Financing of Projects: Presented by
Financing of Projects: Presented by
Financing of Projects: Presented by
Presented by
Hariom Singh
Date: 7th Sept 2010 Kushal Sutodiya
Sources of Finance
Equity Debt
Norms of Control
Lenders Consideration
Use more equity when Use more debt when
Tax rate applicable is negligible Tax rate applicable is high
Business risk exposure is high Business risk exposure is low
Dilution of control is not an Dilution of control is an issue
important issue
The assets are mostly intangible The assets of the project are
mostly tangible
The project has many valuable The project has few growth
growth options options
Menu of Financing
Depreciation Retained
Advantages Disadvantages
Need not depend on outsiders Amount available may be limited
Eliminates issue cost and losses Opportunity cost quite high
on account of underpricing Opportunity cost of depreciation
No dilution of control is equal to WACC
Stock market views equity issue Management may invest in sub-
with skepticism. marginal projects
Equity Capital
Advantages Disadvantages
There is no compulsion to pay Dilution of control
dividend Cost of equity capital is highest
No obligation to redeem Equity dividends are paid out of
Enhances the creditworthiness profit after tax
Equity dividends tax-exempt in Cost of issuing equity shares are
hands of investors higher
Preference Capital
Indexed Strips
Advantages Disadvantages
Interest is tax deductible expense Fixed interest and principal
No dilution of control repayment obligation
Do not partake in the value Increases financial leverage, raises
created by company the cost of equity to the firm
Issue cost is lower Limit the financial and operating
Methods of Offering
Term Loans
Hypothec Pledge
Margin Amount
Miscellaneous Sources
Deferred Credit
Lease and hire purchase finance
Unsecured loans and deposits
Special schemes of institutions
Subsidies and sales deferments and tax exemption
Short-term loans from financial institutions
Commercial paper
Cannot claim Hire Purchase
depreciation Can claim
Tax deductible
expense Only interest
component is tax
deductible expense
Lessee does not
enjoys salvage value
Hirer enjoys salvage
Raising Venture Capital
Eurocurrency Loan
Eurocurrency Bonds
Global Depository Receipts