Assignment of Clinical Surjery

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Management of abrasion in

What is Abrasion?

In dermatology An abrasion is a wound caused by superficial

damage to skin, no deeper then the epedermis it is less
severe then laceraTion and if bleeding present then it is
American Red Cross define it as:
It is most common type of open wound.
It is also a process of Scraping or wearing some thing away.
it is mostly occur on hands, albows or knees................
Abrasion wound in dog.
Sign and symptome of Abrasion

Reddish area where skin was scraped.

Hot and burning sensation where the wound is present.
It may somewhat bleed.
If shallow wound it does not bleed but simply shows a scrapt on the
skin surface.
Certain fluid on wound surface.
The most common cause for this can be your dog scratching or
chewing at an area. Your dog can also cause abrasions by
jumping fences, fighting, or being dragged by an automobile, or
on a leash. In most cases abrasions are minor and can be treated
at home, healing uneventfully.
Layers of skin.but here only Epidermis is
Sign and symptom of abrasion.

Surface of the dogs skin is scraped,

scratched, and usually some bruising is
Area of abrasion will most likely have hair loss
May have some bleeding and oozing at the
wounded area.
Management of Abrasion in Dogs.

There are 4 steps to performe in abrasion.

Cleaning and debridement of the wound.
Irrigation of the wound,before closure or
Wound closure.
Before Treatement method

How to handle your pets.Restraining of dog.

Apply a muzzle to the dog.
Because it prevent a Vet. to its aggresive vehaviour or
biting it may be rabid.
Because prevention is better then cure.
Then restrain its legs by ropes or hands.
How to treat it????

First of all the treting area should be clean and

flushed out to prevent from further infection.
Then so on............................
The first two objectives in dog wound treatment
Stop the bleeding
Prevent infection
Ceaning the Area.

Inthe case of superficial wounds or abrasions (which can even be caused

by irritation due to the rubbing of a collar, scratching, etc), you can treat
them much like you would your own skin. Wash them with a bit of warm
water and antibacterial soap, clip back any fur that may get into the
wound and cause further contamination and apply some non irritating
antibacterial ointment to the cut (such as Neosporin). Attempting to
bandage the wound will usually only encourage dogs to lick at the
bandage, as they do not usually put up with such things! If needed, you
can obtain an Elizabethan Collar (aka a lamp shade) at a local pet
supply store to prevent further irritation of the area. Watch even minor
wounds for redness, swelling or foul odors even the smallest cut can
become infected.
Treatment Continuos....

Clip the hair around the area and clean the dogs wound with
antiseptic or antibacterial soap and water to remove dirt, debris,
and dried, oozing discharge. (You may notice the veterinary
technician will put a large glob of KY Jelly right on top of the
wound before he/she clips the hair. This is done to protect the area
from any additional dirt and hair getting into the wound while
Most abrasions will be treated with topical antibiotics over a course
7-10 days. It is not uncommon to also give oral pain medication
and oral antibiotics to help combat a major infection from
breaking. (If the area is quite painful, your veterinarian may choose
to use a mild sedative or general sedation during the clipping and
cleaning process.)

Management of bandage changes and drains can be

done at home if the owner is trained properly, or they
can be managed at the hospital on repeat visits to the
technician in charge of your case.
Oral antibiotics and oral pain medication will most likely
be prescribed to assist in the healing process.
If your dog is not bleeding profusely,
you may be able to clean the
wounded area before seeking
You can clean an abrasion by using antibacterial soap and warm
water. Gently rub the area removing dirt and debris. Pat the area
dry. Be careful not to dislodge any blood clots that have formed,
as you will cause the area to bleed again.
Apply a triple antibiotic to the area twice a day and the abrasion
should clear in a week or so. Make sure you dog does not lick or
scratch at the area. You may want to put a light bandage over it
for protection
Make sure you dog does not lick or scratch at the area. You may
want to put a light bandage over it for protection.

Overall treatment.

When we have performed after antiseptic treatment then anti bacterial or

antibiotics short to the dog for healing and prevent from further infection.
Pen.Penbiotc Inj. for ealry healing 2ml per 20kg or dusting of powder
plybiotic or somewhat sicatrin powder is used for healing by dusting shot.
Nsaids may also be used for relief of pain and inflamation but they
delayed the healing process.
Tin.Iodine is best for healing soon.
When we used Hydrogen peroxide in combination with pyodine(betadine)
used to clean the wound first but it may inhibit wound healing bcz of long
time used.
Because of superficial nature have a tendency to dry out bcz of exposed
to air.
Some broad spectrum antibiotics as
under in case of wound healing.

1)Ampicilline G. 23mg/Ib per dose day Im/sc/po

for 5-7 days.
2)Sodium penciline G. 30,000 Ib high dose for gram negative bacteria Iv
follow in 2 hrz I.m
Procaine penciline G. 30,000 I.u Repeat in 12-24 hrz.
kenamycine. 3mg/Ib I.M /S.c In 12 hrz repeated.
Gentamycine, 1-1.5 mg/Ib I.M/S.c synergergetic with cephalosporine
act as also it affects against secondery bacterial infection.
Healing Skin SALYE. For pets and people. It contain amoxicillin 500 mg.
Brofen syp also used for pain relief in dogs.
Some medicine as under prescribed in
Woun healing in Dogs.
Ointments used for wound and
antiseptic actions.

Neosporine Ointments,
Polysporine Ointment.
Some others Drugs.
Cut spray....for open wound

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