Assignment On Corporate Governance

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Sneha Madam Pradeep Periwal
Roll No. - 33(A)
VISION- to make air india a preferred cargo carrier in the years to

Safety heads the list of values the company claims are the foundation
stones of its corporate culture:
 safety
 caring
 integrity
 fun
 passion
 RANK (Race for Awareness and Knowledge) and BOLT
(Broad Outlook Learner Teacher) are the two awards
that the Air India has instituted in a tie-up with a
private television channel, designed to promote creative
thinking and leadership among the students and
teachers in areas of societal development, Air India.
 Executive Director S Mahadevan said at an award giving
function on today.He said the awards were
conceptualised by Air India to recognize excellence
outside the field of academics for teachers and

 Vision-To be a respected world class

corporation and the leader in Indian steel
business in quality, productivity,
profitability and customer satisfaction.
 SAIL is committed to the realm of social responsibility. The
major activities in this field are briefly enumerated below. Health
& Medical There are 20 state-of-the-art hospitals situated
through out the country having a total strength of around 4500
beds for the benefit of employees, their dependants and the
peripheral population and are managed by around 6000
doctors, medical and paramedical staff. SAIL has launched an
AIDS Awareness and Control Program in partnership with
National AIDS Control Organization [NACO], Ministry of Health
& Family Welfare. Till date about Rs. 32 million have been
received for implementing the policies of NACP-II in all

Vision-"A world class integrated power major, powering India’s

growth, with increasing global presence."


“Develop and provide reliable power, related products and services

at competitive prices, integrating multiple energy sources with
innovative and eco-friendly technologies and contribute to society.”
Corporate Governance of NTPC

“As a good corporate citizen, the Company is

committed to sound corporate practices
based on conscience, openness, fairness,
professionalism and accountability in
building confidence of its various
stakeholders in it thereby paving the way for
its long term success.”

VISION-To be a world-class Oil and Gas Company

integrated in energy business with dominant Indian
leadership and global presence.

MISSION-ONGC management continues to strive for

excellence in good governance and responsible
management practices, benchmarking with best of global
The company believes that it is rewarding to be better managed
and governed and to identify its activities with national interest.


The Board of Directors has an adequate combination of Executive (Functional)

and Non-executive Directors.

The Board has 14 members, comprising of 7 Functional Directors including the

Chairman & Managing Director.
Corporate Social Responsibility

ONGC is spearheading the United Nations Global Compact - World's

biggest corporate citizenship initiative to bring Industry, UN bodies,
NGOs, Civil societies and corporate on the same platform.


Health Care and Family Welfare

Community Development

Promotion of Sports and Culture

Calamity Relief

Development of Infrastructural Facilities

Development of the Socially & Economically Weaker Sections of Society Benefit

and Welfare.

VISION-To emerge from the position of domestic leader to leading global player in
the energy sector by adopting best practices from mine to market with due care to
environmental and social sustenance.


Produce the planned quantity of coal efficiently and economically with due regard
to safety, conservation & quality.

Policy for Resettlement & Rehabilitation

CIL’s Policy for Community and Peripheral Development

CIL’s Safety Policy

CIL Policy for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)


 Installation/Repairing of Hand Pumps.

Digging/renovation of Wells/Ponds/Dam etc.
 Water Supply through pipelines.
 Construction/Renovation and repair of Community
 Construction/repair of Roads/Culverts.
 Construction/repair of school building.
 Organising Medical Camps.
 Organising Sports and cultural activities.
 Vision- At Nestlé, we believe that research can help
us make better food so that people live a better life.
Good Food is the primary source of Good Health
throughout life. We strive to bring consumers foods
that are safe, of high quality and provide optimal
nutrition to meet physiological needs. In addition to
Nutrition, Health and Wellness, Nestlé products bring
consumers the vital ingredients of taste and pleasure.
 Mission -“Nestlé strives to be a leader in nutrition,
health and wellness, with the belief that good food
is central to health and wellness. At the Nestlé
Research Center, nutrition research meets food
innovation to bring consumers of all ages and stages
of life, foods and beverages that contribute to health
and wellness, while offering remarkable taste and

Nestlé’s corporate culture and relationship with its stakeholders is expressed in a

number of documents. Our overall framework continues to be our evolving Nestlé
Corporate Business Principles, which guide our behaviour in relation to all relevant
stakeholders, supported by the Nestlé Management & Leadership Principles and the
Nestlé Code of Business Conduct. These reflect the 10 UN Global Compact
Principles on Human Rights, Labour, the Environment and Corruption, and other
relevant international human rights and labour standards.
Coca Cola

To refresh the world - in mind, body and spirit

To inspire moments of optimism - through our brands and
actions, and
To create value and make a difference - everywhere we

 To achieve our Mission, we have developed a set of goals, which we

will work with our bottlers to deliver:
 Profit: Maximising return to shareowners while being mindful of our
overall responsibilities.
 People: Being a great place to work where people are inspired to be
the best they can be.
 Portfolio: Bringing to the world a portfolio of beverage brands that
anticipate and satisfy people's desires and needs.
 Partners: Nurturing a winning network of partners and building
mutual loyalty.
 Planet: Being a responsible global citizen that makes a difference.
Corporate Governance
 The Coca-Cola Company is committed to sound principles of
corporate governance.
 The Board is elected by the shareowners to oversee their interest in
the long-term health and the overall success of the business and its
financial strength. The Board serves as the ultimate decision making
body of the Company, except for those matters reserved to or shared
with the shareowners. The Board selects and oversees the members of
senior management, who are charged by the Board with conducting
the business of the Company.
 The Corporate Governance Guidelines, along with the Charters of the
each of the Board Committees and the key practices of the Board
provide the framework for corporate governance at The Coca-Cola
Company. The Corporate Governance Guidelines and the Charters of
each of the Board Committees can be accessed by clicking on the
links below the image.
Levis Strauss


 Our values are fundamental to our success. They are the foundation of
our company, define who we are and set us apart from the
competition. They underlie our vision of the future, our business
strategies and our decisions, actions and behaviors. We live by them.
They endure
 Four core values are at the heart of Levi Strauss & Co.: Empathy,
Originality, Integrity and Courage. These four values are linked, As
we look at our history.

 We seek profitable and responsible commercial

success creating and selling jeans and casual
clothing. We seek this while offering quality
products and service-- and by being a leader in what
we do.
Corporate Governance
 Being a leader in corporate citizenship is just as important to us as
being an apparel innovator. Levi Strauss himself started this tradition
and we're keeping the spirit of his commitment to corporate
citizenship alive. We opened integrated factories in the American
South before it was mandated by the government, we were the first to
create responsible product sourcing guidelines and pioneered policies
to help employees with HIV/AIDS.
 Throughout our long history we've driven change in the marketplace
and in the world, offering products that are right for every generation.
We invite you to take a look at our proud heritage
Tata steel

 Mission

 Consistent with the vision and values of the founder Jamsetji Tata,
Tata Steel strives to strengthen India 痴 industrial base through the
effective utilization of staff and materials. The means envisaged to
achieve this are high technology and productivity, consistent with
modern management practices.
 Tata Steel, the world's sixth largest steelmaker, has set its
eyes on doubling the return on investment by 2012.
 Interacting with the media on the sidelines of Tata Steel's
founder's day celebrations, B Muthuraman, managing
director, Tata Steel, said, the company would aspire to
become the global benchmark in value creation and
corporate citizenship.
 As part of the value creation initiative, the group comprising
Tata Steel and its South East Asian subsidiaries and the UK
operations under Corus, would aim to increase the RoI from
the current 16 per cent to 32 per cent.

The Company has set itself the objective of expanding its capacities and
becoming globally competitive in its business. As a part of its growth
strategy, the Company believes in adopting the Best practices that are
followed in the area of Corporate Governance across various
 The Company emphasizes the need for full transparency and
accountability in all its transactions, in order to protect the interests of
its stakeholders. The Board considers itself as a Trustee of its
Shareholders and acknowledges its responsibilities towards them for
creation and safeguarding their wealth.
 Company’s vision:
 We believe that CSPs can ultimately enable and deliver a “segment of
one” – where they can define and enhance the service experience for
each and every individual. Customers whose communications
experience fits and works for them don’t change operators. And
operators who can devote themselves to enriching the customer’s
experience build stronger, more lasting and profitable customer

 The individual communications experience is the greatest value a

communications service provider can deliver to their customer, and so
it’s the greatest value we can support communications service
providers in delivering.
 Company mission:

 We help communication service providers build

more valuable customer relationships by improving
efficiency and experience

 We have built value by addressing efficiency, and

we continue to do that. But we also need to address
the customer’s need for a better experience, because
it’s experience that builds relationships, and
relationships that build value
 Corporate governance:
 The Board of Directors (“the Board”) has adopted these guidelines to
reflect Nokia’s commitment to good corporate governance. In
furtherance of this goal the Board has also adopted written charters
for each of its Audit Committee, Personnel Committee and Corporate
Governance and Nomination Committee, as well as Code of Ethics for
the Principal Executive Officer and Senior Financial Officers and
Nokia Insider Policy, and reviewed the Company Code of Conduct.
The Corporate Governance and Nomination Committee will
periodically review these guidelines and propose modification to the
Board for consideration as appropriate.

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