References cited in the text must appear in the Works
Conversely, each entry in the Works Cited must be cited in
the text.
What is a reference or citation?
A way of giving credit for someone's
thinking, writing or research
You mark the material when you use it (a
citation) and give the full identification at
the end (a reference)
In academic writing you are obliged to
attribute every piece of material you use
to its author
What is a Bibliography
A bibliography is an orderly list of resources on a
particular subject
3. The entry gives the inclusive pages of articles, but not for books, and
does not refer to any one page or passage
For an Encyclopedia
Encyclopedia Title, Edition Date. Volume Number,
"Article Title," page numbers
The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1997. Volume 7, Gorillas, pp 51-
For a magazine
Author, "Article Title." Name of magazine. Volume
number, (Date): page numbers.
Jordan, Jennifer, Filming on top of the world.
Museum of Science Magazine. Volume 7, (1998): pp-11.
For a Newspaper
Author, "Article Title. Name of newspaper, city, state
of publication. (date): edition if available, section, page
Powers, Ann, New Trends. The New York Times,
New York, NY. (3/1/98): Atlantic Region, Section 2, p-3.
World Wide Web
URL ( author (or item's name, if
mentioned), date.
Example news, August 1, 2012
Government Publications
U.S.Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air and Radiation. Healthy
Buildings, Healthy People: A vision for the 21st Century. October 2001.
Central Intelligence Agency. Commonwealth Of Independent States-Central
European States. Washington DC : Central Intelligence Agency, 2003. Map.