Research Design of DR - Riaz
Research Design of DR - Riaz
Research Design of DR - Riaz
Pre- Post
Observation Observation
Selecting Study Design Number of Contacts
Longitudinal Study Design
Studying the pattern of change
Pattern of change in relation to time
t t t t
Selecting Study Design Reference Period
Retrospective Study Design
Investigate a phenomenon, situation, problem or issue that has happened in the past
Conducted either on the basis of the data available for that period
Prospective Study Design
Refer to the likely prevalence of a phenomenon, situation, problem, attitude or
outcome in the future
Attempt to establish the outcome of an event
Retrospective-Prospective Study Design
Focus on past trends in a phenomenon and study it into the future
Part of the data is collected retrospectively from the existing records
Study population is followed to ascertain the impact of the intervention
Selecting Study Design Nature of
Non-Experimental Experimental
Cause Effect
Population and Sampling
Non-Probability Sampling
Deviant Case
Probability Sampling
Simple random Sampling
Systematic Sampling
Stratified Random Sampling
Multi-stage sampling
Cluster Sampling
Population and Sampling
Haphazard Sampling / Convenient Sampling
Cheap and quick
Can produce ineffective, highly unrepresentative samples
NOT recommended
Person-on-the-street interviews
Clip out survey from a newspaper and mail it in
Population and Sampling
Quota Sampling
First you identify relevant categories of people
Then you figure out how many to sample from each category
Ensures that some differences are in the sample
Still haphazard sampling within the category, however
Population and Sampling
Purposive Sampling
Expert uses judgment in selecting cases with a specific purpose in mind
Especially informative cases
Difficult-to-reach, specialized population
Particular types of cases
Population and Sampling
Snowball Sampling
Identifying and sampling the cases in a network
I find a prostitute to talk to, then ask her for some more prostitutes I could
talk to, and it goes on and on and on
Population and Sampling
Sequential Sampling
Researcher uses purposive sampling until the amount of new information or
diversity of cases is filled
Gather info until the marginal utility of new information levels off
Population and Sampling
Simple Random
Randomly selected
Population and Sampling
Systematic Sampling
Sample members from
a larger population are
selected according to a
random starting point
and a fixed periodic
Population and Sampling
Cluster Sampling
A group of sampling units close to each other i.e. crowding together in the same
area or neighborhood
Two-step sampling procedure
First, convert the larger population to the smaller population
Second, select the samples for the smaller population
Section 1 Section 2
Section 3
Section 5
Section 4
Population and Sampling
Stratified Sampling
Division of a population into smaller groups known as strata
Strata are formed based on members' shared attributes or characteristics
Random sample from each stratum is taken in a number proportional to the
stratum's size when compared to the population