COP (Verb, Noun)
COP (Verb, Noun)
COP (Verb, Noun)
• To cop means ‘to seize’ or ‘get’.
• Followed by out, it means ‘to avoid a
responsibility’ or ‘to back out of a promise.”
• Unrelatedly, you might have heard that cop is an
informal word for a police officer and, in this
sense, the word is sometimes used figuratively
about a person who wants to regulate an activity
or behavior.
• In UK slang, often in the expression “a fair cop,” it
means capture and, always in the negative (most
often in the expression “not much cop”), it means
that something isn’t much good or isn’t of much
Example sentences
• Gillian was furious to discover that Andy had copped the
promotion she wanted.
• You promised you'd do it; you can't cop out now.
• Brad was speeding and got pulled over by a cop.
• What are you wearing? Someone should call the
fashion cops about that outfit!
• The police caught the burglar with the stolen goods on him,
so he can't say it's not a fair cop.
• I don't know why there was so much *hype about that film;
personally, I didn't think it was much cop.