Lab Animals
Lab Animals
Lab Animals
Mice Zebrafish
Hamsters Dogs
Guinea Pigs
Rabbits Non-Human Primates
- Macaques
Popular Laboratory Animal Species
Respond well to handling
Inexpensive to keep
Easily maintained
Short life spans
Small size; can store a large population in a small area
Prolific breeders with short reproductive cycles and gestation
Well-defined anatomically and physiologically
Suited for a range of research endeavors
Possess great genetic diversity; genome sequenced
Mouse Rat Syrian Hamsters Guinea Pig Rabbit
Rattus Mesocricetus Oryctolagus
Scientific Name Mus musculus norvegicus auratus Cavia porcellus cuniculus
Pulse beats/ min 500 - 600 260 - 450 280 - 412 130 - 190 130 - 325
breaths /min
100 - 250 70 - 150 100 - 250 90 - 150 32 - 60
Small Rodents
Mild Signs:
back-arching absence of nest building,
Quiet but mobile after stimulation
cannabalism of offspring, altered group
behaviours Lack of grooming, mild porphyrin
G. pig
Weight loss of <5%
unusually quiet (not stampeding, no
whistles for food) Minor depression
Head pressing, teeth grinding,
aggressive, increased vocalzations,
excessive licking and scratching,
reluctance to move
Excessive salivation; hunched posture;
rapid shallow respiration; Decreased
food/water consumption
Behavioural & Clinical Signs of Pain
Abscess in Rabbits
Mammary tumour
Rats Benign
Mice - Malignant
Differences Between Rats & Mice
Feature Baby Rat Adult Mouse
Short, stubby, broad, large relative Small, triangular, small relative to
to body body
Muzzle Large and blunt with wide muzzle Narrow with sharp muzzle
Ears Ears are small relative to the head Ears are large relative to the head
Tail/body ratio Tail shorter than body Tail same length/longer than body
Male longer
anogenital distance Female shorter
anogenital distance
Sexing of Rats
Male longer
Female shorter
anogenital distance
anogenital distance
Sexing Hamsters
Anogenital distance
- longer in males
- shorter in females
Presence of testicular sac
- sac changes body conformation
Sexing of Hamsters
Male Female
Female Male
Sexing Rabbits
Use your forefinger and middle finger
to press down the vent area
Doe (female)
- a slit or central line running up and down; sides
of the slit will be banded in pink.
Buck (male)
- If less than 5 weeks old, a blunt white tube
without a central line
- If older than 5 wks old, a pink tube with a
pointed end that resembles a bullet.
Sexing of Rabbits
Male Female
Urine of Rabbits
From cloudy white to brick red precipitate
Droppings of Rabbits
2 types of droppings:
1. Normal Hard circular droppings
2. Caecotrophs softer faeces; eaten directly from the anus
Normal in rabbits Night Faeces
High in proteins and Vitamins, esp. Vitamin B
Seeds the cecum with microflora