Kuliah Muskulo I
Kuliah Muskulo I
Kuliah Muskulo I
• Anamnesis
• Physical Examination
• Imaging and Laboratory examanition
- Pain
- Stiffness
- Swelling
- Deformity
- Weakness
- Instability
- Change in sensibility
- Loss of function
Past History
Social Background
• level of care and nutrition in children;
• dietary constraints which may cause specific
• Smoking habits, alcohol consumption and drug abuse
Physical Examination
The examination actually begins from the moment we
set eyes on the patient:
General appearance, posture and gait.
distinctive feature: Knock-knees? Spinal curvature? A
short limb? A paralysed arm? Does he or she appear to
be in pain? Do their movements look natural? Do they
walk with a limp, or use a stick? A tell-tale gait may
suggest a painful hip, an unstable knee or a foot-drop.
Structural Examination
• Undressed Patient
• If one limbs afffeted, expose the normal side
• Examine the normal limbs first
Shape and posture
• colour, quality and markings of the skin. Look for
bruising, wounds and ulceration, Scars
• Colour reflects vascular status or pigmentation – for
example the pallor of ischaemia, the blueness of
cyanosis, the redness of inflammation, or the dusky
purple of an old bruise.
• Abnormal creases, unless due to fibrosis, suggest
underlying deformity which is not always obvious;
tight, shiny skin with no creases is typical of oedema
or trophic change.
• The skin Is it warm or cold; moist or dry; and is
sensation normal?
• The soft tissues Can you feel a lump; if so, what are
its characteristics? Are the pulses normal?
• The bones and joints Are the outlines normal? Is the
synovium thickened? Is there excessive joint fluid?
• Tenderness. Try to localize any tenderness to a
particular structure; if you know precisely where the
trouble is, you are halfway to knowing what it is.
‘Movement’ covers several different activities: active
movement, passive mobility, abnormal or unstable
movement, and provocative movement.
Range of movement
Special Examination
• X Ray
• CT Scan
• Radionucleic Imaging
Other Imaging:
• Myelography
• Ultrasound
• Arthrography
Other Investigation
• Blood Inestigation
• Synovial Fluid
• Biopsy
• Diagnostic Arthroscopy
Thank You