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• Permanent Magnets
o Most common types of magnets.
o Once magnetized they retain a certain degree of
o Generally made of ferromagnetic material.

• Temporary Magnets
o are those that simply act like permanent magnets
when they are within a strong magnetic field.
o they loose their magnetism when the field
o Examples: Paperclips and iron nails
• Electromagnets
o they are extremely strong magnets
o They are produced by placing a metal core (usually
an iron alloy) inside a coil of wire carrying an
electric current.
- The electricity in the current produces a magnetic
- The strength of the magnet is directly proportional
in the strength of the current and the number of
coils of wire.
o Its polarity depends on the direction of flow of
o The presence of the current made the core behaves
like magnet.
- but as soon as the current stops, the core is
o Electromagnets can be switched on and off.

• Superconductors
o Considered as the strongest magnets.
o No need for metal core.

Magnetomotive mmf or Fm Ampere-turn At

Magnetic Flux Φ Weber Wb

Magnetic Field H Ampere- At/m

Intensity turns/meter
Magnetic Flux B Tesla T
Permeability µ Weber/ampere Wb/At•m or
-turn•meter or H/m
Reluctance R Ampere- At/Wb or 1/H
turns/weber or
• Electromagnetism is the
production of magnetic field by
current in a conductor
• The magnetic lines of force around
a current carrying conductor are
called electromagnetic field.
• Right hand rule is a useful concept
in remembering the direction of
current and the field
• Magnetomotive force (mmf) is a quantity that
produces magnetic field.
• mmf is represented as Fm and expressed in
ampere-turn (At)
Fm = NI ; At
Where :
Fm = magnetomotive force in ampere-
turn (At)
N = number of turns of wire (t)
I = current in Ampere (A)
• Magnetizing force or Magnetic field intensity
is the magnetomotive force per unit length
required to properly magnetize a magnetic

H = NI / L ; At/m
Where : N = number of turns of wire (t)
I = current in Ampere (A)
L = length in meters (m)
• Permeability (µ)
is a measure of how easily magnetic field can
be created in a material when applied by a
magnetomotive force. The higher its value the
easier the material can be magnetized.

µ = B / H ; [T/(At/m)] or H/m or Wb/At•m

Where : B = magnetic flux density in tesla ( T or

H = magnetizing force or magnetic field
intensity in ampere-turn per meter (At/m)
• Reluctance is the opposition to the establishment
of a magnetic field in a material.

R = L / µA ; At/Wb µ = µ0 µr

where: L = length in meters (m)

A = cross sectional area in square meter
µ = absolute permeability in Wb/At•m
µr = relative permeability (unitless)
µ0 = permeability of free space in Wb/At•m
Material µr
Steel 100
Nickle 100-600
Platinum 1.000265
Aluminum 1.000022
Air 1.00000037
Vacuum 1
Sapphire 0.99999976
Copper 0.999994
Water 0.999994
Bismuth 0.999834
Superconductor 0
• Relationship of flux, reluctance, and
magnetomotive force.

Φ = Fm /R ; Wb

Φ = flux in weber (Wb)
Fm = magnetomotive force in ampere-turn
R= reluctance in ampere-turn per weber
• Permeability in magnetic circuit is analogous
to conductivity in electric circuits.

• Reluctance in magnetic circuit is analogous to

resistivity in electric circuits.

• Flux in magnetic circuit is analogous to

current in electric circuits.

• Magnetomotive force in magnetic circuit is

analogous to voltage in electric circuits.
Problem Solving
1. If the flux density in a certain magnetic material is
0.25T and the area of the material is 0.35in2 ,what is
the flux through the material?

2. Calculate the reluctance of torus ( a doughnut-shape

core ) made of low carbon steel. The inner radius of
the torus is 2.25 cm and the outer radius of the torus
is 3.15 cm. Assume the permeability of low-carbon
steel is 200µWb/At-m.

3. How much flux is established in the magnetic path of

a certain magnetic material if the reluctance of the
material is 3.1x5 At/Wb? Assume if carries 0.25 A
current that is turned around the magnetic material
600 times.
4. The magnetic flux of 2000 lines is how many
Maxwells ?

5. How much is the flux in Weber in the above

problem ?

6. If a 20 Volts potential is applied across a relay

coil with 50 turns having 1 ohm of resistance,
the total magnetomotive producing magnetic
flux in the circuit is ________
7. What is the reluctance of a magnetic path
having a length of 2 x 10-3 m and cross-sectional
area if 2.5 x 10-3 m2 ? The relative permeability
is 100.

8. Calculate the permeability of a magnetic

material that has a relative permeability of 300.

9. A 6-V battery is connected across a solenoid

of 100 turns having a resistance of 2 ohms.
Calculate the number of ampere-turns?
10. The relative permeability of a magnetic
material is 105. What is its permeability ?

11. The permeability of a material having a flux

density of 5 Wb/m2 is 10-5 H/m. What is the
value of magnetizing force?

12. Calculate the flux density that will be

produced by the field intensity of 2000 At/m for
a permeability of 126 x 10-6 T/(At/m).
13. The absolute permeability of a soft iron core
is given as 80 milli-H/m. Calculate the equivalent
relative permeability value.

14.- 15. Determine the magnetic field strength

and the m.m.f. required to produce a flux
density of 0.25 T in an air gap of length 12 mm.

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