Shahzad Azeem (02) Sehrash Basheer (34) Presented To Dr. Hasan Bucha
Shahzad Azeem (02) Sehrash Basheer (34) Presented To Dr. Hasan Bucha
Shahzad Azeem (02) Sehrash Basheer (34) Presented To Dr. Hasan Bucha
Presented to
Dr. hasan bucha
Business ethics
Ethics definition;
Code of conduct
Based on moral and social values
Gives protection to social groups
Provides basic framework
Requires education and guidance
Relative Term
New concept
Importance Of Business Ethics
Broad framework
Trust building
Good social image
Improves and strengthens organizational culture
Strategic value and decision-making goals of a business concern with ethical
beliefs and values rather balance sheet or profit mark up
Sense of empowerment and security
Strong team work.
Code of Conduct in Business
Code of conduct in business is important to organize certain
business activities. These days code of conduct in business is
developed by many business houses and also by the corporate
sector (for example: the code of conduct in business of Jet
airways, Coca Cola Company, Dow etc.)All codes of conduct in
business are based on the core values of the company, its
mission and vision.
Some Major Unethical Business Practices
1. Sexual Harassment at workplaces
2. Forced Labor and Bonded Labor
3. Sweat Shops
4. Discriminations
5. Fraud
6. Theft
7. Corruption
Ethical issues in different business areas
Many serious diseases like cancer, asthma and bronchitis are job-related.
Noise Pollution
Death due to physical accidents in factories.
To work under the conditions of occupational safety is one of the important rights of workers,
but it is not carefully implemented by POM authorities.
Unhealthy production site, buying of second quality machinery and poor maintenance.
The working conditions and facilities may be inadequate.
Inside and outside pollution by chemical substances.
Unethical Practices in Accounting
Misappropriation by not recording the cash
Misappropriation of cash payments.
Misappropriation of goods by wrong
Window dressing
Ethical Issues in Human Resource Management (HRM)
Discriminatory policies
Firms often do not care for safety, health, job satisfaction and comfortable working environment.
HRM policies may be absent or biased with respect to promotion, recruitment, reward and punishment.
Workers rights and unionism are not looked upon favorably by employers.
While practicing downsizing and lay-offs, sufficient prior notice is not given to employees.
Many firms are engaged in exploiting workers by giving them unjustifiable lower wages.
Sometimes privacy is not allowed and this goes against the women workers.
Forces labors and child laborers are used by many firms.
Unethical Practices in IT Industry
Spreading Viruses
It involves the replacement, destruction, forging or
corrupting a resource. It is a variation of hijacking.
Infringement of copyright materials
Credit Card Fraud
Account take-over