Presented By: May Anne V. Bautista

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CAO 03-2016


Presented by:
May Anne V. Bautista
Section 1: Scope

1. This covers the establishment of an Advance Ruing

System on customs valuation methodology and
preferential and non-preferential rules of origin.
2. Requests for Advance Ruling concerning the tariff
classification of goods shall be filed with the Tariff
Commission for determination.
3. Requests for rulings on other matters related to
importation or exportation of goods as provided in
Section 113 of the CMTA, including exportation of
goods originating in the Philippines shall be covered
by existing regulations.

Note: Sec 113: Decision and Ruling

Section 2: Objectives
1. To provide rulings on the origin and valuation
methodology of goods prior to their importation or
exportation, in order to add certainty and predictability
to international trade and help commercial importers or
foreign exporters make informed business decisions
based on legally binding rules.
2. To help ensure uniformity and consistency in the
application of customs policies, rules and regulations
on customs valuation and rules of origin.
3. To enable the establishment of an Advance Ruling
System that is in line with the standards set out in
Revised Kyoto Convention, the World Trade
Organizations Agreement on Trade Facilitation, the
ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement, other relevant
international trade facilitation agreements, relevant
Philippine laws, and international best customs
4. To increase the level of stakeholders compliance
through an informed customs compliance regime.
Section 3: Definition of Terms
For purposes of this CAO, the following terms are
defined accordingly:
1. Advance Ruling an official written and binding
ruling issued by the Commissioner of the Bureau of
Customs (BOC) which provides the Requesting Person
with an assessment of (1) origin, or (2) treatment to be
applied on a certain element of customs value, prior to
an import or export transaction for specified period.
2. Fee the non-refundable amount assessed by the
Bureau to be paid by the Requesting Person to cover
the reasonable cost of the research and other services
rendered for issuance of Advance Ruling.
3. Foreign Exporter a natural or juridical person
intending to export any goods or commodities from a
foreign country to the Philippines.
4. Importer a natural or juridical person intending to
import any goods into the Philippines.
5. Requesting Person a natural or juridical person who
is an importer, foreign exporter, or his/her/its
authorized agent, who/which is requesting an Advance
Ruling pursuant to this CAO.
Section 4: Administrative Provisions
1. Who May Request for Issuance of Advance Ruling.
Importer or Foreign Exporter or its authorized agent
may request an Advance Ruling.
2. Requirement for Request for Advance Ruling.
2.1. Period to Request Advanced Ruling for
the Importation of Goods. To ensure that an
Advance Ruling request does not relate to any
ongoing trade transaction, a request for Advance
Ruling should be submitted to the Bureau at
least ninety (90) calendar days before the date of
the importation in question, which is the date of
lodgement of goods declaration.

2.2. Other Requirements.

a. A request for Advance Ruling must
be made in writing to be submitted to
the Bureau, and must relate only to
one good or product, as the case may
Section 4: Administrative Provisions
b. The Bureau shall specify the
information to be provided, the format
to be used and the documentary
requirements for the request. The
Bureau shall allow the electronic
submission of requests, subject to the
submission of certified request for
Advance Ruling. No request for
Advance Ruling shall be accepted or
considered without such proof of
2.3. Effects of Failure to Comply with the
Requirements. Any request that does not
comply with all of the provisions of this CAO
will be rejected and returned to the Requesting
Person. A written order identifying the
information missing from the request and with a
clear statement why a ruling cannot be issued
shall be sent to the Requesting Person.
Section 4: Administrative Provisions
3. Acknowledgement of Receipt; Notice to Provide
Additional Information and /or Documents.
3.1. The Bureau shall, within fifteen (15)
working days, acknowledge the receipt of the
application, through the fastest available means.
3.2. At any time during the course of an
evaluation of a request for Advance Ruling, the
Bureau may require additional information from
the Requesting Person which shall be submitted
within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of
receipt of the notice. Such period may be
extended upon request.
4. Withdrawal of Request. The request is deemed
withdrawn under the following instances:
4.1. Expressly at the instance of the Requesting
Person at any time before an Advance Ruling is
4.2. Implied when:
Section 4: Administrative Provisions
a. The Requesting Person imports the
subject matter of the request for
Advance Ruling less than ninety (90)
days after the request or less than
thirty (30) days from submission of
complete documents, as the case may
b. The Requesting Person fails to
submit the additional information
and/or documents within the
prescribed or extended period from
notice by the Bureau.
5. Revalidation of Advance Ruling.
5.1. Request for revalidation of Advance Ruling
shall be submitted to the Bureau at least ninety
(90) calendar days before the expiration of the
validity of Advance Ruling.
5.2.. The Bureau may require additional
requirements in support of the request for
revalidation of Advance Ruling.
Section 4: Administrative Provisions
6. Period to Issue Advance Ruling and its Revalidation.
The Bureau shall issue the Advance Ruling or its
Revalidation within thirty (30) working days from the date
of receipt of the request, or additional documents or
information, as the case may be.
7. Grounds for Declining.
7.1. The issuance of an Advance Ruling may be
declined in the following cases:
a. The issue involves a matter that is
before the courts or is the subject of an
administrative review, or under post
clearance audit;
b. A request for Advance Ruling on
the same goods is already request filed
by the same Requesting Party;
however, an earlier request filed by an
agent shall be declined if a latter
request is filed by the principal;
c. An Advance Ruling on the same
goods has been issued to the same
Requesting Person; and
Section 4: Administrative Provisions
d. The request is based on
77.2. In all cases, if the issuance of an Advance
Ruling is declined, the Bureau shall promptly
notify the Requesting Person in writing, though
electronic means, clearly stating the reasons for
8. Binding Effect and Period of Effectivity of an
Advance Ruling.
8.1. An Advance Ruling benefits only the
Requesting Person. Although an applicant may
refer to specific Advance Ruling issued to
another importer, foreign exporter, or producer,
the Bureau is not bound to recognize and apply
that ruling to a similar importation.
8.2. An Advance Ruling shall take effect on the
date it is issued, unless another date is specified
in the ruling, provided that the facts or
circumstances on which the ruling is based
remain unchanged as of the time of importation.
Section 4: Administrative Provisions
The Advance Ruling shall be valid for a period
of three (3) calendar years from the date of its
issuance, unless a shorter period is provided for
in the ruling due to the nature of the application
which shall be clearly stated in the Advance
9. Modification, Revocation or Invalidation of an
Advance Ruling.
9.1. Modification of Advance Rulings,
Advance Rulings may be modified based on the
following grounds:
a. Clerical error;
b, Change of material facts and
circumstances after issuance of the
c. Misleading information based on
excusable neglect or honest mistake;
d. Change in applicable law
Section 4: Administrative Provisions
Modification of Advance Rulings is, as a general
rule, of prospective application.
9.2. Revocation or Invalidation of an Advance
Ruling. An Advance Ruling may be revoked or
invalidated upon discovery that the applicant
submitted incomplete, incorrect, false or
misleading information. Revocation or
invalidation of Advance Rulings shall be
9.3. Notification. Where the Advance Ruling is
modified, revoked or invalidated, the Bureau
shall give written notice to the Requesting
Person, setting out the relevant facts and the
basis for its decision.
10. Appellate Remedy. The Requesting Person aggrieved
by the Ruling of the Bureau or its decision to modify,
revoke or invalidate an Advance Ruling may, within
fifteen (15) calendar days, from receipt of the Ruling or
decision, file a motion for reconsideration, the Requesting
Person may, within thirty (30) calendar days from the
receipt of the denial, appeal the adverse ruling to the Court
of Tax Appeals (CTA).
Section 4: Administrative Provisions
11. Publication of Advance Ruling and Confidentiality.
The Bureau shall publish the summaries of the Advance
Rulings on its website, talking into account the need to
protect commercially confidential information.
12. Unique Reference Number. The Bureau shall develop
a Unique Reference Number for every Request and every
Advance Ruling.
13. Use of Information and Communications
Technology (ICT) Enable System. To the extent
practicable, the Bureau shall use ICT enable system on
Advance Ruling with respect to request for ruling,
notification, issuance of Advance Rulings and such other
related processes.
Section 5: Authority of the
Commissioner to Issue
Supplementary Rules and
The Commissioner of Customs may issue supplementary
rules and regulations to effectively implement the
provisions of this CAO.
Section 6: Periodic Review
Unless otherwise provided, this CAO shall be reviewed
every three (3) years and be amended or revised, if
Section 7: Separability Clause
If any part of this CAO is declared unconstitutional or
contrary to existing laws, the other parts not so declared
shall remain in full force and effect.
Section 8: Repealing Clause
All previously issued Customs Administrative Orders,
Customs Memorandum Orders, and other customs rules
and regulations which are inconsistent with this CAO are
hereby repealed and/or modified accordingly.
Section 9: Effectivity
This CAO shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its
complete publication in the Official Gazette or a
newspaper of general circulation.

The Office of National Administrative Register (ONAR)

of the UP Law center shall be provided a three (3) certified
copies of this CAO.
Presented by: CAO 03-2016
May Anne V. Bautista

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