Siop Strategies

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SIOP Model Strategies

By: Victoria Binetti, Gabrielle Pranzo, Kaitlin Fivek, and Hannah

Scaffolding Techniques

Scaffolding is a term that is associated with Vygotskys

notion of the Zone of Proximal Development which is
concerned with what a child can do on their own and
with the help of an adult.
Verbal Scaffolding

This is when teachers, aware of ELs existing levels of language

development, use prompting, questioning, and elaboration to
facilitate students movement to higher levels of language
proficiency, comprehension, and thinking.
Procedural Scaffolding

1. Uses an instructional framework that includes explicit teaching,

modeling, and practice opportunities with others.

2. One -on-one teaching, coaching, modeling.

3. Small group instruction.

4. Partnering or grouping students for reading activities.

Instructional Scaffolding

Used to enhance student learning.

Graphic organizers could be used as a tool to prepare students for

the content of a textbook chapter.

It can also be used to illustrate a chapters text structure, such as

comparative or chronological.

Paraphrasing is restating a students response in order

to model correct English usage.
Think Alouds

Think alouds are carefully structured models of how effective strategy users think
and monitor their understandings.

Purpose: to model for students how skilled readers construct meaning from a text.

An example is when a teacher is previewing a chapter, he or she will talk aloud to

the class. The teacher may ask questions aloud like, What is the main concept Im
supposed to learn? The big bold heading at the top of the page may help me. Other
page headings may help me figure out what I am supposed to learn too.
Reinforcing Contextual definitions

Contextual definitions relate to, or are based off of the context.

An example is Aborigines, the people native to Australia, were being

forced into their homes. Included in the sentence is the definition of the
word aborigines.
Provide Correct Pronunciation

Teachers can provide correct pronunciation by repeating students


When teachers repeat English learners correct responses, students have

another opportunity to hear the content information, while correct
English pronunciation and inflection are reinforced.
Slowing speech, increasing pauses, and
speaking in phrases
Teachers provide scaffolding for English language learners language
acquisition when they slow down the rate of speech, pause between
phrases, and allow students to wait time they may need to process
information in English.
Blooms Taxonomy

Over 40 years ago, Bloom and his colleagues introduced a taxonomy of educational
objectives that includes six levels: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application,
Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation.

This taxonomy was created on the principle that learning proceeds from concrete
knowledge to abstract values.

In 2001, D.R Krathwohl and his colleagues published a revised taxonomy called
Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision of Blooms Taxonomy
of Educational Objectives.
Revised Taxonomy

The six levels in the revised taxonomy include: Remember, Understand, Apply,
Analyze, Evaluate, and Create.

In both taxonomies, it is important for the teacher to implement higher order

thinking questions.

Researchers have found that of the approximately 80,000 questions the average
teacher asks annually, 80 percent are at the Literal or Knowledge level. This is
especially a problem for English Language Learner students. ELL students need to
be asked more higher order and complex questions- not merely simple questions
that result in yes/no or one word responses.

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