Kinetics Final Exam Review
Kinetics Final Exam Review
Kinetics Final Exam Review
The table below shows plasma drug concentrations for a 70kg patient after an IV bolus
injection of Drug Y (VD=0.8L/kg).
Charles Dang
Final Exam
Nonlinear Pharmacokinetics
Review Questions
Other Questions
What is this showing?
a) 0th order process
b) 1st order process
c) Partially 0th order, Partially 1st order
d) IV infusion
C e) Reaching SS concentration
1st order (rate
concentration) 0th order (rate is nearly constant)
Rate = Vmax
Nonlinear: Definition
AUC vs Dose = linear
Css vs Dose = linear
Nonlinear: Michaelis-Menten
Cp appears in denominator Solution in terms of Cp and t
(messy, difficult to solve)
Cp >> Km
Drug is far to the right of Km
0th order elimination
Ethanol, salicylate, phenytoin
a. What is the reaction order for the metabolism of this drug when given in a
single intravenous dose of 100 mg/kg?
C0 = 250 mcg/mL. How long does it take to go from 500 to 250 mcg/mL?
Vmax = 20 mcg/(mL*hr) (rate of reduction in Cp)
t = (500-250)/20 = 12.5 hr
Direct equation:
t = 1/20*(500-250 + 0.2*ln(500/250)) = 12.5hr same answer!
A drug eliminated from the body by capacity-limited (nonlinear) pharmacokinetics
has a KM of 100 mg/L and a V max of 50 mg/hr. If 400 mg of the drug is given to
a patient by IV bolus injection, calculate the time for the drug to be 50%
eliminated. VD = 80L.
k= Vmax/Km
Calculate the time for 50% elimination of the dose when the dose is 10mg.
Slope gives k
Intercept 3.7
log(keDB) = 3.7
keDB = 103.7 5000
DB (given) =500,000
Ke = 5000/500,000 = 0.01
1 C0
= ln
k Ceff
Hysteresis == loop
@ every point on the plasma concentration curve, there is a value for effect.
e.g. effect can be the drop in body temperature upon taking ibuprofen.
The data can be regraphed, using Effect as the y-axis and Cp on x-axis.
A loopy figure results. This loop is called a hysteresis.
Hysteresis makes it look like we have two distinct processes, a forward one and one
looping back.
Loop back
Effect = 0.2
When considering the effect
compartment only, hysteresis
virtually disappears. t=3 t=6
The loop collapses into what
looks like a single unifying t=48
curve. This theoretically makes t=1
analysis simpler because we no
longer have to worry about what
was technically two separate
C at effect site
Effect compartment
Integrated Pharm. Response