Traffic Studies Requirement For Intersection Design 2
Traffic Studies Requirement For Intersection Design 2
Traffic Studies Requirement For Intersection Design 2
intersection design
Sahil Bhardwaj
Traffic volume studies
Approach Speed
Sight distance
Accident studies
Pedestrian count
Traffic Volume Studies
Design hourly volume
Turning Moment
Design hourly volume
Design hourly volume is determined from the plot between
hourly volume and no. of hours in a year the traffic volume
has exceeded.
Due to economical reasons it is not possible to design the
facilities according to peak hourly volume of the year
The annual avg. hourly volume(AAHV) found from AADT will
not be sufficient due to severe congestion
In India design is based on Thirtieth highest hourly volume
that will be reached on thirty times or exceeded only 29 times
in a year.
Cost compared from peak hourly volume will be much lesser
and there will be congestion only during 29 hours in a year
Hourly Traffic Volume
Approach Speed
Frequency distribution diagram of spot speeds
Stopping Sight distance
Design 0 30 40 50 60 65 80 100
SSD(m) 20 25 30 45 60 80 90 120 180
Sight distances at uncontrolled intersections
Enforcement measures
Speed Control
Traffic control devices
Training and supervision
Medical check
Special precautions for commercial vehicles
Observance of law and regulations
Education measures
Education of road users
Safety drive
Pedestrian Count
Minimum pedestrian volume warrant for traffic signal
When 150 or more pedestrian per hour cross a major street with over 600 vehicles
per hour on both approaches.
1000 vehicles per hour in case of main street with raised median.
However when the average approach speed or 85th percentile speed exceed 60
kmph , 70 percent of above requirements may be adopted.