Machine Design Elements11 - : God Bless
Machine Design Elements11 - : God Bless
Machine Design Elements11 - : God Bless
Elements11- -
A white metal, almost as bright as silver and is
malleable and ductile and can ne welded.
a. Nickel
b. Aluminum
c. White iron
d. Lead
It is a silvery dull, soft metal and the second lightest
of all metals used in the industry.
a. Nickel
b. Aluminum
c. White iron
d. Lead
The least among iron ores for it contains many
impurities, poor in iron content and commonly used
in England.
a. Hematite
b. Magnetite
c. Limatite
d. Siderite
Which of the following is not considered to be
precious metal?
a. Silver
b. Gold
c. Platinum
d. Steel
It is an alloy of copper and zinc. It is approximately
1/3 zinc and 2/3 copper.
a. Brass
b. Bronze
c. Muntz metal
d. Silver
It is a copper tin alloy and is named either bell metal
or brown metal.
a. Brass
b. Bronze
c. Muntz metal
d. Silver
It is a furnace that converts pig iron into steel by
oxidizing out the surplus carbon and using oxygen by
throwing raw iron ore into the furnace.
a. UNC
b. UNF
c. White iron
d. Lead
What is the actual torque ratio of a gear set divided
by its gear ratio?
a. Approach ratio
b. Clearance
c. Contact ratio
d. Efficiency
Which of the following has low coefficient of
expansion, corrosion resistant, weak in strength, and
used for non- ferrous applications as an alloying
a. Aluminum
b. Aluminum oxide
c. Copper oxide
d. Copper
Which of the following material(s) is recommended
for large sprocket of large speed ratio and having
fewer engagement?
a. Heavy load
b. High temperature load
c. Low load
d. Reversing load
Which of the following materials having thermal
expansion of about 10 times higher than those of
metals and has more heat generated during
a. Aluminum
b. Asbestos
c. Plastic
d. PVC
To avoid scoring in the bearing surface and the shaft
due to contamination/ absorption of the fine dirt in
the bearing during operation/ lubrication the bearing
material to apply should have good _____
a. anti- scoring
b. Corrosion resistance conformability
c. Corrosion resistance
d. Embeddability
What do impact tests measure?
a. Compactness
b. Ductility
c. Plasticity
d. Toughness
Which of the following types of gear transmit power
at a certain angle?
a. Bevel
b. Helix
c. Herringbone
d. Spur
Which of the following gasket material is not used for
high temperature?
a. Asbestos
b. Plastic nylon
c. Rubberized
d. Wool
How do you call a plane perpendicular to the gear
a. Normal plane
b. Pitch plane
c. Plane of rotation
d. Radius of gyration
Which of the following is the specification of
molybdenum alloy?
Which of the following is abundant for ferrous
a. Sulfur
b. Phosphorous
c. Manganese
d. Carbon
Which machine is used to flatten surface on a
vertical, horizontal or even angular plane?
a. Shaper machine
b. Power saw
c. Boring machine
d. Drilling machine
All of these are classifications of iron ore; except
a. Magnetite
b. Hematite
c. Siderite
d. Sulfurite
It refers to the internal resistance of a material to
being deformed and is measured in terms of the
applied load.
a. Stress
b. Strain
c. Ductility
d. Malleability
The property of a material which resists forces acting
to pull the material apart.
a. Tensile strength
b. Compressive strength
c. Bending strength
d. Torsional strength
The property of a material which resists forces from
causing a member to bend or deflect in the direction
in which the load is applied.
a. Bending strength
b. Compressive strength
c. Tensile strength
d. Torsional strength
The property of a material to resist various kinds of
rapidly alternating stresses.
a. Fatigue strength
b. Bending strength
c. Compressive strength
d. Impact strength
The ability of a material to resist loads that are
applied suddenly and often at high velocity.
a. Fatigue strength
b. Bending strength
c. Compressive strength
d. Impact strength
The ability of the material to stretch, bend, or twist
without breaking or cracking.
a. Ductility
b. Malleability
c. Hardness
d. Compressibility
Which of the following is considered to be the father
of all machine?
a. Lathe machine
b. Boring machine
c. Drilling machine
d. Milling machine
It is the ability of the material to resist loads that are
applied suddenly and often at high velocity.
a. Fatigue strength
b. Impact strength
c. Hardness
d. Shock strength
A steel of carbon range of 0.05 to 0.3 % is considered
as what type of steel?
a. Chromium
b. Manganese
c. Molybdenum
d. Nickel
Which of the following alloying elements of steel will
produce the greatest hardening effect like carbon
and at the same time reduces the enlargement of its
grain structure.
a. Chromium
b. Manganese
c. Molybdenum
d. Nickel
Which of the following alloying elements of steel will
produce fine grain structure and promotes greater
toughness and ductility?
a. Chromium
b. Manganese
c. Molybdenum
d. Nickel
Which of the following alloying elements of steel
which makes it extremely hard and resistance to
wear without making it brittle?
a. Chromium
b. Manganese
c. Molybdenum
d. Nickel
It is better used mostly in steels designed for metal
cutting tool. The steels added by this element are
tough, hard and very resistant to wear.
a. Chromium
b. Tungsten
c. Molybdenum
d. nickel
It is the element whose chief function is to
strengthen the ferrite. It is used with tungsten to
develop red hardness or the ability to remain hard
when red hot.
a. Chromium
b. Cobalt
c. Molybdenum
d. Nickel
It is also known as strain drawing. It is process
whereby certain degree of hardness is sacrificed in
order to reduce brittleness and increase the
toughness of steel tool.
a. Tempering
b. Normalizing
c. Annealing
d. Quenching
It is the heat treatment of steel that produces
extremely hard surface. The process consists of
exposing the steel to hot ammonia gas for some
a. Nitriding
b. Cyaniding
c. Carburizing
d. Ammonia bath
How do you call the metals that contain large
amount of carbon content?
a. Ferrous metals
b. Non- ferrous metals
c. Base metals
d. Precious metals
All these are basic kinds of cast iron, except:
a. Gray iron
b. Malleable iron
c. White iron
d. Red iron
Which of the following basic kind of cast iron is
harder and more difficult to machine because it
contains carbon in carbide state?
a. Gray iron
b. Malleable iron
c. White iron
d. Wrought iron
How do you call metals that have no carbon content?
a. Ferrous metals
b. Malleable iron
c. Non- ferrous metals
d. White iron
Which of the following is the type of cast iron that
can stand more shock and blows than regular cast
a. Nodular iron
b. Malleable iron
c. Wrought iron
d. Gray iron
It is a metal of almost pure iron, ductile and very
tough. It can be hammered and shaped at high
temperature. It has a fibrous structure because of
the presence of slag.
a. Nodular iron
b. Malleable iron
c. Wrought iron
d. Gray iron
A type of ferrous metal which is formed by remelting
pig iron and scrap iron in a cupola furnace. It is brittle
and usually gray in color and commonly used in
making casting.
a. Cast iron
b. Malleable iron
c. Wrought iron
d. Gray iron
A classification of iron ore which contains 70% iron
when pure and 50% iron when mined.
a. Hematite
b. Magnetite
c. Limatite
d. Siderite
A classification of iron ore which contains 72.5% iron
when pure and the remaining percentage are
a. Hematite
b. Magnetite
c. Limatite
d. Siderite
Which of the following iron ores also known as
“brown hematite” or ferric oxide yellowish brown
a. Hematite
b. Magnetite
c. Limatite
d. Siderite
Which of the following represents manganese steel?
a. 13XX
b. 40XX
c. 50XX
d. 10XX
It is another kind of furnace where cast iron is
remelted to make into cast iron. The furnace is
change with layers of coke and pig iron plus scrap
a. Tempering
b. Annealing
c. Cyaniding
d. Normalizing
Case hardening is the process of hardening the outer
surface of the metal and the inner parts are soft.
What percentage of carbon content that this type of
hardening is allowed?
a. Molybdenum
b. Nickel
c. Manganese
d. Silicon
Which of the following alloying elements used in
springs to make more reliant.
a. Silicon
b. Tungsten
c. Hardness and resistance
d. Nickel
It refers to that property in steel which resist
indention or penetration. It is usually expressed in
forms of the area of an indention made by a special
ball under a standard load, or the depth of a special
a. Hardness
b. Ductility
c. Malleability
d. Wear resistance.
The distance fro a point on a screw thread to a
corresponding point on an adjacent thread,
measured parallel to the axis.
a. Pitch
b. Lead
c. Thread
d. Crest
The top surface joining the two sides of a thread.
a. Pitch
b. Crest
c. Lead
d. Space
The amount of variation permitted in the size of a
part. It is the difference between the limits of
maximum and minimum dimensions of a given part.
It may be expressed at plus, minus or as both plus
and minus.
a. Tolerance
b. Limits
c. Variation
d. Clearance
The instrument used to reshape a grinding wheel
that is grooved or out of round is called a:
a. Wheel aligner
b. Wheel emery
c. Wheel dresser
d. Wheel cutter
The instrument used to remove old packing from
packing glands and stuffing boxes are called:
a. Packing tools
b. Gland box cleaner
c. Packing bits
d. Packing screws
When working on bearings and checking for high
spots, it is customary to apply what?
a. White lead
b. Dykem blue
c. Red lead
d. Prussian blue
If you wanted to check the face a pump slide valve or
other flat- faced valve, you could check for trueness
on a :
a. Flat board
b. Piece of glass
c. Surface plate
d. Bearing plate
Which of the following is used to keep a metal clean
while soldering?
a. Flax
b. Flux
c. Torch
d. Insulated
Before splicing electric wires, they should be:
a. Tinned
b. Soldered
c. Cleaned and tinned
d. Insulated
To check the speed of a motor or other rotary
machine one would use a:
a. Galvanometer
b. Tachometer
c. Micrometer
d. Geiger counter
Before drilling a hole in a piece of metal, it should be:
a. Pipe reamer
b. Pipe taper
c. Pipe cleaner
d. Hole cleaner
How do you call the tool(s) used for cutting pipe
a. Pipe cutter
b. Pipe threader
c. Pipe stock and die
d. Pipe ratcher cutter
How do you call the tool used when working with
larger sizes of pipe?
a. Tub spreader
b. Tube retarder
c. Flaring tool
d. Tube countersink
Which of the following is not a standard thread
a. Square
b. Double flute
c. American National
d. 60 deg. Sharp V
How do you call the tool used to cut threads in a
a. Top
b. Bit
c. Tap
d. Reamer
Hand taps are provided in sets of three. Which of the
following set of three?
a. Plug
b. Bottom
c. Short
d. Taper
Which of the following size of the drill is used in
preparing to tap a hole?
a. Steel
b. Monel
c. Brass
d. Tool steel
How do you call the tool used when cutting a hole in
the side of a round piece of metal?
a. Vise
b. “V” block
c. Jaw holder
d. Chuck
When measuring a drill size measure across the:
a. Margins
b. Shank
c. Flutes
d. Point
In threaded members, which of the following defines
a. Neutral cut
b. National cut
c. National coarse
d. Not center
In threaded members, which of the following
represents N.F?
a. National file
b. Neutral file
c. National fine
d. Not found
What tool used in precision work to smooth or
enlarge hole?
a. Round out
b. Reamer
c. Drift pin
d. protractor
Which of the following chisels would be used for
cutting oil grooves?
a. Smooth
b. Half – round
c. Second cut
d. Bastard
How do you call the tool used for cleaning files?
a. File cleaner
b. File oilstone
c. File card
d. Scraper
Which of the following is the smallest size drill?
a. #80
b. #1
c. #60
d. #0
Which of the following is the largest size drill?
a. A
b. Z
c. X
d. XX
The size of a drill is stamped on the:
a. Point
b. Margin
c. Shank
d. Flute
A. Operator must wear goggles
B. The surface to be babbitted must be free of
C. The surface to be babbitted must be clean
D. All of the above