Asma Bronkial
Asma Bronkial
Asma Bronkial
Ratna Mega Sary
NIM. 1408465676
Pembimbing :
dr. Riza Iriani Nasution, SpA
autonomic nervous
Originator of the asthma attacks can be caused by a
number of factors, such as allergens, viruses, and an
irritant that can induce an acute inflammatory
b. bronchial hyperreactivity
c. Gender
d. Race / ethnicity
e. obesity
Environmental factors
a. Allergens in the home (house dust mites, mold
spores, cockroaches, animal dander such as
dogs, cats, etc.).
b. Outdoors allergens (pollen, and mold spores).
Other factors
a. food allergens
b. Allergens drugs
c. Ingredients that irritate Example: perfumes,
household sprays, and others.
d. Excessive emotional expression / stress
e. Cigarette smoke for active and passive smokers
f. Air pollution from the outside and indoors
g. Exercise-induced asthma
h. Changes in the weather
i. economic status
Clinical parameters, needs Infrequent episodic asthma Frequent episodic asthma persistent asthma
medication and pulmonary
2. Long attack <1x/ week >1x / week Most of the year there was no
attack free period
3. The intensity of the attacks usually mild usually being usually weight
4. Among attack asymptomatic Often there are symptoms Symptoms day and night
8. Lung function tests PEF and FEV1> 80% PEF and FEV1 <60-80% PEV or FEV 1 <60%
(outside attack)
9. Variability pulmonary Variability> 15% Variability> 30% Variability> 50%
function (if there is an attack)
From anamnesis
To reinforce the notion of asthma, history
should be done carefully in order to get proper
medical history of the symptoms of difficulty
breathing, wheezing or chest feels heavy
episodic and associated with the seasons. As
well as a history of asthma and atopic disease
in family members.
Physical Examination
Body temperature
Father : trader
Mother : trader
BCG 1 time
POLIO 5 time
CAMPAK 3 time
Warm, CRT<2, edema (-), cyanosis (-)
Neurological State:
Physiologic (+), pathologic (-), convulsions (-)
Routine Blood
Hb: 13,4 g/dl
Ht: 43,0%
Leukocytes: 18.300/mm3
Platelets: 503.000/mm3
Macroscopic : clear yellow color, sediment (-)
Chemical urine: protein (-), glucose (-), bilirubin (-
), urobilinogen 0-1, PH 7.0, BJ blood 1.00 (-),
ketones (-), nitrite (-)
Microscopic: 0-1 erythrocytes / LBP, leukocytes 0-
1 / LBP, 1-2 epithelial cell, crystal 0, cylinder 0,
0 bacteria, fungi 0.
Shortness of breath since 10 hours SMRs, recurring
There was a wheezing
Shortness influenced the weather, smoke and cold air
Fever is not too high and given paracetamol fever is
Cough and cold
In the crowded nebulizer reduced
Asthma attacks last 3 months SMRs with the originator
of smoke
History of asthma since the age of 6 years
History alegi
History of atopy and asthma in the family
Awareness composmentis
BP 130/100 mm Hg, pulse 86x / minute,
regular, T 36.8 C
Vocal fremitus increased
Pulmonary Percussion hipersonor
Vesicular hardened, dry crackles (+), wheezing
warm, CRT <2 seconds, edema (-), cyanosis (-)
Leukositosis : 18.300/mm3
Working Diagnostic :
Bronchial asthma in acute exacerbation
Nutritional Diagnostic :
Differential Diagnostic :
Upper respiratory tract infection
Suggestive Examination :
Chest X-ray
Spirometry examination
IVFD Ringer Lactate 20 gtt/minute (macro)
O2 3L/minute
Nebu Ventolin : Vulmicort 3 time distance 30
Dexamethason 3x1 amp
Ceftriaxon 2x1 gr
2-12-2015 reduced tightness, cough KU: looks ill being, Bronchial asthma in IVD RL 20 tpm macro
with phlegm (+), fever (- consciousness acute exacerbation Oxygen 3 L / m
composmentis, BP 100/80 Nebu ventolin 3x1 Ceftriaxon
), cold (+), nausea (-), mm Hg, pulse: 98x / i 2x1 amp Dexametason 2.5mg
vomiting (-), good (stuffing strong, regular), / 8 hour IV
breath 30x / i, a temperature ambroxol 3x4
appetite, BAB has not of 36.2 C, weight : 25.2 kg diet ML
existed since the first day Eyes: concave (- / -),
conjunctival anemic (- / -),
of admission, BAK no sclera jaundice (- / -), isokor
complaints) pupil, light reflex (+ / +)
Mouth: wet, cyanosis (-)
Nose: secretions (+) green,
nasal flaring (-) Thorax:
vocal fremitus increased,
vesicular hardened, crackles
(-), wheezing (+) abdomen
Inspection: looks flat,
supple, tenderness (-),
normal BU Extremities:
akral warm, CRT <2 ",
Day/Date Subjective Objective Assesment Management
3-12-2015 reduced tightness, cough KU: looks ill being, Bronchial asthma in IVFD RL 20 tpm macro
with phlegm (+), fever (- consciousness acute exacerbation Oxygen 3 L / m
composmentis, BP 100/80 Nebu ventolin 3x1
), cold (+), nausea (-), mm Hg, pulse: 100x / i Dexametason 2.5 mg / 8 hour
vomiting (-), good (stuffing strong, regular), IV
breath 28x / i, a temperature Ceftriaxon 2x1 gr
appetite, BAB no of 36.6 C, weight : 25.3 kg ambroxol 3x4 diet ML
complaints, BAK no
Eyes: concave (- / -),
complaints conjunctival anemic (- / -),
sclera jaundice (- / -), isokor
pupil, light reflex (+ / +)
Mouth: wet, cyanosis (-)
Nose: secretions (+) green,
nasal flaring (-) Thorax:
vocal fremitus increased,
vesicular hardened, crackles
(-), wheezing (+) abdomen
Inspection: looks flat,
supple, tenderness (-),
normal BU Extremities:
akral warm, CRT <2 "
Day/Date Subjective Objective Assesment Management
4-12-2015 shortness of (-), cough KU: looks ill being, Bronchial asthma in IVFD RL 20 tpm macro
with phlegm (+), fever (- consciousness acute exacerbation Nebu ventolin 3x1
composmentis, BP 100/80 Dexamethasone 2.5 mg / 8
), cold (+), nausea (-), mm Hg, pulse: 96x / i hour IV
vomiting (-), good (stuffing strong, regular), Ceftriaxon 2x1 gr
breath 28x / i, a temperature ambroxol 3x4
appetite, BAB no of 37.1 C, weight 25.6 kg diet ML
complaints, BAK no Eyes: concave (- / -),
conjunctival anemic (- / -), drug return
complaints sclera jaundice (- / -), ambroxol 3x4
isokhor pupil, light reflex (+ salbutamol 3x4
/ +) Mouth: wet, cyanosis (- Ceftriaxon 2 x 3
) Nose: secretions (+) green,
nasal flaring (-) Thorax:
vocal fremitus increased,
vesicular hardened, crackles
(-), wheezing (-) abdomen
Inspection: looks flat,
supple, tenderness (-),
normal BU Extremities:
akral warm, CRT <2
Clinical improvement of
patients return home
Pediatric patients 10 years old
with complaints of tightness
triggered by cold air, smoke, Based on the ennobled of
productive cough, runny these patients shortness
nose, fever is not too high, a since 10 hours SMRs and The risk factor is a history of
history of asthma since the repeated 4 times in 1 day, asthma in patients with a
age of 6 years, a history of attacks last 3 months SMRs history of allergies and
allergies, family history of triggered haze of smoke, asthma and atopy in the
atopy and asthma, breath beyond attack was not family, the trigger of
sounds wheezing, when the audible wheezing, do not shortness due to smoke and
attack is triggered by interfere with the activity dust, heavier early morning.
environmental factors such as and sleep, based on clinical A history of atopy
smoke. patient can be classified in
mild persistent asthma