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Conclusion: Video Game Impacts

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Positive Impacts of Video Games

Graciela M. Zamora

Introduction: Video Game Impacts Conclusion:

Throughout the years, video games have increased in Video games have always been used as a form of
popularity and have grown to become a daily activity for distraction for individuals from their busy lives. They
many individuals. Impacts, both positive and negative, have have also gained high amounts of attention both
emerged from video games that many individuals may not positively and negatively. However, in this academic
agree with. For example, video games have been primarily poster the focus was primarily on the positive impacts of
viewed in an opposing way for their negative impacts such video games. These impacts were further explained
as an increase in aggressive behavior or addiction. through the use of three research questions which helped
However, this academic poster will cover how video games define the types of positive impacts that have emerged
have also benefitted individuals with positive impacts such from video games, explain how these impacts have
as relieving stress, improving learning abilities, and affected individuals, and described the types of video
engaging in more physical activities. Although, these games that have increased these positive impacts. These
positive impacts have received very minimal attention, but research questions ultimately helped inform the readers
with the help of research and studies, the focus could be about the positive impacts that come from video games
shifted to the positive impacts of video games and could be and how they have affected individuals emotionally,
proven with further explanations on the types of positive mentally, physically, and psychologically.
impacts that have emerged, how these positive impacts have
affected individuals, and the types of video games that have
increased these positive impacts.


Vengeful 4% Individuals who have impacted positively from video games
14% Strategic, 5,
have had benefits in their brain development, behavior, and their 17%
overall well being. For example, studies conducted on
24% individuals brain development while they are interacting with Action/Adventure,
10, 35%
video games has shown an increase in brain cell connections
Relaxed with memory and learning, control sensory movement, decision
making, and emotional responses. An individuals behavior is
Sports, 5, 17%
also impacted as shown in series of surveys where researchers
discovered that video games influence good behavior by the
types of roles individuals pursue. Most individuals who were Educational, 0,
recognized as having good behavior was a helper in video 0%
Simulation, 3, First Person
games. Lastly, the overall well being is the most impacted area 10% Shooter/Third
for individuals such as in rehabilitation facilities. Video games Person Shooter,
31% are often to help rebuild motor skills, reduce stress and 6, 21%
depression, and improve vision.

Alexander, A. (2012, March 14). Effects of video games on the brain. Retrieved October 22, 2017, from
Gallagher, D. (2013, March 10). 7 Health benefits of playing video games. Retrieved October 22, 2017, from
Jacobs, T. (2009, March 27). Video games can encourage positive behavior, too. Retrieved October 22, 2017, from
Zamora, G. M. (2017, October 09). Video game participation survey. Retrieved October 22, 2017, from

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