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Rizal's Homecoming

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First Homecoming

1. To operate on his mothers eyes

2. To serve his people who had long
been oppressed by Spanish tyrants
3. To find out for himself how the Noli
and his other writings were
affecting Filipinos and Spaniards
4. To inquire why Leonor Rivera
remained silent
- He established a
medical clinic
and his first
patient was his
- Within few
months Rizal
earned P900 and
by Feb 1888, he
earned a total of
P5, 000 as a
Storm over the
- Rizal received a
letter from Gov.-
Gen. Emilio
Terrero (1885-
88) requesting
him to come in
- The Gov. Gen. read
the Noli and found
nothing wrong with
it, but Rizals
enemies like the
Archbishop of
Manila, Msgr. Pedro
Payo (a Dominican)
were powerful
- For security
measure, the Gov.
Gen. assigned a
Spanish lieutenant,
Don Jose Taviel de
Andrade, as
bodyguard of Rizal
- The Archbishop
of Manila sent a
copy of the Noli
to Father Rector
Echavarria of UST
for examination,
and they
concluded that
the Noli was
impious, and
scandalous in the
religious order
and the Spain
- Fr. Font found the novel to contain
subversive ideas against the Church
and Spain, and recommended that
the importation, reproduction and
circulation of the book in the islands
be prohibited
- There were also attackers of the Noli
like Fr. Font, Fr. Jose Rodriguez (made
8 anti-Noli pamphlets), and Vicente
- Defenders of the Noli also appeared
like Del Pilar, Jaena, Morayta,
Blumentritt , Fr. Sanchez and Fr.
- Anonymous threats against Rizal
were present so his parents and
other friends advised him to go away
- The Gov. Gen. also summoned and
advised him to leave the country for
his own good
Rizal in Japan
- One of the
interludes in the
life of Rizal was
his sojourn in
- Her real name was
Seiko Usui
- But Rizal
called her O-Sei-
El Filibusterismo Published in Ghent,
- The writing of El Fili was started by
Rizal when he was in Calamba
(1887), and then in London (1888),
wrote more chapters in Paris and
Madrid, and finished the manuscript
in Biarritz, France (1891)
Ventura, Savior
of the Fili
- Valentin Ventura
in Paris learned
of Rizals
and immediately
sent him the
necessary funds
- On Sept. 18,
1891, El Fili
came off the

After the arrival

Rizal has been
interviewed by
Governor General
Founding of the
Liga Filipina- a civic
league of Filipinos,
which he desired to
established and its
role on the socio-
economic life of the
President Ambrosio Salvador
Secretary Deodato Arellano
Treasurer Bonifacio Arevola
Agustin de la Rosa Fisal
Conditions of Liga Filipina
1. To unite the archipelago into one
compact and homogenous body
2. Mutual Protection in every want and
3. Defense against all violence and
4. Encourage of Education, agriculture
and commerce.
5. Study of application and reforme
Motto of Liga Filipina: ONE LIKE THEM
(unus instar omnium)
Rizal Arrested and Jailed in fort
Santiago July 6 he resume his
interview with the governor general
but suddenly showed him a printed
leaflets were entitled Pobres Frailes
(Poor fiars) under the authorship of Fr.
Jacinto from Paris
Rizal insisted having those leaflets
when they arrived in Hong Kong that
found nothing
He was arrested and exiled in Dapitan
Exile in
Rizal could live at parish
convent on the ff.
That Rizal publically retract his errors
concerning religion and make statements
that were clearly pro-Spanish against

That he perform the church rites and

make a general confession of his past life.

That henceforth he conduct himself in an

exemplary manner as a Spanish Subject
and a man of religion.
TheHomeof Commandant
Beginning of Exile in Dapitan

A Don Ricardo Carnicero

poem which Rizal wrote for
Captain Carnicero on the
occasion of captains
birthday August 26,1892
Butuan mail boat which brought
the news about Rizals winning in
the lottery
Wins in Manila Lottery
Three (3) pesetas amount Rizal
allotted forlottery tickets every month
Lottery Ticket No. 9736
P20,000 lottery prize
P6,200 of it was givento Rizal
P2,000 of his share he gave to his
father and
P200 to Basa in Hong Kong,
the rest heinvested thru purchasing
agricultural lands from the coast of
Talisay about kilameter away from
Volunteers as Military Doctor in
When Cuba was under
revolution and raging yellow
fever epidemic, Rizal wrote to
GovernorGeneral Ramon
Blanco offering his services as
military doctor.
Volunteers as Military Doctor in
Governor Blanco later notified
Rizal of the acceptance of the
offer. The notification came
along with an instruction of
acquiring first a pass for Manila
from thepolitico-military
commanderof Dapitan.
The Song of the Traveler

Upon receiving the

acceptance of his offer to go
to Europe then to Cuba to
help in the curing ofpatients
suffering yellow fever, he
wrote a poem El Canto del
Adios, Dapitan
Espaa steamer which brought Rizal
to Manila from Dapitan
Rizal was accompanied by Josephine,
Narcisa, Angelica (Narcisas daughter),
his three nephews and six pupils.
As farewell, the town brass of Dapitan
played the dolorous Funeral March of
He stayed in Dapitan for four years,

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