Keys For An Effective Life: Powerful Concepts in Personal Change
Keys For An Effective Life: Powerful Concepts in Personal Change
Keys For An Effective Life: Powerful Concepts in Personal Change
“I’m busy – really busy. But
sometimes I wonder if what I’m
doing will make any difference in the
long run. I’d really like to think there
was meaning in my life, that
somehow things were different
because I was there.”
“I’ve started a new diet – for the fifth time
this year. I know I’m overweight, and I
really want to change. I read all the new
information, I set goals, I get myself all
psyched up with a positive mental attitude
and tell myself I can do it. But I don’t.
After a few weeks, I fail. I just can’t seem
to keep a promise I make to myself.”
“My teenage son is rebellious and on
drugs. No matter what I try, he won’t
listen to me. What can I do?”
“My marriage has gone flat. We don’t
fight or anything; we just don’t love
each other anymore. We’ve gone to
counselling; we’ve tried a number of
things, but we just can’t seem to
rekindle the feeling we used to have.”
Why is it so hard to change?