PowerPoint Government

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Team #1
POS 2041
In todays political landscape, there are just two parties that dominate the field: the
Republican and Democratic parties, established in 1854 and 1792 respectively.
Unfortunately, the disparities between the two are much greater than the time
between their inception. Not only have their ideologies grown further apart, but so
have the demographics of their voters. This two-party system has been ubiquitous
throughout American history, but we strongly attest for a future where voters are
provided more options, or better representation. This idea is further explored by
suggestions such as a proportional representation of parties in government, as well
as the promotion of diversity.
Introduction Continued
In a country where minorities are quickly becoming the majority, our leaders paint a
smaller picture to that of two hundred years ago: a congress composed of 80%
white men, and state offices composed of 90% white men. Conversely, by electing
leaders from several ethnic, political, and ideological backgrounds, voters can
benefit from increased choice and more accurate representation. The idea that two
parties can represent the entire nation is flawed given that 15% of Americans are
registered to a third party, and if things were not so two-sided, we would see a larger
percentage. By understanding our political systems origins, the needs of our people,
and different ways to improve our government, we can create a better future for
those after us.
Political Stances
Republican beliefs (past and present)
o Military/Immigration: Republicans believe in a strong military. They do not believe in
allowing the United Nations to ever have any control over our troops. Republicans
allow legal immigrants even though they are not citizens to serve in the military
during their journey to full citizenship. Although Republicans see illegal immigrants
as endangerment to the country. Republican want to build a wall on our southern
border and increase port protection.
o Economics: Free market economy. Republicans believe they give everyone a chance
at life and equal opportunities. Republicans believe they are not able to create
prosperity only an individual can do so. Republicans believe tax rates should be
lowered where ever they penalize thrift or discourage investment. Republicans
believe in keeping religious organizations, charities and benevolent societies that
are generous to the nation free from taxation and remain deductible.
Republican Beliefs Continued
o Slavery: Currently makes no mention of helping those who were previously and
continuously suppressed.
o Gun Control: Strong support of Second Amendment. Against laws that restrict the
make of a model and against rifle bans.
o Social Change/Civil Support: The Republican party is adverse to change. Majority of
their values are in tune with the Christian religion. Republican do not want to
separate the church and state and believe that God should be included in the
Government. No to abortions in order to protect the 5th amendment, meanwhile
saying yes to the death penalty. Republicans do not support planned parenthood or
believe in funding it or any other organizations that practices or promotes abortion.
o Empowering the Individual: Republican party is a slightly hands off sort of
government. They believe in minimal regulations and do not believe in change. An
individual has the sources needed to succeed whether or not they do so is entirely
their responsibility.
Political Stances
Democratic Beliefs (past and present).
o Military/Immigration: Believes in deferring situations from becoming violent.
Believes in keeping the military well equipped and best trained. Allowing
anyone from any background to join. Democratic party support immigration
and believe that the process should be recreated so peaceful and
contributing individuals can remove themselves from the shadow of our
nation. Immigration enforcement should in fact be humane, prioritizing those
who are a threat to our community.
o Economics: Believes we have a rigged economy that does not allow
people to excel no matter how hard they work. They want to raise
minimum wage and create much fairer work environments for the
American workers.
Democratic Beliefs Continued
o Slavery: The party addresses human trafficking declaring an end to it by
prosecuting to the fullest extent of the law. Modern slavery in America is
that of sexual exploitation swell as forced labor. Democratic party also
works towards providing services and protection for survivors.
o Gun control: Respects responsible gun owners while creating boundaries to
keep the community around them safe. Stronger background checks,
keeping war like weapons off the civilian market and make gun violence
identified as a public health issue in order for better research on prevention
and control.
Democratic Beliefs Continued
o Social change/Civil support: works hard to protect everyones chance of equality, no matter
gender, sexual orientation, disability or ethnicity. This includes supporting gay marriage,
people to identify with the gender they prefer, and women to obtain the reproductive health
care of their choice. Democratic party does not tolerate hate speech that breeds violence.
Instead of focusing on one religion, democratic party respects peoples faith, and wishes to
break down and barriers that prevent people from coming together for common purpose to
create acts of justice, mercy and tolerance.
o Empowering the Individual: The Democratic party has a strong belief that it is their duty to
help establish any American in need of obtaining their American Dream. The Democratic
Party is very involved in the lives of Americans.
History of Political Parties
Democratic Party
o Established when
Formed in 1792
o Founding fathers of the party
John Qunicy Adams wins presidency over Andrew Jackson, Qunicy and
Jackson split the party. Jackson heads the party in 1828.
o Background of why the founding fathers felt they needed to start a party
o Demographics of voters (past and present)
o Pivotal points in history
o Future of the party
History of Political Parties
Republican Party
o Establish when
Formed in 1854
o Founding fathers of the party
Adam heads the national republican party.
o Background of why the founding fathers felt they needed to start a party
o Demographics of voters (past and present)
o Pivotal points in history
o Future of the party
Disparities in Demographics
o Perhaps the greatest flaw in American government is the disparities between
the backgrounds of its citizens as compared to its leaders.
o White and male politicians have dominated all levels of government to
include over representation in the white house, supreme court, both
chambers of congress, as well as state offices.
o Lee & Low Books Diversity Gap study showed that 90% of governs, and over
80% congress are represented by white men (as of 2013). This is great
contrast to the 51% female and 28% non-white population as according to
2010 census data.
Alternatives or Improvements to the
Two-Party System
Solutions to system
Paul D. Millers solution to party diversification is proportional representation.
However, a similar system could improve demographic diversity if done correctly.
If Americans had leaders that reflected their own racial and gender backgrounds
more accurately, they would benefit from greater varience of opinion within political
discussions, and effectively more inclusive policies.
Both of which lead to greater voter satisfaction, higher approval ratings, and less
civil unrest.
The two-party system is one that crushes the minority vote time and time again, but
how can we?
Solutions Continued
Before the 2015 election, the New York Times recognized that third party votes
would make up about one tenth of all votes in the election. These are votes that
should help the Democratic process, not take votes from the other parties on the
same spectrum.
A solution to the problem is the ranked-choice voting system, such a method is
already used in Australia, Ireland, in other countries at the municipal level, and the
The ranked-choice system asks voters to rank the candidates from best to worst,
and this is put into a computational formula to determine who is the best candidate.
I would advocate for this as a solution to embracing the minority vote.
Solutions Continued
In a recent article by the Federalist, Paul D. Miller champions the Libertarian, Green,
Constitution, and Socialist parties for providing Americans with more choices to vote
There are more than two sides to every issue, so why do we resort to electing
politicians from just two parties?
Trumps presidential nomination (and now presidency) was absolutely inspired by
the lack of satisfaction that Americans have for their political system. This is not a
knock on his legacy, but instead it is a tribute that his nomination was the realization
by Americans that our current system is not working.
Third Parties
Third party voters are vital to hearing the voices of those who are not charmed by
either the Republican or Democratic parties.
o Far too often, voters resort to voting for a candidate they do not like, simply because
they identify with their party of choice. However, with more choices this is less of a
o One can argue that with more choices, Americans will be even more divided. A
common argument for the two-party system is the idea that a winning candidate
could win by receiving only a small portion of the vote.
o However, this could not be further from the truth. By adopting a three or more party
political system, Americans can vote for the candidate they want to without
inhibition, and the more popular leaders will still be able to capture large portions of
a vote.
Work Cited
Work Cited Continued

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