Enron Scam Analysis

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Enron Scam



PFM 09-11

Timeline of events
Reasons for the Debacle
Modus Operandi
 JEDI and Chewco
 Whitewing
 LJM and Raptors
The Downfall

American energy company based in Houston – Texas

Main Business area : Transmission and Distribution

of Electricity and Natural Gas throughout U.S.

Later on it was in trading of 30 different products

Timeline of Events

Till 2000-2001:
 Enron is performing well
Early 2001:
 Speculations start – company is keeping Wall Street in dark
Mid 2001:
 Irregularities in investments come to light
 Overstated revenues and understated liabilities
 Sudden change in management
Late 2001:
 Investor’s confidence declines and stocks starts falling
 Company admitted accounting errors
 Filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection
Jan 2002
 U.S. Justice department launches criminal investigation
Reasons for the Debacle

Poor Accounting Practices

 Mark-to-Market Accounting
 Extensive reliance on SPEs
Focus of CEO Jeff Skilling towards meeting Wall
Street Expectations
Poor performance in low margin high risk diversified
Poor Accounting Practices

Mark-to-Market Accounting
 It requires that a long-term contract once signed,
 Income would be recorded at
 the present value of net future cash flows
Special Purpose Entities(SPEs)
 Shell companies with distinct legal identity
 Created to fulfill narrow, specific or temporary objectives.
 SPE's are typically used by companies to isolate the firm from
financial risk.
Modus Operandi

Enron registered huge revenues with the help

of Mark-to-market accounting
It used off-balance sheet entities to hide
It inflated revenues using SPEs by showing
loans as sales
Booked costs of cancelled projects as assets
Stretched accounting practices by complex
business models
JEDI and Chewco

Jt. Energy Devp Inv. A JV of Enron &

CalPERS(Pension fund)
In order to encourage CalPERS to divest its stake,
Enron needed to purchase JEDIs Equity.
To avoid Debt Financing of the deal, Enron
guaranteed Chewco LPs Debt and Chewco bought
stake in JEDI on behalf of Enron

SPE used as financing vehicle by Enron

Bought assets from Enron using Enron Stock as
Transactions were approved by Enron
Assets transferred were treated as sales but those
were loans given
LJM and Raptors

Enron organized two LPs to participate as an outside

equity investors in SPEs
 LJM Cayman. L.P. (LJM1)
 LJM2 Co-Investment L.P. (LJM2)
LJM Related SPEs – Raptor I - IV
Transferred more than $1.2bn assets to these SPEs
Simplified View: An Irony
The Downfall

With help of SPEs, company raised debt finance for

its non-core businesses

It reported some of its debts and hid the others

This situation was good until the Stock Price

remained high.
The Downfall

When the Stock Prices fell, the off-balance-sheet

liabilities put pressure on debt agreements

Causing downgrade of credit ratings

With businesses with thin margins, a lower credit

rating increased the cost of borrowings to the point
that the company fell in a liquidity trap.
Rise & Fall of Enron

Movement of Enron’s share price (USD)

And that is how you can bring
a company claiming
assets worth almost £62bn

In a matter of months
Thank You

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