13.6 Planar Dielectric Waveguides: Excessive Entirely Interfaces

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When skin effect losses become excessive, a good way to remove
them is to remove the metal in the structure entirely and use
interfaces between dielectrics for the confining surfaces.
We thus obtain a dielectric waveguide; a basic form, the symmetric
slab waveguide, is shown in Figure 13.19.
The structure is so named because of its vertical symmetry about the
z- axis.
The guide is assumed to have width in y much greater than the slab
thickness d, so the problem becomes two-dimensional, with fields
presumed to vary with x and z while being independent of y.
The slab waveguide works in very much the same way as the parallel-
plate waveguide, except wave reflections occur at the interfaces
between dielectrics, having different refractive indices, n1 for the
slab and n2 for the surrounding regions above and below.
In the dielectric guide, total reflection is needed, so the incident
angle must exceed the critical angle.
the slab index, n1, must be greater than that of the surrounding
materials, n2. Dielectric guides differ from conducting guides in that
power is not completely confined to the slab but resides partially
above and below.
Dielectric guides are used primarily at optical frequencies (on the
order of Hz ). Again, guide transverse dimensions must be kept
on the order of a wavelength to achieve operation in a single mode.
For example, a glass plate can be doped with materials that will raise
the refractive index. The doping process allows materials to be
introduced only within a thin layer adjacent to the surface that is a
few micrometers thick.
Figure 13.20, which shows a wave propagating through the slab by
multiple reflections, but where partial transmission into the upper
and lower regions occurs at each bounce.
Wave vectors are shown in the middle and upper regions, along with
their components in the x and z directions.
The z components () of all wave vectors are equal, as must be true if
the field boundary conditions at the interfaces are to be satisfied for
all positions and times.
Partial transmission at the boundaries is, of course, an undesirable
situation, since power in the slab will eventually leak away.
We thus have a leaky wave propagating in the structure, whereas we
need to have a guided mode.
Note that in either case, we still have the two possibilities of wave
polarization, and the resulting mode designationeither TE or TM.
Total power reflection at the boundaries for TE orTM waves implies,
respectively, that |s |2 or |p|2 is unity, where the reflection

..1 2
we require that effective impedances, 2s or 2p, be purely
imaginary, zero, or infinite if (1) or (2) is to have unity magnitudes.
Knowing that:


The requirement is that cos 2 be zero or imaginary, where, from Eq.

(75), Section 12.6,

As a result, we require that

where the critical angle is defined through:

Now, from the geometry of Figure 13.20, we can construct the field
distribution of a TE wave in the guide using plane wave
superposition. In the slab region (d/2 < x < d/2), we have




The second term in (8) may either add to or subtract from the first
term, since either case would result in a symmetric intensity
distribution in the x direction.
Now, using r = xax + zaz , (8) becomes

Because 1 = n1k0 cos 1, we see that larger values of 1 imply smaller
values of 1 at a given frequency. In addition, larger 1 values result in
a greater number of spatial oscillations of the electric field over the
transverse dimension.
In the slab waveguide, as with the parallel-plate guide, we associate
higher order modes with increasing values of 1.
In the regions above and below the slab, waves propagate according
to wave vectors ku and kd as shown in Figure 13.20. Above the slab,
for example (x > d/2), the TE electric field will be of the form

However, 2 = n2k0 cos 2, where cos 2, given in (5), is imaginary.
We may therefore write
Where 2 is real and is given by (using 5)



where the x variable in (13) has been replaced by x (d/2) to position

the field magnitude, E02, at the boundary. Using similar reasoning,
the field in the region below the lower interface, where x is negative,
and where k2d is involved, will be

The fields expressed in (16) and (17) are those of surface waves. Note
that they propagate in the z direction only, according to exp(jz), but
simply reduce in amplitude with increasing |x|, according to the
exp(2(xd/2)) term in (16) and the exp(2(x+d/2)) term in (17).
These waves represent a certain fraction of the total power in the
mode, and so we see an important fundamental difference between
dielectric waveguides and metal waveguides: in the dielectric guide,
the fields (and guided power) exist over a cross section that extends
beyond the confining boundaries, and in principle they exist over an
infinite cross section.
In practical situations, the exponential decay of the fields above and
below the boundaries is typically sufficient to render the fields
negligible within a few slab thicknesses from each boundary.
The total electric field distribution is composed of the field in all three
regions and is sketched in Figure 13.21 for the first few modes.
Within the slab, the field is oscillatory and is of a similar form to that
of the parallel-plate waveguide. The difference is that the fields in the
slab waveguide do not reach zero at the boundaries but connect to
the evanescent fields above and below the slab.
The restriction is that the TE fields on either side of a boundary
(being tangent to the interface) must match at the boundary.

Applying this condition to (11), (12), (16), and (17) results in the final
expressions for the TE electric field in the symmetric slab waveguide,
for the cases of even and odd symmetry:


The magnetic field for the TE modes will consist of x and z
components, as was true for the parallel-plate guide. Finally, the TM
mode fields will be nearly the same in form as those of TE modes, but
with a simple rotation in polarization of the plane wave components
by 90. Thus, in TM modes, Hy will result, and it will have the same
form as Ey for TE, as presented in (19) and (20).
a finite number of discrete modes will be allowed at a given
frequency, and this number increases as frequency increases. Higher-
order modes are characterized by successively smaller values of 1.
An important difference in the slab waveguide occurs at cutoff for
any mode. We know that = 0 at cutoff in the metal guides. In the
dielectric guide at cutoff, the wave angle, 1, is equal to the critical
angle, c. Then, as the frequency of a given mode is raised, its 1
value increases beyond c in order to maintain transverse resonance,
while maintaining the same number of field oscillations in the
transverse plane.
the wave angle dependence on evanescent decay coefficient, 2, as
given by (15). Note, in that equation, that as 1 increases (as
frequency goes up), 2 also increases, leading to a more rapid falloff
of the fields with increasing distance above and below the slab.
Also, at a given frequency, lower-order modes, having smaller wave
angles, will have lower values of 2 as (15) indicates.
Consequently, when considering several modes propagating together
at a single frequency, the higher-order modes will carry a greater
percentage of their power in the upper and lower regions
surrounding the slab than will modes of lower order.
One can determine the conditions under which modes will propagate
by using the transverse resonance condition, as we did with the
parallel-plate guide. We perform the transverse round trip analysis in
the slab region in the same manner that was done in Section 13.3,
and obtain an equation similar to (37):

for TE waves and

for the TM case. Eqs. (21) and (22) are called the eigenvalue
equations for the symmetric dielectric slab waveguide.
The phase shifts on reflection, TE and TM, are the phases of the
reflection coefficients, s and p
simple cutoff condition for any TE or TM mode:

Using k0 = 2/, the wavelength range over which single-mode
operation occurs is

A symmetric dielectric slab waveguide is to guide light at wavelength
= 1.30 m. The slab thickness is to be d = 5.00 m, and the
refractive index of the surrounding material is n2 = 1.450. Determine
the maximum allowable refractive index of the slab material that will
allow single TE and TM mode operation.
Solution. Equation (24) can be rewritten in the form,

Clearly, fabrication tolerances are very exacting when constructing

dielectric guides for single-mode operation!

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