Nutrition - is what a person eats and how the body uses it.
Nutrients are organic and inorganic substances found in
foods that are required for body functioning. Adequate
food intake consists of a balance of nutrients: water,
carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals.
-three major functions: providing energy for body
processes and movement, providing structural material for
body tissues, and regulating body processes.
Enteral Nutrition
(EN), also referred to as total enteral nutrition (TEN), is
provided when the client is unable to ingest foods or
the upper gastrointestinal tract is impaired and the
transport of food to the small intestine is interrupted.
Enteral feedings are administered through nasogastric
and small-bore feeding tubes, or through gastrostomy
or jejunostomy tubes.
Enteral Assistive Devices:
Restlessness or agitation.
3. Gastrostomy and jejunostomy devices are used for
long- term nutritional support, generally more than 6 to 8
weeks. Tubes are placed surgically or by laparoscopy
through the abdominal wall into the stomach
(gastrostomy) or into the jejunum (jejunos- tomy).
NGT tube
Non-allergenic adhesive tape, 2.5 cm (1 in.) wide
Sterile gloves
Water-soluble lubricant
Facial tissues
Bulb syringe
Mark this length with adhesive tape if the tube does not
have markings.
If the client gags and the tube does not advance with
each swallow, withdraw it slightly and inspect the throat by
looking through the mouth.
Measuring container from which to pour the feeding (if using open
Assist the client to a Fowlers position (at least 30 degrees elevation) in bed or
a sitting position in a chair, the normal position for eating. If a sitting position is
contraindicated, a slightly elevated right side-lying position is acceptable.
Rationale: These positions enhance the gravitational flow of the solution and
prevent aspiration of fluid into the lungs.
Prior to performing the feeding, introduce self and verify the clients identity
.Explain to the client what you are going to do, why it is necessary, and
how he or she can participate. Inform the client that the feeding should not
cause any discomfort but may cause a feeling of fullness.
Perform hand hygiene
Provide privacy for this procedure if the client desires it.
Tube feedings are embarrassing to some people.
Assess tube placement.
Assess residual feeding contents by aspirating all stomach
contents and measure the amount before administering the
feeding. Rationale: This is done to evaluate absorption of the
last feeding; that is, whether undigested formula from a
previous feeding remains. If 100 mL (or more than half the last
feeding) is withdrawn, refer first to inter/resident on duty.
Rationale: At some agencies, a feeding is delayed
when the specified amount or more of formula remains
in the stomach.
Do not exert pressure into the tube--can rupture the
tubeespecially small-bore feeding tubes.