The Systems Life Cycle
The Systems Life Cycle
The Systems Life Cycle
7.1 Analysis
7.2 Design
Chapter 7: The Systems Life Cycle
ICT IGCSE Theory Revision Presentation
The Systems Life Cycle
Systems Analysts will review an existing system which is currently not meeting
expectations. The steps shown below will be followed to develop a new system
which is fit for purpose.
Chapter 7: The Systems Life Cycle
Analysis: Collecting information about the present system and identifying problems.
Design: Designing a new system to correct the problems identified in the analysis.
Evaluation: Evaluating whether the new system meets the requirements of the
design requirements.
ICT IGCSE Theory Revision Presentation
The Systems Life Cycle
7.1 Analysis
Analysis techniques Advantages Disadvantages
Observation The use of the current system is The analyst can obtain Some employees may feel
Chapter 7: The Systems Life Cycle
Questionnaire Questionnaires are distributed Questionnaires can reach Questionnaires may not
to employees/ customers to a larger audience. be completed accurately.
s Questions can be May not be all returned.
find out a range of opinions answered quickly using Can not expand or clarify
about the current system. tick boxes cheaper answers to questions.
method of analysing.
Collecting Existing documentation for the Analyst's can see how It can be a time consuming
current system is analysed to current the paper system process.
Documents operates. Due to the amount of time
identify what data is inputted Can obtain information required this is a costly
and outputted. critical to the system. method.
ICT IGCSE Theory Revision Presentation
The Systems Life Cycle
7.1 Analysis
Data which is inputted, Problems with the The requirements of the user
Chapter 7: The Systems Life Cycle
processed and outputted into current system are and the potential new system
the system are identified. identified. are identified.
Data may be paper based. What could be What is the new system meant
improved? to do?
The next step will be to design a new system (normally computer based) to resolve the
problems identified by the users and the systems analyst.
The Requirements Specification will be created which will outline the required
improvements and expectations for the new system.
ICT IGCSE Theory Revision Presentation
The Systems Life Cycle
7.2 Design
Based on the information from the analysis stage a new system will be designed. The new
system will hope to resolve the issues identified in the current system.
Chapter 7: The Systems Life Cycle
Users should be able to interact with a system via a data capture form so is it easier and quicker
to input data.
ICT IGCSE Theory Revision Presentation
The Systems Life Cycle
7.2 Design
ICT IGCSE Theory Revision Presentation
The Systems Life Cycle
7.2 Design
Presence Check To check if the data has been entered (is it present).
Range Check To check the data entered is in the correct range (Year 7 -12).
Length Check To check if item of text is too short or too long (check if full number has been entered).
Type Check To check if the type of data entered is correct (no letters in a numeric field).
Format Check To check if the data has been entered in the correct format (Date DD/MM/YYYY)
Data Verification: Is a Proof Reading: Once data has Double Entry: The same data
method of double checking been entered it will be checked to is required to be entered
the data to see if it is see if it is correct (e.g. check is twice (e.g. type new
correct. name is spelt correctly). password twice).
ICT IGCSE Theory Revision Presentation
The Systems Life Cycle
Chapter 7: The Systems Life Cycle
Field Names Validation rules will ensure The user interface will allow
(To store specific data) the correct data in entered the user to interact with the
Set Specific Data Types into the fields. system and input data.
ICT IGCSE Theory Revision Presentation
The Systems Life Cycle
10% R
Normal data data within a (given) range
30% A
Example 10% - 90%
40% N
Abnormal 50%
Abnormal data data outside the range (limits) 60% G
Example Less than 0% or more than 100% 70%
Extreme data data on the boundaries of the range or at the limits of 90%
acceptability. 95%
Example 0%-5% or 95-100% 100% Boundary
ICT IGCSE Theory Revision Presentation
The Systems Life Cycle
7.4 Implementation
Advantages Disadvantages
Chapter 7: The Systems Life Cycle
Direct Changeover The existing system is stopped The whole system would If the new system fails
and replaced by the new system have been fully tested then old system is not
immediately. before it is implemented available to fall back to.
so less chance of errors.
The data that was inputted into There may not be enough
existing system is now inputted Costs are reduced as time to provide training
into the new system. only one system is being to employees.
used. Tasks are not
Parallel Running The existing and new system If the new system does Tasks will be duplicated as
work together for a period of not meet the data is inputted into both
time until the new system fully requirements then old systems.
takes over. system is still available.
This will require more
Data is inputted into both Employees can be employees which will
systems whilst they are running trained gradually how to result in more costs
at the same time. used the new system. (paying salaries) for the
ICT IGCSE Theory Revision Presentation
The Systems Life Cycle
7.4 Implementation
Advantages Disadvantages
Chapter 7: The Systems Life Cycle
Phased The new system is gradually You only introduce a Time consuming as every
introduced. When parts of the new part of system if the part of the system which
Implementation new system are working at a current phase is working is implemented needs to
satisfactory level then more correctly. be evaluated.
elements of the system are If a part of the new
phased in. system does not meet A number of training
the requirements then sessions would be
Eventually the old system will be you can always go back required for employees
phased out over a period of to point of system which when each step of the
time. was working. new system is introduced.
Pilot Running The new system is If the new system does It could take a while for
piloted (trialled) in one part not meet the the whole system to be
(department) of an organisation. requirements then only implemented across all
If the pilot is successful then it one department is departments.
will be implemented across all affected.
departments. If the system fails in one
Training can take place department then
Example: If a new system is in one department at a modifications and further
introduced in book store which is time. Then employees training would be
part of a chain. Then eventually if could be used in other required resulting in
the system is successful it will be departments to help delays.
introduced to all of the books with training.
stores in that chain (WHS).
ICT IGCSE Theory Revision Presentation
The Systems Life Cycle
7.5 Documentation
There are two types of documentation that should be produced when creating a new system:
User Documentation
Chapter 7: The Systems Life Cycle
Technical Documentation
ICT IGCSE Theory Revision Presentation
The Systems Life Cycle
7.6 Evaluation
The final stage of the system life cycle is to evaluate the new system which has been
implemented in full. The purpose of the evaluation is refer back to the requirements
Chapter 7: The Systems Life Cycle
specification to see whether the new system has resolved the issues of the previous
system and met the requirements stated in the design.
1 2 3
Identify any limitations
Compare the solution Evaluate the users
and necessary
with the original task responses to the results
improvements to the
requirements. of testing the system.