This document defines politics and governance. Politics involves the interaction of individuals in government and stems from activities within city-states. It is the science and art of governing a state and society. Political science studies politics empirically while political philosophy establishes how politics should be. Governance involves the exercise of power over citizens for their well-being. It is broader than government as it includes non-state actors working with the public and private sectors. Good governance is participatory, lawful, effective, transparent, responsive, inclusive, consensus-based, and accountable.
This document defines politics and governance. Politics involves the interaction of individuals in government and stems from activities within city-states. It is the science and art of governing a state and society. Political science studies politics empirically while political philosophy establishes how politics should be. Governance involves the exercise of power over citizens for their well-being. It is broader than government as it includes non-state actors working with the public and private sectors. Good governance is participatory, lawful, effective, transparent, responsive, inclusive, consensus-based, and accountable.
This document defines politics and governance. Politics involves the interaction of individuals in government and stems from activities within city-states. It is the science and art of governing a state and society. Political science studies politics empirically while political philosophy establishes how politics should be. Governance involves the exercise of power over citizens for their well-being. It is broader than government as it includes non-state actors working with the public and private sectors. Good governance is participatory, lawful, effective, transparent, responsive, inclusive, consensus-based, and accountable.
This document defines politics and governance. Politics involves the interaction of individuals in government and stems from activities within city-states. It is the science and art of governing a state and society. Political science studies politics empirically while political philosophy establishes how politics should be. Governance involves the exercise of power over citizens for their well-being. It is broader than government as it includes non-state actors working with the public and private sectors. Good governance is participatory, lawful, effective, transparent, responsive, inclusive, consensus-based, and accountable.
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Philippine Politics
and Governance
CHAPTER 1- The Concepts
Politics and Governance What is Politics? The word politics comes from the Greek word polis which means city-state. In the ancient world, city-states are small countries regarded as centers of culture and civilization where people interact under a unified government. What transpires in the polis is politics. What is Politics? The origin of the word therefore suggests that politics is a term encompassing the totality of human activities transpiring within the city- state. As it is applied now, it denotes everything that transpires in the state as well as among states. Definitions of Politics Politics denotes a social activity. It is in essence the interaction of individuals. As the Greek philosopher Aristotle explains, it is the master science through which individuals collectively set structure, purpose, and ideals in their lives. Politics, therefore, does not emerge from the activities of a single individual but from that of many. Definitions of Politics Politics is the science of government. As a science, it is a systematic body of knowledge (for the most part, practical) that deals with the government and regulation, maintenance and development, and defense and augmentation of the state. It also deals with the protection of the rights of its citizens, safeguarding and enhancement of morals, and harmony and peace of human relations. Definitions of Politics Politics as the art of government. It is an art because it involves the exercise of control or authority within the society through the creation and enforcement of consensus arrived at by the leaders. It involves the process through which the government skillfully addresses the needs of the society by carefully allocating benefits, rewards, and penalties. Definitions of Politics Politics is who gets what, when, and how. The definition underscores the reality of scarcity in the society. While human needs and wants are so diverse and numerous, the resources are always limited. The struggle involved in allocating the scarce resources, and determining what to produce, how to distribute, and use them is said to be politics. Approaches to the Study of Politics POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY POLITICAL SCIENCE -is the traditional approach in -is the empirical approach in which the primary goal is to which it places little understand the essence or emphasis on abstract and truth about politics normative questions -this approach aims to -concentrates on a establish what politics ought dispassionate and objective to be description of the realities -as such, it is normative or of politics prescriptive, analytical, -as such, it is descriptive, speculative, and essentially empirical, objective, and it ethical. avoids ethics. Approaches to the Study of Politics POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY POLITICAL SCIENCE -it is normative or -it is descriptive because prescriptive because it it simply establishes prescribes standards or what politics is rules of conduct; it and not what it ought establishes what ought to to be; it describes the be the nature of politics political phenomenon and not what it simply is. but does not prescribe Socrates, Plato, and standards or rules of Aristotle are among the conduct. proponents of this approach. Approaches to the Study of Politics POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY POLITICAL SCIENCE -it is analytical because the -it is empirical approach is to a large extent because it studies an examination and literary only observable analysis of the various classic facts, and not writings of intellectuals and abstract values and philosophers such as concepts. Confucius, Lao Tzu, Plato, Aristotle, St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, and Marx, to name some. Approaches to the Study of Politics POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY POLITICAL SCIENCE -it is speculative because -it is objective because it it entails abstract, adheres strictly to the theoretical and not methods of the natural scientific explanations of sciences; it considers only the varied subjects of the observable politics. (quantifiable) facts that can be measured through the scientific method. Approaches to the Study of Politics POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY POLITICAL SCIENCE -it is essentially --it avoids ethics, in ethical because the that values are not approach basically within its scope; only presumes that directly observable ethics is the facts are studied. foundation of politics What is Political Science? -it is a social discipline that deals with systems of government and analysis of political activity and political behavior Development of Political Science ARISTOTLE -he wrote the first systematic work focused on political affairs known as the Politics that named him the Father of Political Science Development of Political Science NICCOLO MACHIAVELLI -he wrote The Prince a handbook for rulers in the art of government that named him the Father of Modern Political Science Development of Political Science PROF. FRANCIS LIEBER -in contemporary time, he wrote Manuals of Political Ethics the first systematic treatise on political science that gives as a well thorough understanding of the discipline Development of Political Science In the Philippines, Department of Political Science was established in the College of Liberal Arts in 1915, University of the Philippines. Development of Political Science TEODORO M. KALAW -is the first Filipino student of politics and defined political science in his Manual Ciencia Politica in 1918. Development of Political Science According to him political science is the nature and organization of the State, the structure and functions of the high branches of government, and the theory of political and civil liberties. What is Governance? The word governance came from the Latin verb gubernare, or more originally from the Greek word kubernaein, which means to steer. Basing on its etymology, governance refers to the manner of steering or governing, or of directing and controlling, a group of people or a state. Definitions of Governance Governance is commonly defined as the exercise of power or authority by political leaders for the well- being of their countrys citizens or subjects. Definitions of Governance It is the complex process whereby some sectors of the society wield power, and enact and promulgate public policies which directly affect human and institutional interactions, and economic and social development. Definitions of Governance The power exercised by the participating sectors of the society is always for the common good, as it is essential for demanding respect and cooperation from the citizens and the state. As such, a great deal about governance is the proper and effective utilization of resources. Politics vis-a-vis Governance Governance is essentially related to politics, in that politics is often defined as the art of governance. Politics vis-a-vis Governance Just as politics talks about governments, institutions, power, order, and the ideals of justice, governance also deals with the public sector, power structures, equity, and ideals of public administration. Politics vis-a-vis Governance Nevertheless, they are distinct from each other in the sense that politics is broader than governance. Traditionally, the study of politics entails the concept of the good life and the ideal society, which are so broad they include a web of subjects and every possible form of government. Politics vis-a-vis Governance Traditionally, the study of politics entails the concept of the good life and the ideal society, which are so broad they include a web of subjects and every possible form of government. Politics vis-a-vis Governance The study of governance, on the contrary, is generally attuned to the concept of democracy, and on how the government and the civil society arrive at a decision in meeting their needs. Government vis-a-vis Governance Governance is traditionally associated with government. In literatures, they are often used interchangeably. But in the 1980s, political scientists broadened the meaning of governance as including, not just government actors, but also civil-society actors. Government vis-a-vis Governance Today, governance includes three sectors: the public sector (state actors and institutions), the private sector (households and companies), and the civil society (non-governmental organizations). These three sectors are said to work hand in hand in the process of governance. Government vis-a-vis Governance This new use of the term focuses on the role of networks in the achievement of the common good, whether these networks are intergovernmental, transnational, or international. In other words governance is broader than government in that other sectors are included in it. What is Good Governance? Is understood through its eight indicators or characteristics: 1. participatory, 2. rule of law, 3. effective and efficient, 4. transparent, 5. responsive, 6. equitable and inclusive, 7. consensus oriented, and accountability.