Nursing Presentation
Nursing Presentation
Nursing Presentation
Overview of Theorist Major Concept of Theorist Work Summary of Conceptual Model References
Ida Jean Orlando was born in 1926 and was Use of Empirical Evidence The foundation of Ida Jean Orlando’s deliberate nursing process
a highly respected nurse theorist in the field Orlando’s theory was developed while conducting a study at Yale theory is the unique interaction between nurse and patient in a Alligood, M. (2014). Nursing Theorist: And
of psychiatric nursing. Orlando obtained a University School of nursing between 1958-1961. The research aimed specific environment. This dynamic nurse patient relationship uses their work (8th ed.). St Louis, MO: Elsevier.
Diploma in Nursing in 1947, a Bachelors of to examine the process of integrating mental health concepts into the the nursing process as the theoretical framework to produce positive
Science in Public Health in 1951 and a nursing curriculum. This was a observational study, nurses students and and improved patient outcome. Eichelberger, L., W. (2012). Pioneering
Master of Arts in Mental Health in 1954. instructors participated in various experiences with patients. The data Conceptual Framework nursing theory on the world wide web.
Between 1954-1961 Orlando worked at collected was extensive and Orlando created her theory based on the Evolution on nursing theory on the internet.
several reputable institutions and analysis of this data (Alligood, 2014) Retrieved from
healthcare facilities. She retired in 1992 and
received the Nursing Living legend award by Major Assumptions
the Massachusetts Registered Nurse Assumptions about Nurse Petiprin, A. (2016). Nursing Theory: Ida Jean
Association. She published her first book in The nurse’s reaction to each patient is unique Orlando-Nursing Theorist. Retrieved from
1961. The Dynamic Nurse-Patient Nurses should not add to the patient distress
Relationship and her second in 1972 The nurses use of automatic responses prevents the responsibility of
entitled: The Discipline and teaching of nursing from been fulfilled. Schmieding, N., J. (2016) Ida Jean Orando:
Nursing Processes (Eichelberger, 2012). Nurses improves practice through self-reflection Theory of nursing process discipline>
Theoretical sources Nurses deals with people, environment and health. Retrieved from
Ida Jean Orlando made no Assumptions about Patient…Nursing-
acknowledgement of theoretical sources. The need for help is unique Theorist/Nursing-theorist/
However, her theory was based on the The patient can be secretive or explicit about needs, perception,
individual nurse understanding of self, as thoughts and feelings Sitzman, K., Eichelberger, L., W. (2011).
thoughts and feelings has a direct effect on When the need is not met the patient become distressed. Understanding the work of nurse theorist: A
healthcare outcome based on nursing Patient perceived their behavior as being meaningful Theoretical Assertions creative beginning (2nd ed.). Sudbury, MA;
actions. Patient need help in communication needs, they are uncomfortable and Patient behavior implies distress and sets the nursing process in motion Jones & Bartlett.
ambivalent about dependency needs. The patient behavior initiates a reaction from the nurse.
Patient can attach meaning to situation and actions that others are not The reaction of the nurse has three sequential parts perception,
aware of thoughts and feelings.
The nurse enacts deliberate actions that will accurately and adequately
Application to Nursing Practice Assumptions about Nurse-Patient relationship
meet the need of the patient
Components of a Theory
The nurse patient relationship is a dynamic whole
Establishes criteria to measure quality of
The phenomenon of the nurse-patient encounter represents the major
nursing care.
source of nursing knowledge.
Enhances autonomy by defining
Nurses are concerned with needs that the patient cannot meet.
independent function
A model that is universal for
Correlation with the Metaparadigm of Nursing
communication among nurses.
Orlandos’ theorectical model link together the four metaparadigm
Provides an environment for research to
of nursing which are the central concept of nursing care.
establish evidence based practice and
improve quality of care.
Provide nurses with a basis for practice that
Individual with personal
is measurable.
needs. Has own
Guides the processes of assessment,
perception and feelings
intervention and evaluation.
Facilitates critical thinking and documented Nurse Health Orlando Theory Slideshow
continuity of care. Provides care Freedom from
Standardizes nursing practices (Sitzman & avoids discomfort.
Eichelberger, 2011). diminishing Feeling of
sense of adequacy and
helplessness well being Logical Form
Nurse and patient think,
Orlando collected extensive data over an extended period of time. She
feel and act in the
analyzed the data looking for ‘good verses ‘bad’ outcome (Schmieding,
immediate situation