Teen Pregnancy Referat
Teen Pregnancy Referat
Teen Pregnancy Referat
Cokorda Gede Bagus Pradnyana Sanjaya, S.Ked
NPM: 16710021
dr. Hytriawan Posma Putra, Sp. OG
TEEN Human Resources Asset
Problem behavior and Reproduction:
HIV/AIDS, mortality of young mother, abortion practice
because desired pregnancy and sexual activity before
5-10 % woman and 18-30 % young men aged 16-24 years has done
sexual intercourse before marriage
Literature review
Female reproductive system Genitalia Interna Organs
Fertilization is the
Fertilization process of union of male
and female gametes,
which occur in the
ampulla region of the
fallopian tube.
Physiology of Pregnancy
A natural event & a continuous chain of ovulation, spermatozoa and ovum
migration, the conception and growth of the zygote, the implantation of the
uterus, the formation of the placenta, and the growth of the conception to
Breasts UTERUS
Preparation of breast Changed: 5 -20 liter
milk lactation / 1100 gram
Maternal blood circulation
Ovulation stops
blood circulation needs
progesterone min
Artery and vein in circulation
of retro-plasenter.
Influence of progesteron & Vagina
estrogen hormone vascularization,
hyperemia, Chadwicks
Blood volume + Blood cells + Respiratory system + Gastrointestinal system + Urinary tract +
Changes on skin + Metabolism
Teen or adolescent is the transition from
puberty to adulthood, at age 11-19/20 years
Early Adolescent (11-13 years old)
Experiencing confusion, changes & encouragement of Her own body
Teen Pregnancy
Causative Factor
Family Factors
Individual Factors Family's Social
Factor somatic, economy
psychological, Family's level of
social and sexual education
Education level. Trust and
Attitude obedient customs in family
and obedient Ability family face
Problem social up problem of
and economy teenagers
Mode of Delivery
CS rate in adolescents is
generally lower than in
controls >19 years old
Improve education
Teen or Adolescent is switch time from puberty to adults, on aged 11-19 / 20
years old.
Impact for health (Health and related outcomes), life (Life outcomes), children
Mode of delivery in teen = women older, but keep determine the indication to CS
Strategies to reduce teen pregnancy: reducing poverty, targeting high risk group,
Thank you