Natural Finishes

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ent, are defined as finishing materials.

There are many kinds of finishing materials and the 400mm X 400mm, 600mm X 300mm, 600mm X 600mm, 900mm X 600mm, 1070mmX 750mm,
aries according to different part of the building. 1200mrnX6OOmm, 1200mmX900mm, 305mmX 152mm, 305mmX305mm, 610mmX305mm, 6
materials create the external environment with certain architectural art style and the elegant 610mm, 915mm x 610mm, 1067mm X 762mm, 1220mm X 915mm, the thickness is 20mm.
nvironment with different functions. Generally speaking, the outer surface of the building
sist the invasion of sun, rain, frost, snow, ice, weathering, and dielectric force; and the internal Natural Granite
hould face the challenge of scrubbing, humid and so on. Hence, the finishing materials should
y beautiful, durable, but also satisfy different using functions.
bility of the finishing material is a synthetic technical property, which includes the material’s
al property, such as compressive strength, tensile strength, bending strength, impact ductility,
effect, agglutinating value, abrasive resistance; the material’s physical property, such as Half Dome, Yosemite Nat
A granite peak at Huangshan The granite peaks of the Cordillera Park, a classic granite dom
water absorption, water resistance, impermeability, frost resistance, heat resistance,
China Paine in the Chilean Patagonia popular rock climbing des
ty, glossiness, light absorption, light reflex and so on; and the material’s chemical property,
acid-proof alkaline, atmospheric corrosion resistance, stain resistance, weathering resistance, Granite is the typical type of plutonic rocks,it consists of feldspar,quartz,a few dark-colore
ance and so on. The durability of the construction is conditioned by that of the finishing sand, mica. The main chemical propositions of the granite are SiO, (65%-70%), a little
Hence, proper finishing material should be used according to the property of the material and Ca0,MgO and Fe,O, thus the granite is acid rock.
ent place and conditions where it is used. The characteristics of the granite are as following:
1)High decorative quality. The color of granite is mainly determined by the color of syenite and
on Finishing Materials of the mica and dark-colored mineral. Usually, the granite is flesh red, grey, grey and red. Afte
Stone it appears as beautiful spotted grain and different color. The grain is fine, and the granite
essed, the surface of the natural stone is of high quality in decoration and its finishing effect is splendid, and majestic caused by the dark mica and the starry quartz sand.
ed by its type. The mainly used natural stones consist of natural marble, natural granite, 2)Intense hardness and high abrasive resistance.
ale and so on. 3)Good durability.The granite’s porosity and water absorption are small and it is also highl
Marble resistant.
properties of marbles are: 4)Good acid resistance and erosion resistance. The chief chemical composition of granite is S
ul and gainful. The pure color of marble is white, and the kind of such marble is white marble. it is acid-resistant.
rdness is moderate, and the abrasive resistance is inferior to granite. 5)Poor fire resistance.The quartz in the granite will have crystalline transition in 573°C a
cid-proof ability is poor, and the acid medium can erode the surface of the marble. dilatation in 870°C; hence the granite will break when fire takes place.
sy to be ground and polished.
rability is inferior to granite. Granite belongs to the high standard architectural materials. In history, it is mainly used to de
arble is high-ranking finishing material which is fit for the inner wall face, cylinder, floor face external floor face, flight of steps, foundation bed, monument, gravestone, nameplate eav
step of the memorial architectures and mega public constructions, such as hotels, exhibition modern city constructions, the mirror granite mainly used in the external wall face, floor fac
ls, libraries, airport stations, etc; and sometimes is also for banister, service desk, facade, stair-steps, etc.
dow sill, and skirt board, etc. Natural marble stone is easy to be eroded by acid rain; hence, it The commonly used size of the coarse grinding slate and polished slate is: 300mmX300mm
able for outer door decoration. Only a few kinds of white marbles, wormwood green are used 305mm, 400mm X 400mm, 600mm X 300mm, 600mm X 600mm,610mm X 305mm, 610mm
te the outer door wall face. 900mm X 600mm, 915mm X 610mm,1067mmX762mm,1070mmX750mm, and the thickness i

n Rain Forest Marble Antique Rain Forest Vietnam White Marble Black Pearl Granite Pearl White Granite Pearl Green Granite Sindoor Red
bles Green Marbles Gold Marbles White Marbles 200/-Square Feet 65/-Square Feet 200/-Square Feet 150/-Square
e Feet 90 /-Square Feet 105 /-Square Feet 300/-Square Feet

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