Text Types in English
Text Types in English
Text Types in English
The NARRATIVE text type tells a story using spoken or written language. It can be
communicated using radio, television, books, newspapers, and computer files. Pictures, facial
expressions and camera angles can also be used to help communicate meaning. Narratives are
also usually told by a story teller. This person gives his/her point of view to the audiences and
determines the order in which the event s of the story will be told.
POETIC text types express feelings and impressions of life. A poem can tell a story or
give the poet’s views of people and events. Poems can have common structures such as
rhyming the last word of lines or using a certain number of lines.
DRAMATIC text types use acting to communicate ideas and experiences. Dramas can
be spoken or written. They often use visuals such as facial expressions, costumes and sets to
help communicate meaning.
A DISCUSSION gives the for and against, the positive and negative, or the good
and bad points. A discussion can be in oral or written form. The purpose of a discussion
is to present to the audiences different opinions on a topic and, at the end, your opinion.
An EXPOSITION is a piece of text that presents one side of an issue. The purpose
of an exposition is to persuade the reader or listener by presenting one side of an
argument, that is, the case ‘for’ or the case ‘against’.
A RECOUNT is a piece of text that retells past events. Its purpose is to provide the
audience with a description of what occurred and when it occurred.
At the sentence level the rules of grammar always apply. We need to understand
how sentences are structured so as to be meaningful.
At the text level we can examine the processes and features. This involves
looking at the purpose of the text, the structures used and how the text is organised.
A PROCEDURAL RECOUNT text retells, in a sequential order, the steps taken to
achieve a goal. It is written after the procedure has been done. The purpose of a
procedural recount is to retell the steps taken which led to something happening.
What is a text?
When words are put together to communicate a meaning, a piece of text is
created. Texts consist of spoken or written words that have the purpose of
conveying a message.
Text is created by a speaker or writer. When constructing a piece of text
the speaker or writer makes choices about the words used and how these
words will be put together. The choice of words will depend on the purpose
and context (surroundings) of the text.
Text is interpreted by listeners or readers. Communication occurs when
the message created by speaker is successfully interpreted by the listener or
when a writer’s words are understood by the reader.
There are two main categories of text: literary and factual. Within these
are various text types. Each text type has a common structure.
The text types
The text types represent the most common ways in which language is
structured to achieve a particular purpose. Writers and speakers use these
structures in order to help the reader or listener understand the text. The main
literary types are:
narratives poems dramas
These text types are used to tell us about human experiences, usually in
an imaginative way. Their purpose is to make readers and listeners think,
laugh, cry or be entertained. Visual elements (pictures, props, facial
expressions, etc.) can be employed by the narrator to help communicate
Factual text types present information or ideas. The purpose of these
texts is to inform, instruct, educate or persuade the listener or reader. The
main factual text types are:
explanation recount
information report factual description
discussion procedure
exposition procedural recount
The text types