UNIT - 3: Windows
UNIT - 3: Windows
UNIT - 3: Windows
•The Operating System like MS-DOS provides a text based or
character based interface to the user.
•User is shown aCommand prompt,like C:\> in MS-DOS.At
this Command prompt ,user is required to type the command
and press Enter Key.After entering the Enter key, OS Comes to
know that the user has finished its inputs and the OS Starts
processing on the input.
•Every Statement typed at the prompt should be valid
command understood by the OS.
This approach of the user interface has some drawbacks
with it:---
•If the command typed at the prompt is misspelled,OS does not
recognize the command and thus,no work is carried out.
•If the command is wrong,misspelled then the OS responds with
the cryptic error.The error messages are short in length and it is
sometimes difficult to understand the error.
•If the text based interface, if the user has given the command at
the command prompt and pressed enter key,there is no way he
can change the command after that command. So we are facing
many problems so there is the need to change the Interface.The
new Interface that is Commonly known as Graphical User
•In GUI there is no need of a prompt to be shown to user,every
command that is to be run ,is depicted with the diagram known
as icon.These devices uses mouse(pointing devices) which
shows an arrow like cursor which you can select and execute the
required command.
• All the programs should interact with the user in a consistent
• Whatever typed on the screen should be produced As it is on
the paper with printer.If the user wants some words to be
bold,then it should also be shown on screen as bold.This
feature is known as “What you see is What you Get”.
• GUI use pointing devices like mouse to take input from the
user which involves less typing from the user.
• Whenever a program needs to collect information from the
user or needs certain option to offer to the user, it should be
done through a special rectangular area or window known as
“Dialog Box”.
• Window is a family of OS developed by the Microsoft
Corporation .
• It provides the GUI based package designed to make
computer spontaneous and easy to use.Window comes in
various version like Window 95,98,2000,Window
XP,Vista,Window 7 and Window 8.
• Earlier version of Windows like Window 2.0,3.0,3.1 and
Window 3.11 were not operating system in themselves they
were just an extension of DOS
• With Window,the user can move a cursor around the screen
with the mouse to perform various operations like opening
and closing a file,start and work with software
applications,run more than one applications at a time etc.
• It is capable of multitasking i.e. it can execute more than one
task simultaneously.
• It has built in internet functionality to set up links and access
internet with less amount of software and hardware
• A vast number of software like---notepad,Wordpad,Ms-paint
and calculator is available for use under window paltform.
• It supports the Plug-n-Play feature,this means user can
directly attach the peripheral devices to the computer and
window automatically detect and installs the device.
• The screensaver protect our computer screen from burning
when it is not being used for a long time.
•Various operations like:--creating,deleting,copying files and
folder can be done easily by just clicking on the graphical icons.
•It has a special disk compression programs that helps the user to
store the data in hard Disk in a compressed format, which results
in saving a lot of disk space.
When we start our computer ,the first thing we see is the
DESKTOP.The Desktop is our work area,where we can access
everything we need to operate our computer,such as system
components,applications,the internet etc.The desktop is split into
two areas,the bottom area with clock to the right and the start
button to the left is called Taskbar.The rest space where all the
programs,documents and folder appear.
1. START BUTTON:--The start button allows us to open menus
and start applications.
2. TASKBAR:--The taskbar is located on the botton edge of the
desktop,The Start button,active programs ,icons for quick
access to programs and the current time are located on the
graphical pictures on the desktop are called icons.For
Example:--My Computer,Recycle Bin and internet Explorer
To open My Computer:--
Go to the Window desktop.
Double click the MyComputer/Computer icon,this icon is
located on the top left position of the desktop.
• You can also access My Computer/Computer through the Start
Menu.You will get My Computer/Computer ,Click it to open.
It helps the user to explore the contents of their computer
drives,whether it is hard drive,floppy drive,CD-ROM or Pen
It is used to manage the files and folder,it is a tool used to
create ,rename and move folders,copy,paste,print ,delete
files etc.
•Choose the file which you want to delete.
•Right Click on the File Icon.Choose Delete.
•A Confirm File Delete dialog box will appear asking user
whether you surely want to delete the file.
•Choose YES.
•The File is moved to the Recycle Bin.
Folders are the data container in Windows 7.They can contain
files,other folders or a combination of files and folder.
To create a new folder:--
•Open the window where in which the new folder is to be
•Click the New Folder button on the Windows toolbar.
•Replace the temporary folder name by typing the name of your
choice and then press ENTER key.
To rename a folder:--
•Select the folder.Right click on the folder icon.
•Choose Rename.The Folder name is highlighted in blue,ready
to be retyped.
•Type a new name and press ENTER.
To Delete a folder:--
•Select the folder. Right click on the Folder icon.Choose Delete.
•A Confirm Folder Delete dialog box will appear asking user
whether you surely want to delete the folder.
•Choose YES.
•The Folder is moved to the Recycle Bin.