International Labour Organization

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International Labour Organization

The International Labour Organization
is the specialised agency of the United
Nations which seeks the promotion of
social justice and internationally
recognised human and labour rights


Promote and realize fundamental principles

and rights at work
Create greater opportunities for women and
men to secure decent employment and
Enhance the coverage and effectiveness of
social protection for all
Strengthen Tripartism and Social Dialogue
International Labour Organization

1919 ILO was formed

in order to press for social reform in employment practices.

1944 - adoption of the Declaration of Philadelphia

the ILO Conference re-stated and expanded its goals

1969 - ILO was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize

1998 - ILO adopted the Declaration on Fundamental

Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-up

The Declaration of Philadelphia

Declaration of Philadelphia include the following principles:

Labour is not a commodity

Freedom of expression and association are essential for
sustained progress
Poverty threatens prosperity everywhere

The Declaration of Philadelphia

All human beings, irrespective of race, creed,or sex have the

right to pursue both their material well-being and their
spiritual development in conditions of freedom and
dignity, of economic security, and of equal opportunity.

How the ILO Works

The ILO has a tripartite structure in which the social

partners governments, employers and workers shape
the policies and programmes of the organization

The ILO promotes social dialogue between the partners

on social and economic issues

(.......??) countries are members of the ILO

THREE ORGANS/Oranizational Structure OF

1.International Labour Conference

The member States of the ILO meet at the International Labour
Conference in June of each year, in Geneva

Two government delegates, an employer delegate and a worker

delegate represent each Member State

Employer and worker delegates can freely express themselves and

vote according to instructions received from their organizations.

The Conference establishes and adopts international labour standards

and is a forum for discussion of key social and labour questions
It also elects the Governing Body.
2. Governing Body
The Governing Body is the executive council of the ILO
and meets three times a year in Geneva.
The ILO Governing Body is composed of 28 government members, 14
employer members and 14 worker members
Appoints the Director General of The International Labor office
Supervises IL office functioning,prepares agenda to be placed in Il
Discharges duties as assigned by Conference
It examines the proposed budget submitted to it each year by the
Director-General and approves it by adoption in conference

= 9
How the ILO Works

3. The International Labour Office

Headquartes is based in Geneva ,Head-Director General
Acts as a secretariat(the people who are employed by it
throughout the world ),a world information centre and a
publishing house
Prepare documents on various agendas for meeting of
All assistance in framing of laws and regulations on the
basis of decision of Conference
Edit and issue publications dealing with problems of
industry and unemployment 10
The International Labour Office is the permanent
secretariat of the International Labour Organization.

The Office employs some 1,900 officials of over 110

nationalities at the Geneva headquarters and in 40 field
offices around the world.

The Office also contains a research and documentation

centre and a printing facility, which issue many specialized
studies, reports and periodicals.
ILO takes care of
Conditions of work, including work hours (8
hours/day),weekly rest(24 hours).paid holidays and
wages(Min Wage fixing machinery convention)
Employment of children and young persons
Employment of women
Industrial health( occupational disease and hazards), safety
and welfare(use of spare time and live- in conditions)
Social security
Industrial relations
Employment and unemployment 12

Principle function of ILO is to secure international minimum social

and labor standards. These standards are embodied in form of C & R
,adopted by Il conference by atleast 2/3rd of the delegates present at
Conference and voting

The Member state is under an obligation to bring ,within a period of one year
or 18 months,from the closing of the Conference,A Convention before the
authority within whose competence the matter lies for ratification( min no of
ratification to be satisfied).
If so ratified, it gains a binding character on the Member state.
Although a member state is free to ratify or not to ratify
Once ratified ,Convention implemented without varying any provision till
Convention itself does.
March 2002, 185 Conventions and 193 Recommendations

Recommendation is not an obligation creating instrument.

The Member state has to bring ,within a period of one year or 18

months,from the closing of the Conference, a recommendation before
the authority within whose competence the matter lies for ratification(
min no of ratification to be satisfied).
Member state is free to modify the provisions for the purpose of
legislation or implementation.(due to change in climatic conditions,
Imperfect working conditions.

Unratified Convention is as good as Recommendation

India has ratified 39 out of 185 conventions

adopted by ILO
ILO Strategic Objectives

Four principal strategic objectives:

Standards and fundamental principles and rights at work

Decent employment
Social protection for all
Strengthen tripartism and social dialogue


Open to the States which were its members

on 1st Nov 1945 and such states which are
either original members of the United
nations or are admitted by a decision of
General assembly.

Member states of ILO- 172

Core ILO conventions

# 29 Forced Labour (1930)

# 105 Abolition of Forced Labour (1957)

# 87 Freedom of Association and the Protection of the Right

to Organize (1948)
# 98 Right to organize and collective bargaining (1949)

# 138 Minimum Age Convention (1973)

# 182 Worst Forms of Child Labour (1999)

# 100 Equal Remuneration (1951)

# 111 Anti-discrimination - Employment and Occupation

International Labor Standards

Purpose is to maintain certain basis

minimum standards worldwide in form of
Convention and Recommendations
As the Member countries of ILO are at
different stages of economic growth and
industrial advancement, the capacity to
maintain and preserve labor standards differ

Influence on Indian labor legislation



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