Session 3

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Splines 3D Modelling

When you see the Weebly
logo create a blog entry and
answer the following
questions in as much detail
as possible

1. Using all of the techniques covered

in last weeks session including;
editable polygon, inset, bevel,
extrude and symmetry model a
shield as closely matching the
provided reference image as
possible. YOU ONLY HAVE 15

2. Save a white render of your final

model to Weebly together with the
original image taken from this
PowerPoint document on estudy.
Include text analysis of your work

Splines 3D Modelling and a brief task explanation

Past session task
Review When you see the
Lanschool logo prepare for
your work for review

Open your 3D spaceship models up in

Max ready for group review exercise
using Lanschool

Splines 3D Modelling
3 AXIS Explained

Splines 3D Modelling
Session Objectives
Recall previous edit polygon and symmetry manipulation
techniques to produce a given asset

Produce and edit 2D splines

Convert 2D splines into 3D shapes using a range of

modifiers, including, extrude, lathe, and sweep

Use images in the viewport background to enhance

modelling accuracy

Recognise the application of these techniques to produce

a range of outcomes appropriate to these methods

Splines 3D Modelling

Splines 3D Modelling

Splines 3D Modelling

Splines 3D Modelling
Viewport Background

Splines 3D Modelling

Splines 3D Modelling

1. Using all of the techniques covered

in the session attempt to make a
chess board with all pieces except
the knight

2. Consider scale an proportion as well

as model detail

3. Where appropriate work from

reference images including the use
of viewport background images to
enhance modelling accuracy.

Splines 3D Modelling

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