By Dr. Saad Rehman
By Dr. Saad Rehman
By Dr. Saad Rehman
Saad Rehman
Research is what I'm doing when I
don't know what I'm doing.
Research and experimental development is
formal work which is undertaken
systematically to increase the stock of
knowledge, including knowledge of
humanity, culture and society, and the use of
this stock of knowledge to devise new
Research is a process of investigation. An
examination of a subject from different points of
view. Its not just a trip to the library to pick up a
stack of materials, or picking the first five hits
from a computer search. Research is a hunt for
the truth. It is getting to know a subject by
reading up on it, reflecting, playing with the
ideas, choosing the areas that interest you and
following up on them. Research is the way you
educate yourself.
Scientific Research
Research in Humanities
Artistic Research
Identification of research problem
Literature review
Specifying the purpose of research
Determine specific research questions or
Data collection
Analyzing and interpreting the data
Reporting and evaluating research
Qualitative research
Quantitative research
Qualitative researchers are primarily
concerned with practice and process rather
than outcomes. That is, they focus on the
process that is occurring instead of the
outcome of that process. The focus is on
participants' perceptions and experiences and
the way they make sense of their lives.
Qualitative research, also called field
research, typically involves fieldwork in which
the researcher observes and records behavior
and events in their natural setting. The
researcher physically goes to the people,
setting, or site in order to observe the subject
as it normally and naturally occurs or
Quantitative research generates numerical
data or data that can be converted into numbers
for a statistical review. A typical example would
be a restaurant survey card that asks from 1 to
5, with one being very dissatisfied and 5 being
very satisfied, how would you describe your
dining experience today? Ideally, quantitative
research looks to obtain a statistically reliable
sampling of respondents.
Quantitative research is generally done using
scientific methods, which includes the following