Introduction in Hygiene and Ecology
Introduction in Hygiene and Ecology
Introduction in Hygiene and Ecology
Basic laws of
hygiene. Bases of preventive and current sanitary
supervision. Principles of the hygienical setting of
norms. Cosmosphere, sun radiation and health.
Hygienical value of sun radiation, physical
properties and chemical composition of air
environment. Hygienical value of constituents of
biosphere (atmosphere, hydrosphere, litosphere).
health of the
genetic medical
factor etiological factors
(18-22 %),
(8 -10 %)
To promote and maintain a state of health an
individual needs the following prerequisites:
o Supply of fresh air o Complete sense of
and sunlight protection and
o Safe and potable security both socially
water supply and economically
o Balanced diet o hygienic
o Healthful shelter environmental
o Adequate clothing sanitation
o Protection from o A congenial social
communicable and and cultural
other avoidable atmosphere.
afflictions o Regulated way of life
with proper rest and
relaxation and good
and simple habits.
Object of studying:
sick man
Object of studying: healthy
human, and groups of the
practically healthy people
Hygiene is a basic
preventive science in
medicine. It generalizes all
dates of theoretical and
clinical disciplines in the
field of prophylaxis,
integrates knowledge’s
about complex influence of
an environment on health
of the man, work out
principles and systems of
preventive measures.
The word hygiene comes
from Hygeia, the Greek
goddess of health, who
was the daughter of
Aesculapius, the god of
4. Practical implementation of
developed hygienic
recommendations, rules and
standards in national economy,
controlling and improving their
5. Forecasting the sanitary situation
for the nearest and remote future,
taking into account plans of the
national economy development,
proper hygienic problems arising
from the forecasted situation,
scientific research of such
Basic methods of hygienic
Methods of
1. Methods of environment
2. Methods of studying of
environmental influence on
human organism and health
Methods of environment studying
Physical Biological
Sanitary-statistic Geographical
Methods of Studying of Environmental
Influence on Human Organism and Health
Methods of Methods of
experimental natural
investigation observation
1.Experiment with 2. Physiological
models of natural
condition 3. Biochemical
4. Toxicological
2.Laboratory experiment
on animals
5. Sanitary-statistic
3.Laboratory experiment on 6. Medical-
humans geographical
The word sanitation is derived from the Latin word Sanitas
which means a state of health.
Sanitation is
the hygienic means
of promoting
health through prevention of
human contact with
the hazards of wastes as well
as the treatment and proper
disposal of sewage
wastewater. Hazards can be
either physical,
microbiological, biological or
chemical agents of disease.
Wastes that can cause health problems include human and animal
feces, solid wastes, domestic wastewater (sewage, sullage,
greywater), industrial wastes and agricultural wastes. Hygienic
means of prevention can be by using engineering solutions
(e.g. sewerage and wastewater treatment), simple technologies (e.g.
latrines, septic tanks), or even by personal hygiene practices (e.g.
simple handwashing with soap).
People in ancient societies were concerned about personal
hygiene and sanitation for religious reasons. The Bible
contains many rules for cleanliness, and describes public
health measures still important today. These include
quarantining the sick to prevent the spread of disease and
avoiding contact with objects used by sick people.
Anything and
Everything is toxic if
the dose is made so !!
On a degree of danger distinguish four
groups of chemical substances –
water MAN
Plants Animals
pollutants SOIL
Major condition of high
stability of the organism to
adverse factors of
environment are healthy
lifestyle, excluding the
using of alcoholic drinks,
smoking, other harmful
habits, rational nutrition,
rational mode of work and
rest, observance of rules of
personal hygiene, using of
wide improving
opportunities of physical
culture and sports, self
The second law of hygiene
Aerosol cans
(chlorofluorocarbons), Various
Burning Carbon monoxide, CO2
carbon dioxide SO2
sulfur dioxide
There are several main types of
pollution and well-known effects
of pollution which are
commonly discussed. These
•acid rain,
•the greenhouse effect,
•and "holes" in the ozone layer.
Rain, which washes the air and removes gases as well as suspended
Oxygen and ozone, which oxidise the organic matter present in the air.
Plants absorb CO2 and give off oxygen in sunlight. During sunlight,
chlorophyll present in green leaves of the plants absorbs carbon from
carbon dioxide of the atmosphere and gives off free oxygen, but at night
this process gets reversed.
Sun affects the temperature, pressure and volume of air. Thus heating of
air during the day and its cooling at night brings about the air
Time of day
Time of year
Ozone Layer
The Sun
Helpful Harmful
Keeps Us Warm Causes Sunburns
Helps Plants Grow
Makes Our Skin Wrinkle
Makes Vitamin D
Causes Skin Cancer
Kills Germs
Functions of Air
1. It serves to maintain Life through
constant oxygen supply.
2. It helps in regulation of body
temperature; cooling power of the
air being an important factor.
3. It helps in functioning of
sensations like smell and hearing.
4. The adverse function is through
the polluted air, which becomes a
source of spreading various
diseases, whether bacterial or
Impurities due to Respiration
Inspire Expired
d air air
Oxygen 20.95 % 16.50 %
Nitroge 79.02 % 79.06%
C02 0.04% 4.44%
Water Varies Saturat
vapours ed
Temper Varies As of
ature body
Temperature is a measure of the amount
of heat (average molecular kinetic energy)
in a material, such as air. Temperature is
the average amount of “moving” energy
contained by particles moving around in
the atmosphere.
• Humidity is measured by
means of a hygrometer.