Short Term Open Access

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Short Term Open


ACT, 2003 (Section 2(47) of Electricity Act 2003)
. “Open Access” means the non-discriminatory
provision for the use of transmission lines or
distribution system or associated facilities with such
lines or system by any licensee, or consumer, or a
person engaged in generation in accordance with the
regulations specified by the Appropriate

 CTU Functions 38(2)(d)

 STU Functions 39(2)(d)
 Transmission Licensees duties 40(c)
 Distribution licensee duties 42(2)
EA Section11 (Directions to generating companies)

11. (1) The Appropriate Government may specify that a

generating company shall, in extraordinary circumstances
operate and maintain any generating station in accordance with
the directions of that Government.
 Explanation. - For the purposes of this section, the expression “
extraordinary circumstances” means circumstances arising out
of threat to security of the State public order or a natural
calamity or such other circumstances arising in the public
Electricity Act(Sections 38/39/40/42)
CTU / STU/Transmission licensee/Distribution licensee
 To provide non-discriminatory open access to its
transmission system for use by-
(i) any licensee or generating company on payment of the
transmission charges; or
(ii) any consumer as and when such open access is provided by
the State Commission under sub-section (2) of section 42, on
payment of the transmission charges and a surcharge thereon,
as may be specified by the State Commission.

 CTU shall not engage in generation/trading.

 STU shall not engage in trading
 Transmission Licensee shall not engage in trading
CERC Open Access Regulations, 2008 :
 Transactions are categorized as Bilateral and Collective (through Power Exchange)

 NLDC was designated as the nodal agency for Collective Transactions. RLDCs
where drawl point is located are the Nodal agencies for the bilateral transactions.

 Transmission losses were applied at both the points of injection and drawl. The
sellers are required to inject more and the buyers draw less than the traded quantum
to compensate for the losses.

 Empowerment of the SLDCs. NOC/Standing Clearance was required to be

obtained by State Utilities/Intra‐State Entities from the SLDC
Open Access in Transmission System

 Three scenarios arise

 Generation already connected to the grid and harnessing

margins available in transmission capacity for its optimal

utilisation – Short Term Open Access

 Existing/New customers seeking transfer on Medium Term
Basis – Medium term open access
 New generation developer seeking connectivity and power

transfer through the grid – Long Term Access

Short Term Open Access

 Transmission Users/Customers are offered

numerous products to suit requirement
Advanced reservation
First-cum-first served
Day ahead
Present Market at a Glance

Short Term Open Access

Long Term Term Bilateral Contingency
Market Collective Day Ahead
Market Transaction Transaction
Transaction Transaction
>7 years 3 months 3 month Day Ahead After On the day of
-5 Years ahead ahead Clearance of operation
Term PX


Deviation Settlement
( Real Time Operation )
Regulation 4: Detailed Procedure
 Subject to the provisions of these regulations, the
Central Transmission Utility, till the Regional Load
Despatch Centre is operated by it and thereafter the
Government company or any authority or
corporation notified by the Central Government
under subsection (2) of Section 27 of the Act: shall,
after obtaining prior approval of the Commission,
issue the detailed procedure to operationalise open
access and on any residual matter not covered under
these regulations
Regulation 5: Nodal Agency
 The nodal agency for bilateral transactions shall be
the Regional Load Despatch Centre of the region
where point of drawal of electricity is situated and in
case of the collective transactions, the nodal agency
shall be the National Load Despatch Centre.
 Long & Medium Term Customers
 Central Transmission Utility (CTU), if its system is used
 Transmission Licensee/ STU of the region in which the
drawl point is located when CTU system is not involved
Regulation 6: Submission of STOA Application
 A short-term customer or the power exchange (on behalf of buyers
and sellers) intending to avail of STOA for use of the transmission
lines or associated facilities for such lines on the ISTS, shall make
an application to the nodal agency

 The application for a bilateral transaction shall contain the details,

such as
 names and location of supplier and buyer,
 contracted power (MW) to be scheduled and interface at which
it is referred to,
 point of injection,
 point of drawal,
 starting time block and date,
 ending time block and date, and
 such other information that may be required in the detailed

Before issuing approval, RLDC will check if

connectivity with CTU/ ISTS or STU system (as the case
may be) is established, necessary metering, protection,
communication are in place, transfer capability up to
the CTU network for power flow of the quantum of
injection/drawal applied for is available on the date of
application and whether the applicant has undertaken
to abide by the Central Electricity Authority (Technical
Standards for Connectivity to the Grid) Regulations,
2007. A declaration to this effect will also be submitted
by the new regional entities along-with application
Application to be submitted to::
 Nodal RLDC where point of drawal is situated &
also to all RLDCs involved in the transaction
Regulation 7: Application Fee
 An application made for each bilateral transaction or
the collective transaction shall be accompanied by a
non-refundable fee of Rupees five thousand (`5000/-)

 Provided that the fee for bilateral transaction on the

day of the application or may be deposited within
three working days of submission of the application.
Regulation 8: Concurrence of SLDC for bilateral and
collective transactions
 When a Proposed bilateral transaction has a State utility or
an intra-State entity as a buyer or a seller
 concurrence of the SLDC shall be obtained in advance
and submitted along with the application to the nodal
agency in the form as in the detailed procedure.

 When a State utility or an intra-State entity proposes to

participate in trading through a power exchange, it shall
obtain "No Objection" or Prior Standing Clearance" from the
concerned State Load Despatch Centre , specifying the
aggregate MW up to which the State utility or intra-State entity
may submit buy or sell bid(s) in the power exchange(s) taken
together. The "No Objection" or "Prior Standing Clearance"
issued by the State Load Despatch Centre shall not be
exchange specific
Regulation 8: Concurrence of SLDC for bilateral and
collective transactions…..contd
3(a) For obtaining concurrence or ‘no objection’ or prior standing clearance :
 Application before the SLDC
 SLDC to Acknowledge receipt of the application, either by e-mail
or fax, or any other recognised mode ,within twenty four hours from
the time of receipt of the application.
3(b) SLDC shall verify the following, namely-
(i) existence of infrastructure necessary for time-block-wise energy
metering and accounting in accordance with the provisions of the
Grid Code in force, and
(ii) availability of surplus transmission capacity in the State network.
(iii) submission of affidavit regarding existence of valid contract
 3(c) SLDC to convey concurrence/ ‘no objection’ / prior standing
clearancee-mail or fax, in addition to any other usually recognized mode of
 Within three (3) working days if infrastructure exists
 Within seven (7) working days for a first time STOA Customer
 Deficiency within two (2) working days for a defective/incomplete
Regulation 8: Concurrence of SLDC for bilateral and
collective transactions…..contd
 In case of SLDCs refusal
 To be communicated, within the period of three (3) working
days or seven (7) working days(First Time)
 Reasons for such refusal:
In case of no Communication by SLDC
 Concurrence shall be deemed to have been granted:
In case of deemed Concurrence grant by SLDC
The applicant while making application shall submit to the
nodal agency an affidavit declaring that –
 (a) the SLDC has failed to convey any deficiency or defect in
the application or its refusal or concurrence or ‘no objection’
or prior standing clearance within the specified time;
 (b) necessary infrastructure for time-block-wise energy
metering and accounting in accordance with the provisions of
the Grid Code in force, is in place.

 Application for the first time to submit the “One- Time” information as per
format (FORMAT-VIII: “Registration Form) to the concerned nodal RLDC.
 Application - through online
 Any amendment/modification
 fresh Application
 Applications not accorded the Acceptance:
 stand disposed off with suitable intimation to the concerned
 Incomplete / vague Application
 summarily rejected
 No charges payable for a transaction shall be adjusted by against any other

 Applicant shall keep each of the SLDCs/ RLDCs indemnified

 Nodal applications to be considered first before giving other concurrence.
Categories & Time Line For Open Access
M0 M1 M2 M3
DL-10 DL-5 DL DL+5 DOP-4 DOP

Adv DOP-1
Application for
Adv Application
for M2,
Approvals for

Adv Application
for M3,
Approvals for

Approvals for
M3 Day Ahead /
DOP : Day of Operation
DL : Last day of M0
Regulation 10 Congestion Management :
e- Bidding Procedure
 Invitation of Bids from the concerned applicant
 period of congestion
 RTS/IR corridor expected to get over stressed
 Only Registered Users
 User ID & Password
 Electronic submission
 Bid Closing time as specified
 Single Price Bid
 No Modification/withdrawal once submitted
 Bid Price
 – In addition to Open Access Transmission charges
- Multiples of Rs. 10/ MWh . ( Min. Rs. 10/MWh)
 Mandatory - Non-participation (Deemed to withdrawl of Application)
 Acceptance - Decreasing order of Price Quoted
 Equal Price Bids – Pro-rata
 Applicant getting approval < request  Charges as quoted
 Applicant getting approval=request  Charges as paid by last
applicant getting approval = request
E-Bidding Example
 Scope
 FCFS shall be considered only when transactions are
commencing & terminating in the same calender month.
 Separate Application for each month
 To be submitted 4 days prior to date of Scheduling
 Processing time – 3 days on FCFS basis
 Applications received during last 10 -5 days of month of M0 for M1
would be considered only after complete processing of Advance
transactions for M1
 Application Received up to 1730 hrs in a day to be processed together
– same priority
 Application Received after 17:30 Hrs. - to be considered as received
next day
 Congestion Management – pro-rata
Regulation 12: DAY-AHEAD
 Applications received within 3 days prior to the day of
Scheduling and up to 15:00 Hrs. of the day immediately
preceding the day of scheduling shall be treated as same

 Processing only after processing of the Collective

Transactions of the Power Exchange (s)

 Congestion Management – Pro-rata

Regulation 13: CONTINGENCY
 Buying Utility/Trader on its behalf to make an Application
to the Nodal RLDC

 To be considered after 1500 hrs of the day immediately

preceding the day of scheduling.All applications received
up to 18.00 Hrs shall be clubed together.

 In case of intra-day/same day –

scheduling from 6th time block

 Congestion Management – Pro-rata

Regulation 14: Revision of Schedule
 Only in case of “Advance Scheduling” or “First-Cum-First Served basis”

 Accepted schedule for Day-Ahead ,Contingency & Advance transactions shall be

revised or cancelled once in case of tripping of generators > 100MW as per Cl.6.5.19 of
 Revision w.e.f 4th time block of intimation to RLDC
 Generator to furnish expected restoration time from which original schedules would
become effective.

 For period of revision/cancellation upto two days:: Original transmission/operating


 For period of revision/cancellation > two days:: Transmission Charges and Operating
Charges for the period beyond two (2) days shall be payable as per the revised
accepted schedule and for the first two (2) days as per the original schedule.
 Margin Available – released for scheduling of eligible Open Access Transactions
From date To Date From time To Time MW MWh

20-Mar-11 31-Mar-11 00:00 24:00 100 28800.00

Scheduled MWh
Billed MWh 28800.00
Operating charges 12 days


R1 App. Date : 17th
From date To Date From time To Time MW MWh

20-Mar-11 31-Mar-11 00:00 24:00 50 14400.00

Scheduled MWh
Billed MWh 16800.00
Operating charges 12 days
additional charge =(100-50)*24*2 for 20th & 21st March 2400.00


R1 App. Date : 20th
From date To Date From time To Time MW MWh

20-Mar-11 22-Mar-11 00:00 24:00 100 7200.00

23-03-2011 31-03-2011 00:00 24:00 50 10800.00
Scheduled MWh
Billed MWh 20400.00
Operating charges 12 days
 Transmission constraint or to maintain grid security

 Curtailed in the manner, which in the opinion of RLDC, would relieve

transmission constraints/ enhance grid security

 Curtailment priority ::

 In case of reallocation of GOI share leading to corridor constraints

 Rerouting allowed without curtailment of existing transactions

 Pro-rata refund of Transmission Charges

 No revision of operating charges

Regulation 16: Transmission Charges …. contd
 The intra-State entities shall pay the transmission charges for use of
the State network as fixed by the respective State Commission in
addition to the charges specified

 Provided that in case the State Commission has not determined the
transmission charges, the charges for use of respective State network
shall be payable at the rate of Rs.80/MWh for the electricity transmitted:

 Provided further that non-fixation of the transmission charges by the

State Commission for use of the State network shall not be a ground
for refusal of short –term open access.

 Provided also that the transmission charges payable for use of the
State network shall be conveyed to the Regional Load Despatch Centre
concerned who shall display these rates on its web site:

 Provided also that the transmission charges payable for use of the
State network shall not be revised retrospectively.
Regulation 18: Payment of transmission charges and operating

 Bilateral transaction:
 the applicant to deposit with the nodal agency
transmission charges and operating charges within three
(3) working days of grant of acceptance
Regulation 19: Default in payment of STOA charges

 Default in payment of the application fee or

specified charges :
 charges the nodal agency may decide not to schedule the
transaction, or
 to cancel the scheduling of already scheduled transaction
 not to entertain any application of such persons in future
until such time the default is cured

 The person committing default in payment

 Shall pay simple interest at the rate of 0.04% for each
day of default.
Regulation 25: Collection and Disbursement of Transmission Charges and
Operating Charges
 The transmission charges collected by the nodal agency for use of
the transmission system other than State network, for a bilateral or
collective transaction for each point of injection and each point of
drawl shall be given to Central Transmission Utility (CTU) for
 In case a State utility is the short-term customer, the operating
charges and the transmission charges collected by the nodal
agency shall not include the charges for use of the State network
and the operating charges for the State Load Despatch Centre.
operating charges and the transmission charges to be levied on
Inter State Open Access transaction is to be certified by concerned
State Transmission Utility and the State Load Despatch Centre.”
 The transmission charges for use of State network shall be
disbursed to the State Transmission Utility concerned.
 .The wheeling and other charges payable to distribution utilities
shall be paid by the applicant seeking open Access in accordance
with the O A Regulation of the concerned State Commission.
 Nodal RLDC :: Reconcile the Open Access Charges collected for
previous month & disburse the Transmission/Operating Charges
 Transmission Charges and Operating Charges – for State System
 Concerned STUs/SLDCs

 PoC(Inj,Drawl) Charges… CTU 10th day of the current month

 Refunds due to curtailment/revision in previous month

 15th day of the current month

 No responsibilty for payment dishonour: Disbursement only to extent of

Regulation 25A:: STOA Not To Be Granted
 When so directed by the Commission, the National Load
Despatch Centre or the Regional Load Despatch Centre, as
the case may be, shall not grant short-term open access to
the entities and associates of such entities,
 who consistently and willfully default in payment of
 Deviation charges,
 transmission charges,
 reactive energy charges,
 congestion charges and
 fee and charges for National Load Despatch Centre or Regional Load
Despatch Centre
 including the charges for the Unified Load Despatch and Communication
 Deviation charges to SLDC by an intra-State entity for a short term
inter-State transaction
Regulation 27:: Information System–NLDC & RLDCs
National Load Despatch Centre and each Regional Load Despatch
Centre shall post the following information on their websites in a
separate web-page titled “Open access information”:
a) These regulations;
b) The detailed procedure
c) A list of bilateral transactions accepted by the nodal agency, to be
displayed till the end of the month in which transactions are scheduled,
(i) Name of customers;
(ii) Period of the short-term open access granted
(start date end date);
(iii) Point or points of injection;
(iv) Point or points of drawal;
(v) Transmission systems used (in terms of regions
and States);
(vi) Accepted schedule (MW) with start time and
end time
Regulation 27A::Information System– SLDCs
 (a) List of bilateral transactions for which concurrence has been granted and
list of entities to whom concurrence or “no objection” or prior standing
clearance, as the case may be, has been granted till the end of the month in
which such concurrence or no objection or prior standing clearance has
been granted, indicating:
 (i) Name of customer;
 (ii) Period of concurrence or “no objection” or standing clearance, as the
 case may be, (start date and end date);
 (iii) Point or points of injection and drawal,; and
 (iv) Accepted schedule (MW).
 (b) Average transmission losses for the State network for the immediately
preceding 52 weeks;
 (c) Applicable transmission charges and transmission losses for the State
network as informed by State Transmission Utility.
 (d) List of applications where concurrence or “no objection” or standing
clearance, as the case may be, was not granted, along with reasons for
refusal, to be displayed till one month after the scheduling period given in
the application; and
 (e) A list of applications pending for decision.
Summary of Short Term Open Access (2016-2017)
Approved transactions where NRLDC is nodal RLDC

No. of approvals
Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 Jul-16 Aug-16 Sep-16 Oct-16 Nov-16 Dec-16 Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 TOTAL

Intra-regional 255 332 320 377 330 268 233 130 193 212 203 283 3136
Inter-regional 231 136 308 579 427 560 273 96 248 334 110 105 3407
TOTAL 486 468 628 956 757 828 506 226 441 546 313 388 6543
Energy Approved (MUs)
Intra-regional 452.24 1302.94 1491.24 2562.21 2134.04 1410.34 581.13 894.35 1332.32 1392.11 1117.13 627.56 15297.61
Inter-regional 387.63 529.34 774.39 973.92 1635.34 1351 599.06 185.64 194.84 248.12 42.76 61.11 6983.15
TOTAL 839.87 1832.28 2265.64 3536.12 3769.38 2761.33 1180.19 1079.99 1527.16 1640.23 1159.9 688.67 22280.76
Latest ST Rates of STUs in Northern Region
Constituents for the FY( 2017-18)
Updated on 19.05.2017
Sl No Name Of Constituents Rates in Rs/MWh
1 Punjab 1550
2 Haryana 330
3 Delhi 251.9
4 Rajasthan 295.6
5 Uttar Pradesh 162.3
6 Himachal Pradesh 20
7 Uttrakhand 125.95
8 Jammu & Kashmir * 80
9 UT Chandigarh * 80

*ST Rates are not notified by STU in Rs/MWh

Disbursement details for the month
of March’2017
 CTU disbursement:
Gross – 21,65,81,636
TDS – 14628613
Net – 20,19,53,023
 STU/SLDC disbursement:
Gross – 15,59,56,601

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