Introduction To BB Recharger
Introduction To BB Recharger
Introduction To BB Recharger
UPS battery
Solar power battery
Military batteries
Why Lead-Acid batteries becoming bad?
Other reasons
- leakage
- short-circuit
- shortage of If de-sulfated,
electrolyte then rejuvenated
• Mostly lead-acid batteries are getting bad, as they are sulfated after repeated process of
of old
Certified by
Goodness of Regenerated Batteries
- Tested batteries; Sebang 130Ah, 12Volt batteries (Korean battery)
- Evaluation Organization; Korea Testing Certification (
- Date; October 12, 2011
Battery No. Discharging time of Discharging time of New battery (B); Regeneration level
regenerated batteries (A) 8 hours 45 minutes according to (A/B)
maker’s value
Sample 1 5 hrs Regen feration
(300 minutes) 525 minutes 57% ail
Sample 2 8 hrs 30 min (510
minutes) 525 minutes 97%
Sample 3 8 hrs 30 min (510
minutes) 525 minutes 97%
Sample 4 8 hrs 30 min
(510 minutes) 525 minutes 97%
Sample 5 8 hrs 30 min
(510 minutes) 525 minutes 97%
Sample 6 10 hrs + alpha
(600 +α minute) 525 minutes 100+α%
Certified by
Regeneration Work-Process
Battery Sr. No. First Measurement before REG After REG After Charge - min 2 hrs Readings on 29/05/2012 Discharging Test
Volts Ohm (mΩ) V Ohm (mΩ) V Ohm (mΩ) V Ohm (mΩ) Amp Time(Hrs)
307 01 01 2.00 1.80 2.183 0.441 2.228 0.464 2.177 0.363 WL 5
307 02 02 2.03 1.88 2.169 0.441 2.215 0.508 2.161 0.451 WL 5
307 03 03 2.06 0.83 2.166 0.517 2.225 0.630 2.163 0.480 WL 5
307 04 04 2.02 1.16 2.180 0.442 2.227 0.482 2.175 0.387 WL 5
307 06 05 2.00 1.92 2.180 0.485 2.220 0.553 2.174 0.357 WL 5
307 07 06 2.00 1.86 2.180 0.543 2.225 0.565 2.178 0.330 WL 5
307 08 07 1.99 0.81 2.185 0.414 2.217 0.520 2.173 0.398 WL 5
307 09 08 1.99 1.88 2.179 0.456 2.210 0.605 2.174 0.488 WL 5
307 10 09 2.01 1.90 2.180 0.513 2.213 0.560 2.185 0.520 WL 5
307 11 10 2.02 0.82 2.190 0.478 2.220 0.536 2.180 0.453 WL 5
307 12 11 1.99 1.04 2.185 0.472 2.214 0.520 2.174 0.405 WL 5
307 13 12 2.07 1.04 2.180 0.569 2.212 0.620 2.152 0.532 WL 5
307 14 13 1.99 1.99 2.159 0.463 2.210 0.550 2.175 0.388 WL 5
307 15 14 2.01 0.77 2.181 0.526 2.215 0.581 2.178 0.460 WL 5
307 16 15 2.01 0.84 2.184 0.472 2.223 0.509 2.179 0.470 WL 5
307 17 16 1.99 1.93 2.186 0.570 2.208 0.540 2.171 0.518 WL 5
307 18 17 2.00 0.82 2.177 0.404 2.220 0.501 2.178 0.430 WL 5
307 19 18 2.01 1.59 2.184 0.536 2.221 0.485 2.177 0.474 WL 5
307 20 19 2.01 1.99 2.184 0.556 2.215 0.501 2.175 0.407 WL 5
307 21 20 1.98 1.72 2.181 0.458 2.209 0.468 2.171 0.365 WL 5
307 22 21 1.99 2.40 2.177 1.896 2.145 1.909 2.114 1.830 WL 5
307 23 22 1.98 0.79 2.123 0.416 2.202 0.430 2.166 0.428 WL 5
307 24 23 1.95 1.94 2.161 0.469 2.183 0.482 2.154 0.366 WL 5
307 03 24 1.99 1.09 2.177 0.552 2.203 0.519 2.171 0.412 WL 5
TOTAL 13.089 2.169792 11.712
AVERAGE 0.545375 0.488
Standard Regeneration Working Hours
<The regeneration time must be different, depending on each battery’s condition and status,
even if they are the same model batteries.>
(Deep Cycle
battery Over 700 Ah 60~100 Hours
for Fork-lifter) (48V)
Industrial Up to 200 Ah 24~48 Hours 6 cells (they become 12 Mostly AGM or Gel
Battery (2 or 12 V) Volt) on one BR-6812 or type
24 cells on one BR-3648
200 ~ 400 Ah 24~72 Hours
(Stand-by (mostly 2V)
Battery 400 ~ 600 Ah (2V) 48~84 Hours
like for UPS or
renewable 600 ~ 1000Ah (2V) 60~90 Hours
energy system)
1000~3000 Ah (2V) 72~120 Hours
Ecosaver Success Experience around the world
- Ecosaver exported its technology to more than 30 countries around the world.
Indonesia I-Telecom 12v, 100Ah AGM, 2v, 600Ah Gel (1 year 3 months)
T-Telecom: 12v, 200Ah, AGM (1 year)
Mexico T-Telecom: 200 Ah, AGM, 2000 Ah, Gel, 3000Ah, PS (1 year 3 months)
BT-Telecom: 150Ah AGM, 600Ah Gel (1 year)
India A-Telecom: 2v, 330Ah AGM (1 year)
Tanzania V-Telecom: 12V, 200Ah AGM, 2v, 2000Ah Gel (1 year 5 months)
Case of Old Battery-Regeneration
Tested battery: Korean VGS 600Ah, 2 Volt Gel battery Nov. 12, 2012
Cel Discharging
Before value After value
l Result Evaluation after discharging test
Voltage Imped. Imped. Voltage Imped. Imped.
(V) (mOhm) (%) (V) (mOhm) (%) 1. Evaluation criteria based on 5 hours discharging rule
1 2.090 0.876 199.09 2.17 0.369 83.86 A
2 2.070 0.903 205.23 2.15 0.371 84.32 A - A-class: more than 4 hours 30 minutes (more than
3 2.100 0.496 112.73 2.17 0.337 76.59 A 90%)
4 139.09 2.14 0.363 82.5 B - B-class: 4 hours ~ 4 hours 30 minutes (80 ~ 90%)
2.030 0.612
81.82 78.64 A
- C-class: 3 hours 30 minutes ~ 4 hours (70 ~ 80%)
5 2.080 0.360 2.16 0.346
- D-class: 3 hours ~ 3 hours 30 minutes (60 ~70%)
6 0.460 104.55 2.18 0.325 73.86 A
2.100 - F-class: less than 3 hours ( less than
7 120.23 2.17 0.346 78.64 A
2.050 0.529 60%)
8 128.64 2.2 0.368 83.64 A
2.100 0.566
9 2.050 0.835 189.77 2.14 0.367 83.41 B 2. Opinion on the discharging result
10 129.77 2.2 0.352 80 A
2.110 0.571
In summary,
11 114.32 2.17 0.339 77.05 A
2.040 0.503 - Twenty cells are regenerated to A-class
12 1.820 4.247 965.23 2.03 0.459 104.32 F - Two cells are regenerated to B-class
13 1.980 0.676 153.64 2.11 0.353 80.23 D - One cell are regenerated to D-class
14 169.09 2.18 0.335 76.14 A - One cell fails to be regenerated.
2.110 0.744
15 2.050 0.489 111.14 2.17 0.34 77.27 A
# 12 cell is not recovered even though its impedance
16 2.050 0.590 134.09 2.18 0.336 76.36 A
approached to near brand-new level, while #19 is
17 2.110 0.642 145.91 2.18 0.338 76.82 A recovered
18 2.050 0.643 146.14 2.18 0.344 78.18 A near to brand-new level after regeneration. This mean that
19 2.050 0.466 105.91 2.18 0.497 112.95 A #12 has some problem inside.
20 2.050 0.592 134.55 2.18 0.346 78.64 A
Now, when we consider the impedance and
21 2.050 0.576 130.91 2.17 0.345 78.41 A discharging data, we can strongly recommend 21 cells
22 2.110 0.597 135.68 2.2 0.34 77.27 A with A or B-class except #19 which has relatively
23 134.09 2.18 0.348 79.09 A higher impedance than brand-new level among 24 cells
2.060 0.590
for reuse. Even #19 could be reused but we will try
24 2.100 0.786 178.64 2.19 0.345 78.41
more to reduce the impedance level.
(aver.) (aver.)
Original: 0.44 0.3587 81.525
Case for Korean Telecom Operator A
Tested battery: Korean VGS 420Ah, 2 Volt Gel battery
Regeneration Result
- The discharging capacity is improved from
59.5% level to 92.1% level by regeneration.
. Compared with the brand-new cells’ level (impedance between 0.2~0.35 mΩ, voltage
between 2.2V±0.1v), 17 cells among 24cells (85%) are evaluated to be regenerated to
normal cells, which satisfy our standard for use in the field.
Case for Indonesian Telecom Operator A
Tested battery: Power Plus 600Ah, 2 Volt Gel battery
Average Impedance
before regeneration :
0.584 mΩ (133%)
Average Impedance
after regeneration :
0.482 mΩ (110%)
Regeneration Result
- The discharging capacity is improved from 75.0% level to 94.3% level by regeneration.
Case for Indonesian Telecom Operator B
. Tested Battery Information: BAE, Germany/ Capacity : 12v 115AH/ Type: GEL (UPS)
Original Impedance : 9mΩ
Impedance-before vs.
Impedance – Impedance – Impedance-before vs.
No. Voltage (V) original impedance
before (9mΩ) after original impedance
( mΩ) (%) ( mΩ) (9mΩ)
1 12.7 11.5 127.778 6.113 67.92%
2 1
12.4 0
17.5 %
195.111 6.765 75.17%
3 9
12.7 6
12.3 %
137.667 6.096 67.73%
4 0
12.7 9
11.9 %
133.222 6.395 71.06%
5 4
12.0 9
37.0 %
411.333 14.09 156.55%
6 9
12.2 2
32.9 %
366.111 17.28 192.0%
7 6
12.0 5
15.2 %
169.778 12.60 140.0%
8 9
12.7 8
16.0 %
178.333 6.24 69.43%
1 5 % 9
INITIAL BATTERY CONDITION : All batteries which were taken from the
warehouse are already considered as SCRAPED. These batteries are below the usable
parameters (not enough capacity to hold current and its
way below the expected Discharging Time) and categorized as UNUSABLE.
1.REMEDY/SOLUTION : To change all the 12 batteries to new ones. This means cost and
9 Batteries have been restored & revived and 3 batteries are beyond redemption (Due to severe
sulfation and or internal
Case for Indian Telecom Operator A
Battery Regeneration Worksheet for 330Ah, 2V AGM battery <2012 May>
We can see the improvement of impedance value All the cells passed discharging test.
Case for Australian Telecom Operator
Battery Regeneration Test Result in 2011 June
Case for Ivory Coast Telecom Operator
Battery Regeneration Test Result in 2012 September
Battery Regeneration Report Before Value After Value
After Value
Date :
Cell Voltage mΩ °C Voltage mΩ °C Cell Voltage mΩ °C Voltage mΩ °C