CHAPTER - 16 (The User View of Operating Systems)

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CHAPTER 16: The User View

of Operating Systems

The Architecture of Computer Hardware,

Systems Software & Networking:
An Information Technology Approach
5th Edition, Irv Englander
John Wiley and Sons 2013

PowerPoint slides authored by Angela Clark, University of South Alabama

PowerPoint slides for the 4th edition were authored by Wilson Wong, Bentley
User Interface (UI)
 Primary function
 Help the user use the computer system
 Make computer facilities accessible to the
user to allow the user to get work done
conveniently and efficiently
 Secondary function
 Common look and feel for applications
 Provide consistent user interface tools to
application programs to lower learning
curves and increase productivity
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UI Access to Services
Three different approaches:
1. Command Interface
 Accepts commands directly from the user interface
 Either graphical (GUI) or command line (CLI)
2. Command language
 Accepts and executes groups of commands as a program
 Also known as scripting languages
3. Application Programming Interface (API)
 Accepts and performs requests directly from the user’s

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Typical OS User Services
 Loading and execution of program files
 File commands
 User I/O services
 Security and data integrity
 Interuser communication and data sharing
 System status and administration tools
 I/O, file, and specialized services for user

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UI Utilities
 Used in place of programs to
manipulate the data within files and
 Can be combined using a command
language to create powerful programs
 Examples
 Sorting data and files
 Retrieving data selectively from files
 Modifying data in files
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Program Execution
 Operands
 Name of files passed to the program
 Parameters passed to the program that affect program
 Command Line Interface
 Type the name of the program and submit it to the operating
 Graphical User Interface
 Double-click or finger tap on a graphical icon
 Double-click on a data file icon. Program associated with
the data file is executed with the data file as an operand.
 Batch mode
 Run programs non-interactively
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File Commands
 File command categories
 Storage
 Retrieval
 Organization
 Manipulation of files
 Important features of a file management system
1. Ability to treat files by a logical name without regard to
physical characteristics or storage location
2. Handle physical manipulation of files and translate
between logical and physical representations
3. Issue commands to the OS that store, manipulate, and
retrieve files
4. Ability to construct an effective file organization
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Common File Commands

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I/O Device Commands
Commands for direct operation on I/O devices
 Formatting and checking disks
 Copying entire disks
 Sending output to a screen or printer
 Queuing system for spooling output to a
 Mounting or unmounting an I/O device
 Attaching or detaching a directory structure of a
device to an existing directory structure
 Used in Unix/Linux
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Security and Data Integrity
 Protection from unauthorized read,
write, or execution
 Protection from deletion
 Unix: three levels of security in form of
read, write, and execute privilege for
owner, group, and anyone else
 Windows: access control lists (ACLs)

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Interuser communication
and disk sharing operations
 Program sharing
 Place shared program in a common memory space where all
users can reach them
 Data file sharing and data integrity issues
 Multiple users working on a single document
 Databases
 OS message passing services
 E-mail, FTP, terminal facilities (telnet, ssh), http, instant
messaging, audio and video conferencing
 OS services to permit program to communicate with
one another
 File redirection and pipe commands
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System Status Information and
User Administration
 Common system status commands
 Amount of available disk space
 Amount of available memory
 Number of users on the system and who
they are
 % of time that CPU and I/O channels are
 Logging facility that maintains a file of
all keyboard and screen I/O
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System Status Information and
User Administration
 Tools for analyzing and controlling
 Turn features on/off
 Set network connections
 Control programs
 Real-time graphs of dynamic performance
such as CPU usage, I/O, memory
 Add/remove users, change permissions,
limit disk usage, improve performance
Copyright 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 16-13
Program Services
 Services the OS provides directly to programs
 File services
 I/O services
 API (application programming interface)
 Library of service functions that may be called by
a program
 Parameters are passed to the selected service
 Service routine returns results to the calling

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Interface Designs
 Two major types of interface designs
 CLI – Command Line Interface
 Windows command prompt
 UNIX/Linux command prompt
 Batch system commands
 GUI – Graphical User Interface
 Supplanted the CLI for most day-to-day use
 Limited web browser interface for some combinations of
Windows versions and browser versions

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Command Line Interface
 command <operand1> <operand2> …
<switch1> <switch2> …
 Operands
 keyword (switches) and/or positional
 Windows example to save a directory listing
in a file
 dir pathparta\pathpartb > putfilea
 Equivalent Linux example
 ls –lF pathparta/pathpartb > putfilea

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Batch System Commands
 Similar interface to command line interpreter
 command <operand1> <operand2> …
 Specify location of programs to be executed
and data to be used
 Uses a Job Control Language (JCL)
 Programs are executed with no human
 Example: IBM zOS/Job Control Language
 How is this different from shell scripts?
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Graphical User Interfaces
 Mouse or finger pointer-driven and icon-
 Examples: Apple Mac and Windows PCs;
Iphone, Android, and Blackberry
smartphones and tablets
 Windowing Systems
 May vary in appearance but share similar graphical
and operational elements
 Contain desktop or screens, icons, windows, title bar,
task bar, clock, menu bar, and gadgets or widgets

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Interface Designs
 Web browser as a user interface
 Not really part of the operating system
 Provides a consistent, simple interface
well-suited to less experienced users
 Growing proliferation of applications with a
web-based interface

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GUI Interface – Windows 7

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GUI Interface – Linux KDE

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GUI Interface – Windows 8

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GUI Interface – MacIntosh OSX

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Touchless Gesture- and Voice-
based Interfaces
 Use of voice commands and gestures with no
physical connection to the system is rapidly
 Originally designed for computer games but
now applied to IT and general use
 Examples:
 Body movement in Microsoft Kinect Xbox games
 Siri voice commands on Apple iPhones
 Eye-movement display on Samsung S4
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 Advantages  Advantages
 Easy to learn and use  More flexible and powerful
 Little training  Faster for experienced
 Amenable to multi-tasking users
 Disadvantages  Can combine commands
 Harder to implement  Can use wild cards to apply
a command to multiple files
 More HW/SW requirements
or directories
 Requires lots of memory
 Disadvantages
 SW is complex and difficult
to write  More difficult to learn and

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Multicomputer X-Window

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Command Languages
 Provide a mechanism to combine sequences of
commands together. These pseudo-programs are
known as scripts or batch files.
 Startup files – OS configuration, user preferences
 Features of Command Languages
 Can accept input from the user and can output messages to
I/O devices
 Provide ability to create and manipulate variables
 Include the ability to branch and loop
 Ability to specify arguments to the program command and to
transfer those arguments to variables within the script
 Provide error detection and recovery

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Example: Linux Shell Script

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Windows Program DOWP

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Services to Programs
 Allow programs to locate and share
objects, often across a network
 Ease a programmer’s task in creating
new programs by providing commonly
required program objects
 .NET
 Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

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Copyright 2013 John Wiley & Sons
All rights reserved. Reproduction or translation of this
work beyond that permitted in section 117 of the 1976
United States Copyright Act without express permission
of the copyright owner is unlawful. Request for further
information should be addressed to the Permissions
Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. The purchaser
may make back-up copies for his/her own use only and
not for distribution or resale. The Publisher assumes no
responsibility for errors, omissions, or damages caused
by the use of these programs or from the use of the
information contained herein.

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