Quality is the determining factor the success of any product or service.
Large resource are committed in every organization to ensure quality.
1)Incoming inspection: In this method, the quality of the goods and services
arriving into the organization is inspected. This ensures that the material
supplies adhere to the given specifications. With this, defective material
cannot enter into the production process. This focuses on the vendor quality
and ability to supply acceptable raw materials.
Three SQC Categories
Statistical quality control (SQC): the term used to describe the set of
statistical tools used by quality professionals; SQC encompasses
three broad categories of:
1. Statistical process control (SPC)
2. Descriptive statistics include the mean, standard deviation, and
Involve inspecting the output from a process
Quality characteristics are measured and charted
Helps identify in-process variations
3. Acceptance sampling used to randomly inspect a batch of
goods to determine acceptance/rejection
Does not help to catch in-process problems
Descriptive Statistics
Descriptive Statistics include:
Standard Deviation measures the n
amount of data dispersion around i X
Distribution of Data shape i 1
Distribution of Data
Normal distributions Skewed distribution
Elements of statistical Quality Control: The technique under SQC can
be divided in to two parts
a) Process control (It is carried out through control chats )
b) Acceptance sampling (It is carried out through sampling plan)
The control chart helps to identify the different ways in which the
assignable causes can affect the manufacturing process. But it cannot
find out what it is in specific terms. A subsequent investigation of the
process alone can reveal what the specific cause it.
Control limit: Control limits are found in the control charts. There are two
control limits
1) Upper control limit (UCL) and
2) Lower control limit (LCL).
These are determined based on the principles of normal distribution. The
control limits are used to decide whether the variation found in the
production process is desirable or undesirable.
Area of Normal Confidence Limits
distribution curve ( % of observations
1 68.27
1.96 95.0
2 95.45
3 99.73
As the above table reveals, 1 occupy 68.27 percent of the area of the
normal curve and indicate that one can be used 68.27 percent confident
that a random observation will fall in this area. Similarly, 2, 3
limits 95.45, and 99.73 percent area of the normal curve, respectively and
process a confidence level of 95.45, and 99.73 respectively.
Three Sigma Capability
Mean output +/- 3 standard deviations falls within
the design specification
It means that 0.26% of output falls outside the
design specification and is unacceptable.
The result: a 3-sigma capable process produces
2600 defects for every million units produced
Six Sigma Capability
Six sigma capability assumes the process is capable
of producing output where the mean +/- 6
standard deviations fall within the design
The result: only 3.4 defects for every million
Six sigma capability means smaller variation and
therefore higher quality
SPC Methods-Developing Control Charts
Control Charts (aka process or QC charts) show sample data plotted on a
graph with CL, UCL, and LCL
Control chart for variables are used to monitor characteristics that can be
measured, e.g. length, weight, diameter, time
Control charts for attributes are used to monitor characteristics that have
discrete values and can be counted, e.g. % defective, # of flaws in a shirt,
Ex: In a pilot investigation of the length of the nails produced in the shop
floor, it is found that the mean length x (simple mean) is 4 cm, the S.D 3,
the measure of variability of the nails produced 0.2 cm. How do you
construct the centre chart for this data?
Solution: A control chart can be set up with a mean of 4 cm and control
limits of plus and minus 3 standard deviations. Such a chart can be used to
test the quality of the nails then produced.
Importance of control charts or Reasons
for popularity of control charts
1. Control charts are a proven technique for improving
2. Control charts are effective in defect prevention
3. Control charts are prevent unnecessary process
4. Control charts provide diagnostic information
5. Control chats provide information about process
Control Charts for Variables
A variable is one whose quality measurement changes from unit to
unit. The quality of these variables is measured in terms of hardness,
thickness, length, and so on. The control charts for variables are
drawn using the principles of normal distribution.
These are usually designed to test the means of the samples more
effectively rather than the measurement of the individual variables.
Therefore, while constructing a control chart, only the mean or the
average value of the dimensions in the sample is plotted on it. The
distribution of means is aptly represented by the standard deviation,
which is calculated as bellow
Control Charts for Variables
Use x-bar charts to monitor the changes in the mean of a process
(central tendencies)Tracks the central tendency (the average value
observed) over time
Use R-bar charts to monitor the dispersion or variability of the
process . Tracks the spread of the distribution over time (estimates
the observed variation)
System can show acceptable central tendencies but unacceptable
variability or
System can show acceptable variability but unacceptable central
The X-bar chart shows how the mean or average changes over time and
the R chart shows how the range of the subgroups changes over time. It
is also used to monitor the effects of process improvement theories.
Constructing a X-bar Chart:
A quality control inspector at the Cocoa Fizz soft drink company has taken
three samples with four observations each of the volume of bottles filled. If
the standard deviation of the bottling operation is .2 ounces, use the data
below to develop control charts with limits of 3 standard deviations for the
16 oz. bottling operation.
x .1
n 4
Step 3: Calculate CL, UCL, LCL
R chart is a type of control chart used to monitor variables
data when samples are collected at regular intervals from a
business or industrial process.
Control Chart for Range (R)
Center Line and Control Limit Factors for three sigma control limits
formulas: Sample Size
Factor for x-Chart Factors for R-Chart
(n) A2 D3 D4
2 1.88 0.00 3.27
0.2 0.3 0.2 3 1.02 0.00 2.57
R .233 4 0.73 0.00 2.28
5 0.58 0.00 2.11
6 0.48 0.00 2.00
UCL R D4 R 2.28(.233) .53 7 0.42 0.08 1.92
8 0.37 0.14 1.86
LCL R D3 R 0.0(.233) 0.0 9 0.34 0.18 1.82
10 0.31 0.22 1.78
11 0.29 0.26 1.74
12 0.27 0.28 1.72
13 0.25 0.31 1.69
14 0.24 0.33 1.67
15 0.22 0.35 271.65
R-Bar Control Chart
X-R charts should be used when you have taken data frequently.
How often you plot points on the charts depends on your subgroup
X-R charts should be used if you can rationally subgroup the data
and are interested in detecting differences between subgroups over
time. This means there should be some logical basis for the way the
subgroups are formed. They should be formed to examine the
variation of interest to you.
The X chart would examine the variation from day to day, while the
R chart would examine the variation within a day.
Use C-Charts for discrete defects when there can be more than one
defect per unit
Number of flaws or stains in a carpet sample cut from a production run
Number of complaints per customer at a hotel
P-Chart Example: A production manager for a tire company has inspected
the number of defective tires in five random samples with 20 tires in each
sample. The table below shows the number of defective tires in each
sample of 20 tires. Calculate the control limits.
P- Control Chart
C-Chart Example: The number of weekly customer complaints are
monitored in a large hotel using a c-chart. Develop three sigma
control limits using the data table below.
Acceptance Sampling
Defined: the third branch of SQC refers to the process of
randomly inspecting a certain number of items from a lot or
batch in order to decide whether to accept or reject the entire
Different from SPC because acceptance sampling is performed either
before or after the process rather than during
Sampling before typically is done to supplier material
Sampling after involves sampling finished items before shipment
or finished components prior to assembly
Used where inspection is expensive, volume is high, or inspection
is destructive
Acceptance Sampling Plans
Goal of Acceptance Sampling plans is to determine the criteria for
acceptance or rejection based on:
Size of the lot (N)
Size of the sample (n)
Number of defects above which a lot will be rejected (c)
Level of confidence we wish to attain
There are single, double, and multiple sampling plans
Which one to use is based on cost involved, time consumed,
and cost of passing on a defective item
Can be used on either variable or attribute measures, but more
commonly used for attributes 39
Operating Characteristics (OC)
OC curves are graphs which show
the probability of accepting a lot
given various proportions of defects
in the lot
X-axis shows % of items that are
defective in a lot- lot quality
Y-axis shows the probability or
chance of accepting a lot
As proportion of defects increases,
the chance of accepting lot decreases
Example: 90% chance of accepting a
lot with 5% defectives; 10% chance
of accepting a lot with 24%
AQL, LTPD, Consumers Risk () &
Producers Risk ()
AQL is the small % of defects that
consumers are willing to accept; order of
LTPD is the upper limit of the percentage
of defective items consumers are willing
to tolerate
Consumers Risk () is the chance of
accepting a lot that contains a greater
number of defects than the LTPD limit;
Type II error
Producers risk () is the chance a lot
containing an acceptable quality level will
be rejected; Type I error
Developing OC Curves
Table 6-2 Partial Cumulative Binomial Probability Table (see Appendix C for complete table)
Proportion of Items Defective (p)
.05 .10 .15 .20 .25 .30 .35 .40 .45 .50
n x
5 0 .7738 .5905 .4437 .3277 .2373 .1681 .1160 .0778 .0503 .0313
Pac 1 .9974 .9185 .8352 .7373 .6328 .5282 .4284 .3370 .2562 .1875
AOQ .0499 .0919 .1253 .1475 .1582 .1585 .1499 .1348 .1153 .0938
Example: Constructing an OC Curve
Average Outgoing Quality (AOQ)
Implications for Managers
How much and how often to inspect?
Consider product cost and product volume
Consider process stability
Consider lot size
Where to inspect?
Inbound materials
Finished products
Prior to costly processing
Which tools to use?
Control charts are best used for in-process production
Acceptance sampling is best used for inbound/outbound
SQC in Services
Service Organizations have lagged behind manufacturers in the use of
statistical quality control
Statistical measurements are required and it is more difficult to measure
the quality of a service
Services produce more intangible products
Perceptions of quality are highly subjective
A way to deal with service quality is to devise quantifiable measurements
of the service element
Check-in time at a hotel
Number of complaints received per month at a restaurant
Number of telephone rings before a call is answered
Acceptable control limits can be developed and charted