Text As Connected Discourse
Text As Connected Discourse
Text As Connected Discourse
Discourse vs. Text
Is it discourse analysis
Or Text analysis?
More Fact than Fiction
What time is it?
14 4
Text: Discourse:
is made up of is the use of such
sentences. sentences.
- A text is made up of - A discourse is made
sentences having the up of utterances
property of having the property
grammatical of coherence.
cohesion. - Discourse analysis:
-Text Analysis: deals investigates
with cohesion. coherence.
Another distinction
Text: Discourse:
Text is defined in Discourse is viewed
terms of its being a as a process.
physical product.
Meaning is derived
Meaning is not found through the readers
in text. interaction with the
text discourse.
Text: Discourse:
written Spoken
Text analysis: Discourse analysis:
investigates written analyzes spoken
form form.
Types of Discourse
Narration, Description,
Exposition, Persuasion
(including Argument)