparison.
compare [golden [test] [options]]

Options for compare command Description

-alltypes Show all checks and comparisons
-signals Compare signals (default)
-ports Also compare ports
-allvars Compare ports and signals
-depth level Limit compare depth (0=all)
-ignoreundefined {golden | test | both } Ignore fully undefined (U) signals
-ignoreunknown {golden | test | both } Ignore fully unknown (X) signals
-neg n Specify negative tolerance (0)
-pos n Specify positive tolerance (0)
-tol n Specify symmetric tolerance (0)
-shift[g|t] time Shift transitions in golden, test, or both
-statemap map Use specified state map
-threshold[g|t] map Use specified threshold map
June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 208
Defining a Comparison Clock
The clkdef command defines a clock for clocked comparisons and stability checks.
clkdef name clkexpr [options]

Options for clkdef command Description

-bothedge Active edge is both
-negedge Active edge is negative
-posedge Active edge is positive
-edge edge Active edge is specified edge
-clkshift time Shift the clock expression
-setup[g|t] time Setup time in golden, test, or both
-hold[g|t] time Hold time in golden, test, or both

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 209

Performing a Clocked Comparison
The clkcompare command does a clocked comparison.
clkcompare [clkexpr valexpr] [options]
You can optionally utilize a defined clock.

Options for clkcompare command Description

-bothedge Active edge is both
-negedge Active edge is negative
-posedge Active edge is positive
-edge edge Active edge is specified edge
-clkshift time Shift the clock expression
-shift time Shift the value expression
-clkt expr Specify an alternative test clock
-valt expr Specify an alternative test expression
-clkthreshold[g|t] map Specify threshold map for clock
-threshold[g|t] map Specify threshold map for values
-setup[g|t] time Setup time in golden, test, or both
-hold[g|t] time Hold time in golden, test, or both
-statemap map Specify state map

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 210

Performing a Stability Check
The stability command does a stability check.
stability clkexpr valexpr [options]
You can optionally utilize a defined clock.

Options for stability command Description

-bothedge Active edge is both
-negedge Active edge is negative
-posedge Active edge is positive
-edge edge Active edge is specified edge
-clkshift time Shift the clock expression
-shift time Shift the value expression
-clkthreshold map Specify threshold map for clock
-threshold map Specify threshold map for values
-setup time Setup time in golden, test, or both
-hold time Hold time in golden, test, or both

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 211

Example Comparisons
database ref.trn g::top.s1 <- shift
database tst.trn
compare top.s1 \ t::top.s1
-shift -30 -tol 10
neg pos
golden ref.trn g::top.s1
test tst.trn
compare top.s1 \
-neg 25ns -pos 15ns \ t::top.s1
when "!rst"

database bar tst.trn

setup hold
database foo ref.trn
clkdef CLK foo::top.clk \ foo::top.clk negedge ->
golden foo foo::top.s1
test bar
clkcompare CLK top.s1 \
-setup -15ns -hold 45ns

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 212

simvisdbutil: SimVision Database Utility
Use simvisdbutil to translate waveform databases in batch mode.
simvisdbutil [-options] filename(s)

You can translate VCD, EVCD, HSPICE, Nutmeg, Epic, and Qsim to SST2.
You can translate SST2 to VCD or CSV.
The simvisdbutil utility by default creates local SST2 .dsn and SST2 .trn files.

Interesting options include:

-compress Compress the SST2 output
-{csv|shm|sst2|vcd} Output the specified format
-output <arg> Place output in specified file: filename.{csv|shm|trn|vcd}
-range start:end Include the specified range
-overwrite Overwrite an existing output file
-sequence Include sequence time information
-signal <arg> Include the specified signal

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 213

You should now be able to use these simulator utilities:

cds_plat ncdc ncprotect ncsuffix

cds_root ncexport ncrelocate ncupdate
checkSysConf ncgentb ncrm nmp
hal nchelp ncroot shellgen
ncsc_env_check ncls ncsdfc simcompare
ncbrowse ncpack ncshell simvisdbutil

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 214

About Lab 7
In this lab you:
Use the HAL utility to analyze the RISC design of lab 5

Use the NCBrowse utility to examine the HAL log file

Use the HAL definition file editor to examine the default definitions

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 215

Annotating SDF Timing

Chapter 9

June 21, 2011

Chapter Objective
To annotate timing information

Module topics:
Annotating SDF timing
Briefly describe the purpose of annotation
Understand an SDF timing data file
Work around SDF annotation issues
Annotate SDF timing data

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Describing Timing Annotation
A silicon vendor simulation library typically contains estimated intrinsic timing.
For accurate timing simulation you need additional data:
Drive strength

Interconnect parasitics
Total load
Environmental factors

You also need to simulate fast clock with slow data and slow clock with fast data.
Most event simulators cannot directly do this.

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Timing Data Flow
Design Floorplan Delay Delay
Capture Refinement Calculation Calculation

Functional Clock Insertion, In Place

Simulation Reoptimization Optimization SPF Data

Global Routing, ECO Routing SDF

Reoptimization Annotation
Design Rule
Scan Checking Gate-level
Final Routing
Insertion Simulation
Back-End Flow
Parasitic Timing
Synthesis Analysis

Placement SPF Data

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Delay Calculators
Two major categories of delay calculators exist:
Delay calculators embedded in the tools
Synthesis tools
Static timing analysis tools

Custom delay calculators


Delay calculators can generate SDF data, or directly annotate timing data using the
Application Programming Interface (API).

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Understanding an SDF File
The SDF provides a tool-independent, uniform way to specify timing data.
This section presents an example SDF file and then explains the:
SDF header data

SDF cell timing data

SDF cell labels
SDF cell delays
SDF cell timing checks
SDF cell timing environment

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Example SDF File
(DESIGN "system")
(DATE "Thu Nov 5 14:10:03 EST 2009")
(VENDOR "Cadence")
(PROGRAM "delay_calc")
(VERSION "09.20-p007")
(DIVIDER /) /*hierarchical divider */
(VOLTAGE 4.5:5.0:5.5)
(PROCESS "worst")
(TIMESCALE 1ns) /* delay time units */
(CELL (CELLTYPE "system") (INSTANCE block_1) /* top-level blocks */
(INTERCONNECT D1/z P3/i (.155::.155) (.130::.130)))))
(CELL (CELLTYPE "INV") (INSTANCE *) /* all instances of "INV" */
(IOPATH i z (.345::.348) (.325::.329)))))
(CELL (CELLTYPE "OR2") (INSTANCE B1/C1) /* this instance of "OR2" */
(IOPATH i1 z (.300::.300) (.325::.325))
(IOPATH i2 z (.300::.300) (.325::.325)))))

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Understanding SDF Header Keywords
An SDF file starts with a header (most of which is merely documentation):

Keyword Status Format Default

SDFVERSION Required qstring none
DESIGN Document qstring none
DATE Document qstring none
VENDOR Document qstring none
PROGRAM Document qstring none
VERSION Document qstring none
DIVIDER Optional hchar .
VOLTAGE Document real | rtriple none
PROCESS Document qstring none
TEMPERATURE Document real | rtriple none
TIMESCALE Optional number unit 1 ns
(DELAYFILE (SDFVERSION "4.0") (CELL ...) ... )

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Understanding SDF Cell Timing Keywords
A CELL keyword identifies a design subscope and the timing data to apply there:

Keyword Status Format Default

CELL Required syntax none
CELLTYPE Required qstring none
INSTANCE Required see notes see notes
LABEL Optional lbl_type none
DELAY Optional deltype none
TIMINGCHECK Optional tchk_def none
TIMINGENV Optional te_def none
(CELL (CELLTYPE type) (INSTANCE scope) (LABEL ...) (DELAY ...)

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Understanding SDF Cell Label Keywords
A LABEL keyword replaces or adds delay values to labels:

Keyword Specifies
ABSOLUTE Absolute (replaced) delay values
INCREMENT Incremental (added) delay values
(LABEL (ABSOLUTE (name delays) ... ) (INCREMENT
(name delays) ... ) ... )


June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 225

Understanding SDF Cell Delay Keywords
A DELAY keyword applies cell and net delay and pulse reject and error values or ratios:

Keyword Specifies
ABSOLUTE Absolute delay replaces any existing delay
INCREMENT Incremental delay adds to any existing delay
PATHPULSE Path pulse control reject and error values
PATHPULSEPERCENT Path pulse control reject and error ratios (percent)
DEVICE Cell delay to a specific (or all) cell output(s) (or inout(s))
IOPATH Cell delay from a specific cell input (or inout) to a specific cell output (or
RETAIN Time for IOPATH to maintain previous state
COND Conditional cell delay
CONDELSE Default cell delay (applies only to matching COND)
NETDELAY Net delay from all sources of the net to all loads of the net
PORT Net delay from all sources of the net to a specific input (or inout) port
INTERCONNECT Net delay from a specific output (or inout) port to a specific input (or inout)


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Annotating Cell Delay
In the SDF file, annotate cell delay with:
The DEVICE keyword to specify the intrinsic delay of a cell, gate, or port
This specifies min:typ:max delay for rise, fall, and turn off edges
( DEVICE U1 (7:8:9) (1:2:3) (4:5:6) )
This specifies min:typ:max delay, reject, and error for all edges
( DEVICE U1 ( (7:8:9) (1:2:3) (4:5:6) ) )

The IOPATH keyword to specify the delay from an instance input to an instance
This specifies min:typ:max delay for rise, fall, and turn off edges
( IOPATH INA OUTA (7:8:9) (1:2:3) (4:5:6) )
This specifies min:typ:max delay, reject, and error for all edges
( IOPATH INA OUTA ( (7:8:9) (1:2:3) (4:5:6) ) )

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Example IOPATH Delay Specification Syntax

/* 1-delay expressions, with and without reject and error limits */

(IOPATH p_in p_out (delay_triple) )

(IOPATH p_in p_out ((delay_triple) (reject_triple) ))
(IOPATH p_in p_out ((delay_triple) ( ) (error_triple)))
(IOPATH p_in p_out ((delay_triple) (reject_triple) (error_triple)))

/* 2-delay expressions, with and without reject and error limits */

(IOPATH p_in p_out (rise_triple)

(fall_triple) )
(IOPATH p_in p_out ((rise_triple) (reject_triple) )
((fall_triple) (reject_triple) ))
(IOPATH p_in p_out ((rise_triple) ( ) (error_triple))
((fall_triple) ( ) (error_triple)))
(IOPATH p_in p_out ((rise_triple) (reject_triple) (error_triple))
((fall_triple) (reject_triple) (error_triple)))

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Annotating Net Delay
In the SDF file, annotate net delay with:
The PORT keyword to specify the delay of all interconnections to an input port
This specifies min:typ:max delay for rise, fall, and turn off edges
( PORT IN (7:8:9) (1:2:3) (4:5:6) )
This specifies min:typ:max delay, reject, and error for all edges
( PORT IN ( (7:8:9) (1:2:3) (4:5:6) ) )

The INTERCONNECT keyword to specify the delay from an instance output to

an instance input
This specifies min:typ:max delay for rise, fall, and turn off edges
( INTERCONNECT a.OUT b.IN (7:8:9) (1:2:3) (4:5:6) )
This specifies min:typ:max delay, reject, and error for all edges
( INTERCONNECT a.OUT b.IN ( (7:8:9) (1:2:3) (4:5:6) ) )

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Example INTERCONNECT Delay Specification Syntax

/* 1-delay expressions, with and without reject and error limits */

(INTERCONNECT A.out B.in (delay_triple) )

(INTERCONNECT A.out B.in ((delay_triple) (reject_triple) ))
(INTERCONNECT A.out B.in ((delay_triple) ( ) (error_triple)))
(INTERCONNECT A.out B.in ((delay_triple) (reject_triple) (error_triple)))

2-delay expressions, with and without reject and error limits */

(INTERCONNECT A.out B.in (rise_triple)

(fall_triple) )
(INTERCONNECT A.out B.in ((rise_triple) (reject_triple) )
((fall_triple) (reject_triple) ))
(INTERCONNECT A.out B.in ((rise_triple) ( ) (error_triple))
((fall_triple) ( ) (error_triple)))
(INTERCONNECT A.out B.in ((rise_triple) (reject_triple) (error_triple))
((fall_triple) (reject_triple) (error_triple)))

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Understanding SDF Cell Timing Check Keywords
A TIMINGCHECK keyword specifies minimum or maximum limits for the time between
transitions of two signals or two transitions of the same signal:

Keyword Stamp Check Value Limit

SETUP port 1 port 2 Positive Min
HOLD port 2 port 1 Positive Min
SETUPHOLD port 1,2 port 2,1 Signed Min
RECOVERY port 1 port 2 Positive Min
REMOVAL port 2 port 1 Positive Min
RECREM port 1,2 port 2,1 Signed Min
SKEW port 1,2 port 2,1 Signed Max
BIDIRECTSKEW port 1,2 port 2,1 Positive Min
WIDTH port port Positive Min
PERIOD port port Positive Min
NOCHANGE port 2,1 port 1,2 Signed Min


June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 231

Understanding SDF Cell Timing Environment Keywords
A TIMINGENV keyword associates constraint values with critical paths in the
design and provides information about the timing environment in which the circuit
will operate. Constructs in this subclause are used for forward annotation to design
implementation tools.

Keyword Specifies
SUM Max sum of multiple path delays
DIFF Max difference between two path delays
ARRIVAL Input port arrival time
DEPARTURE Output port departure time
SLACK Input port available slack
WAVEFORM Clock waveform


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Working Around Annotation Issues
This section individually examines the following annotation issues:
SDF standard annotation issues

Language-specific annotation issues

Tool-related annotation issues

Simulator-specific annotation issues

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Working Around SDF Standard Annotation Issues
Here are some general rules that you should be aware of:
Each SDF version reflects significant changes
Cadence defined SDF version 1.0
OVI defined SDF versions 2.0, 2.1, 3.0
IEEE std. 1497-2001 defines SDF version 4.0
IEEE std. 1076.4-2000 (VITAL) supports SDF version 4.0

The annotator must apply SDF data in file order

Subsequent LABEL, TIMINGCHECK, TIMINGENV replace previous
Subsequent ABSOLUTE delays replace previous delays
Subsequent INCREMENT delays add to previous delays

The annotator must apply cell path data only to existing constructs
Edge-qualified SDF cell paths do not map to unqualified cell paths
Conditional SDF cell paths do not map to unconditional cell paths

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Working Around Language-Specific Annotation Issues
The IEEE std. 1076.4-2000 (VITAL) supports a subset of SDF 4.0:
No support for simultaneous annotation of min:typ:max values

Not sensitive to character case


No support for escape characters

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Working Around Tool-Related Annotation Issues
Here are some tool-related issues that you should be aware of:
The SDF escapes only individual identifier characters

The SDF allows a port to be an internal node

Annotators can convert INTERCONNECT delay to PORT delay

Annotators can ignore INTERCONNECT delay

Annotators must attempt to apply DEVICE delays to cell timing paths

If unsuccessful, must apply to all primitives driving output port

Simulation tools do not use TIMINGENV data

Not all annotators use negative values
Shall substitute 0 in ABSOLUTE clauses
May substitute 0 in INCREMENT clauses
Simulators typically do not use negative delay

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Working Around Simulator-Specific Annotation Issues
These are some simulator-specific issues that you should be aware of:
Simulator handling of mixed-language INTERCONNECT
Does not annotate INTERCONNECT data to mixed-language bidirectional
Simulator handling of mixed-language INTERCONNECT path pulse controls
Supports pulse controls for interconnect paths that terminate in a Verilog partition

Simulator handling of missing INTERCONNECT

For Verilog Converts to PORT delays
For VHDL Ignores missing INTERCONNECT

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Annotating SDF Data with Incisive Simulators
This section discusses:
Preparing the optional SDF configuration file

Preparing the SDF command file

Compiling SDF files with ncsdfc

Annotating SDF data
Annotating Verilog with $sdf_annotate

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Preparing the Optional SDF Configuration File
The optional SDF configuration file filters SDF timing data prior to annotation.
It can contain keywords to control how the data is used (default in bold):
SCALE_FACTORS = 1.0:1.0:1.0;
MODULE definition_name // Verilog ONLY
SCALE_FACTORS = 1.0:1.0:1.0;
MAP_INNER = hierarchical_instance_name;
[ (sdf_timing_path) = IGNORE; ]
[ | (sdf_timing_path) = ADD { (hdl_timing_path); ...; } ]
[ | (sdf_timing_path) = OVERRIDE { (hdl_timing_path); ...; } ]

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Preparing the SDF Command File
Create an SDF command file to control the annotation process:

Keyword Example Specifies

COMPILED_SDF_FILE = "cpu.sdf.X", Compiled SDF file name
SCOPE = m1, Module instance path name
CONFIG_FILE = "cpu_sdf.cfg", Configuration file name
LOG_FILE = "cpu_sdf.log", Log file name
SCALE_FACTORS = ".201:1.01:3.01", Scale factors
The COMPILED_SDF_FILE keyword is required. You can omit all other command file keywords. The
MTM_CONTROL, SCALE_FACTORS, and SCALE_TYPE keywords in the command file override those in
the configuration file.
You can annotate multiple units simultaneously. Just specify another SDF file and scope. Enter the following
statements in any order. Use commas to separate statements and use a semicolon after the last statement
of the file.
Remember to use the period (.) hierarchy divider for Verilog scopes (i.e. top.dut.sub) and the colon (:)
hierarchy divider for VHDL scopes (i.e. :dut:sub).

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Compiling SDF files with ncsdfc
Compile the SDF file with ncsdfc:
ncsdfc [options] filename.sdf
ncsdfc -worstcase_rounding timing.sdf

Interesting options include:

-decompile Decompile the specified SDF files
-output <arg> Redirect the compiled SDF output
-update Recompile only if necessary
-worstcase_rounding Round min delays down, max delays up

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Annotating SDF Data
Provide the SDF command file to the elaborator:
ncelab design_unit [-intermod_path] -sdf_cmd_file filename
ncelab top -intermod_path -sdf_cmd_file cpu_sdf.cmd
ncelab top -sdf_cmd_file cpu_sdf.cmd -sdf_cmd_file alu_sdf.cmd

These annotation-specific elaborator options affect both VHDL and Verilog:

Common Option Description

-sdf_cmd_file filename Provide an SDF command file
-intermod_path Enable multisource interconnect delays
-no_sdfa_header Suppress display of SDF header information
-sdf_no_warnings Suppress display of SDF annotator warnings
-sdf_precision precision Specify maximum precision for SDF data
-sdf_verbose Display detailed SDF annotator activity
precision is {1|10|100}{fs|ps|ns|us|ms|s} with no intervening space

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Elaborator Annotation Options: Verilog
Option Description
-anno_simtime Allow runtime API annotation
-caint Allow INTERCONNECT annotation across continuous
-noautosdf Disable automatic $sdf_annotate SDF annotation
-sdf_nocheck_celltype Suppress validation of cell type declaration
-sdf_nopulse Ignore SDF path pulse reject and error data
-sdf_simtime Allow runtime $sdf_annotate SDF annotation
-sdf_specpp Use specify block PATHPULSE parameters
-sdf_worstcase_rounding Round min delays down, max delays up

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Automatically Annotating Verilog with $sdf_annotate
You can annotate the Verilog portions of your design with the $sdf_annotate built-in system
task. Task arguments correspond to command file entries. Only the SDF file name argument is
$sdf_annotate ( "sdf_file", "module_instance_path_name",
"configuration_file", "log_file", "mtm_spec", "scale_factors",
"scale_type" ) ;
$sdf_annotate ( "timing.sdf", , , "sdf.log" ) ;

The elaborator by default executes any $sdf_annotate system tasks unambiguously scheduled
to execute at simulation time 0. That means:
You cannot place the $sdf_annotate system task in an always block

You cannot precede the $sdf_annotate system task with a timing control
You cannot place the $sdf_annotate system task in a case, for, repeat. or while

You cannot place the $sdf_annotate system task in an if statement if the conditional
expression is not statically computable

Otherwise use sdf_simtime to postpone annotation until simulation time.

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You should now be able to annotate timing information

This chapter described annotating SDF timing:

Briefly explained the purpose of annotation
Described an SDF timing data file
Exposed SDF annotation issues

Instructed annotation of SDF timing data

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About HDL Lab 8
In this lab, you annotate design timing data:
Compile SDF data with ncsdfc

Prepare an SDF command file

Annotate and simulate a design

Analyze timing violations

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Conclusions and Next Steps

Chapter 10

June 21, 2011

Course Summary
You should now be able to simulate your Verilog design using an Incisive simulator.

Module 1 described the fundamentals for doing Incisive simulation:

Briefly described Incisive simulation
Described setting up your environment for Incisive simulation
Described compiling, elaborating, and simulating your design and testbench

Described debugging your design with the textual

Module 2 explored advanced Incisive simulation topics:

Described debugging your design with the graphical interfaces

Utilizing additional simulation-related utilities

Annotating SDF timing data to the HDL portions of your design

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Next Steps
This training examined Incisive Verilog simulation:
Fundamentals Advanced topics
Setup Other utilities
Compile Mixed-language
Elaborate Timing annotation
Simulate Application programming
Debug Advanced SystemC features

Cadence offers much more training related to Incisive simulation:

Languages (basic and adv.) Tools Methodology
e Assertions Verification planning
SystemC Coverage Verification management
VHDL Power Open Verification Methodology

You can continue your training in these subjects: http://www.cadence.com/Training/

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 250

Incisive Functional Verification Courses
Design & Verification System C/C++

SystemVerilog XL SystemVerilog Advanced PSL and

Advanced Advanced SVA and Formal Verification
Verification Using Formal Verification

Functional Verification
Formal Verification with PSL

SystemVerilog XL SystemVerilog XL SystemVerilog XL Transaction Level

Verification Using Language Assertions Modeling


L Incisive XL SystemC
with VHDL Simulation of PSL Verification (SCV)

VHDL for L Verilog L Incisive XL C++ SystemC XL

Verilog users Language and SystemC, VHDL, Language Fundamentals
Application and Verilog

Verilog for L VHDL Designing L

VHDL users Language & with VHDL

Also available as an Internet Learning Series course

L, XL, GXL Denotes tiers of Cadence products

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 251

Incisive Functional Verification Courses (continued)
Verification Metric-driven Verification Scripting

XL Verification XL
Specman Elite
Advanced Planning Using
Verification Enterprise Planner

XL Low Power XL Intoduction to Perl for EDA

Specman Elite
Simulation Metric-Driven Engineering

Basics for
Environment Verification
Developers Workshop

Incisive XL Tcl Scripting for

Comprehensive EDA + Intro to Tk

Specman Elite XL Incisive XL

Basics for SystemC, VHDL,
Environment Users and Verilog


Also available as an Internet Learning Series course

L, XL, GXL Denotes tiers of Cadence products

June 21, 2011 Incisive Enterprise Simulation training 252

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