Ncbts Domain 6

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Community Linkages
This domain focuses on the ideal
that classroom activities are
meaningfully linked to the
experiences and aspirations of the
learners in their homes and
Thus, this domain focuses on
teachers’ efforts directed at
strengthening the links between
schools and communities to help in
the attainment of the curricular goals.
What are Community
• Relationship between schools and
local communities
• Connections between school and
community resources
• Can help orient new teachers
• Does not mean a “folk curriculum”
It involves:
• The use of school or neighborhood facilities
and equipment;
• Sharing other resources;
• Collaborative fund raising and grant
• Volunteer assistance;
• Mentoring and training from professionals
and others with special expertise;
• Information sharing and dissemination;
• Networking;
• Recognition and public relations;
• Shared responsibility for internships, jobs, and
• Building a sense of community
What can Community
Linkages do?
• Can interconnect together many
resources and strategies to
enhance communities that
support all youth and their families;
• Could improve schools;
• Strengthen neighborhoods;
• Lead to a noticeable reduction in
young people’s problem (future).
Why do we need
Community Linkages?
• To enhance effectiveness;
• To provide a comprehensive,
multifaceted, and integrated
continuum of interventions; and
• To support all youth and families
Community Linkages

Strand: Establishes learning

environments that respond
to the aspirations of the
Performance Indicators Code of Ethics
6.1.1 Involves community in Article III
sharing accountability for the (The Teacher and The
learners’ achievement Community)
Sec 1. A teacher is a facilitator of
learning and of the
development of the youth; he
shall, therefore, render the best
service by providing an
environment conducive to such
learning and growth.

6.1.2 Uses community resources Sec 2. Every teacher shall

(human, material) to support provide leadership and
learning initiative to actively participate
in community movements for
moral, social, educational,
economic, and civic betterment.
Performance Indicators Code of Ethics
6.1.3 Uses the community as a Sec 4. Every teacher shall live for
laboratory for learning and with the community and shall,
therefore, study and understand
local customs and traditions in
order to have sympathetic attitude,
therefore, refrain from disparaging
the community.

6.1.4 Participates in the community Sec 6. Every teacher is intellectual

activities that promote learning leader in the community, especially
in the barangay, and shall welcome
the opportunity to provide such
leadership when needed, to extend
counselling services, as
appropriate, and to actively be
involved in matters affecting the
welfare of the people.
Performance Indicators Code of Ethics

6.1.5 Uses community networks Sec 7. Every teacher shall

to publicize school events and maintain harmonious and
achievements pleasant personal and official
relations with other
professionals, with government
officials, and with the people,
individually or collectively.
6.1.6 Encourages students to Article VIII
apply classroom learning to the (The Teacher and Learners)
Sec 2. A teacher shall recognize
that the interest and welfare of
the learners are his and
foremost concern, and shall
handle each learner justly and

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