1) There were 3 trauma patients and 1 non-trauma patient seen overnight, with 2 patients admitted and 2 not admitted.
2) A 33-year-old female presented with a laceration on her right pinky finger. Examination found swelling and tenderness over her left thigh but otherwise normal vital signs and examination.
3) Tests showed normal blood work and x-ray of the left femur showed a soft tissue mass. The diagnosis was a suspected soft tissue mass in the left thigh region. The treatment plan was admission and IV fluids including paracetamol.
1) There were 3 trauma patients and 1 non-trauma patient seen overnight, with 2 patients admitted and 2 not admitted.
2) A 33-year-old female presented with a laceration on her right pinky finger. Examination found swelling and tenderness over her left thigh but otherwise normal vital signs and examination.
3) Tests showed normal blood work and x-ray of the left femur showed a soft tissue mass. The diagnosis was a suspected soft tissue mass in the left thigh region. The treatment plan was admission and IV fluids including paracetamol.
1) There were 3 trauma patients and 1 non-trauma patient seen overnight, with 2 patients admitted and 2 not admitted.
2) A 33-year-old female presented with a laceration on her right pinky finger. Examination found swelling and tenderness over her left thigh but otherwise normal vital signs and examination.
3) Tests showed normal blood work and x-ray of the left femur showed a soft tissue mass. The diagnosis was a suspected soft tissue mass in the left thigh region. The treatment plan was admission and IV fluids including paracetamol.
1) There were 3 trauma patients and 1 non-trauma patient seen overnight, with 2 patients admitted and 2 not admitted.
2) A 33-year-old female presented with a laceration on her right pinky finger. Examination found swelling and tenderness over her left thigh but otherwise normal vital signs and examination.
3) Tests showed normal blood work and x-ray of the left femur showed a soft tissue mass. The diagnosis was a suspected soft tissue mass in the left thigh region. The treatment plan was admission and IV fluids including paracetamol.
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KAMIS, 31 AGUSTUS 2017 Trauma :3 Non Trauma :1 Dirawat :2 Tidak dirawat : 2 TN. P, 33 TAHUN
TOA : 08.15 TOI : 07.00
Keluhan utama : Luka pada jari kelingking kanan
A : CLEAR, snoring (-), gurgling
STATUS GENERALIS KEPALA Normocephali, CA -/-, SI -/- LEHER KGB tidak teraba membesar THORAKS I : Pergerakan dinding dada simetris P: vocal fremitus simetris P: sonor-sonor A: BND vesikuler, rh-/-,wh-/- ABDOMEN I : perut tampak datar, tidak tampak jejas A : BU (+) P : timpani, nyeri ketuk (-) P : defence muscular, (-) , Supel (+), nyeri tekan (-) EKSTREMITAS Akral hangat, CRT <2, jejas + STATUS LOKALIS REGIO FEMORALIS Look: Tampak SINISTRA swelling (+), Hiperemis (-), jejas (-) Feel: Nyeri tekan (+), teraba massa berukuran 1 cm, hangat (+) Move: ROM aktif dan pasif terbatas PEMERIKSAAN PENUNJANG