Standard Operating Procedures "Sops": Pharmacist University of The Punjab-Pakistan

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Standard Operating Procedures

Bilal Tahir
Doctor of Pharmacy, M.Phil (Pharmaceutics)
University of the Punjab-Pakistan
What are SOPs?
International Conference on
Harmonization (ICH) defines a SOP as
Detailed, written instructions to
achieve uniformity of the
performance of a specific function.
(ICH GCP 1.55)
What are SOPs?
In simple terms a SOP is
A written process
A way to perform a task in the same
way each time it is completed.
SOPs are used to:
Identify the responsible person for each
Describe actions (what is to be
Train staff.
Monitor site performance.
Are SOPs Required by
SOPs are not specifically mentioned in the
FDA regulations

HOWEVER there is guidance and regulations

that infer responsibility and SOPs formalize
investigator responsibilities.

the investigator will ensure that all

associates, colleagues, and employees
assisting in the conduct of the study (ies) are
informed of their obligations in meeting the
above commitments.
Additionally, SOPs are mentioned repeatedly
in the ICH GCP Guidelines.

According to ICH GCP -Systems with

procedures that assure the quality of every
aspect of the trial should be implemented.
An SOP is a procedure specific to your operation that
describes the activities necessary to complete tasks
in accordance with industry regulations, provincial
laws or even just your own standards for running
your business. Any document that is a how to falls
into the category of procedures. In a manufacturing
environment, the most obvious example of an SOP is
the step by step production line procedures used to
make products as well train staff.
An SOP, in fact, defines expected practices in
all businesses where quality standards exist.
SOPs play an important role in your small
business. SOPs are policies, procedures and
standards you need in the operations,
marketing and administration disciplines
within your business to ensure success.
Writing SOPs
Develop a template for the SOP to be used
throughout the document.
Potential elements of the SOP
Header title, original version date, revision date, effective
date, approved by
Purpose why one has the policy
Responsibilities who the policy pertains to
Instruction/Procedures how to accomplish the items of
the policy
References what the policy is based on
Appendix source documents/case report forms
Flow Chart For SOP
Woodin, K. (2004) The CRCs Guide to Coordinating Clinical Research p. 60-65. Centerwatch

Primary Step
Ensure Add the Add the Turn on Serve the
the coffee coffee water the coffee
maker is machine
Secondary Step

Ensure Add the Add the Turn on Serve the

the coffee coffee water the coffee
maker is machine

Ensure the Place a Use the Wait until

machine is filter in carafe to the coffee
plugged in the basket measure has
the water stopped

Place the
Ensure Measure
carafe /
carafe / the coffee
flask on
flask is
empty and
Tips for Writing SOPs

Use clear, concise language.

Use active voice.

Avoid names; use titles instead.

Implementing and Monitoring SOPs

SOPs should be introduced gradually.

Prioritize most relevant SOPs and

present them first.

Principle Investigator should approve

all SOPs and designate an effective
Implementing and Monitoring SOPs

SOPs should be reviewed on a

regular basis (usually annually) to
ensure policy based regulations are

Previous versions of SOPs should be

Examples from National Cancer Institute

Standard Operating Procedures for Good Clinical Practice at the

Investigative / Centerwatch
Cost $995 for single site license

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Good Clinical Practice /

University of Washington
Cost $135

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